Roman Republic to Roman Empire Flashcards
Gaius Marius
a strong military leader who re-organized Roman’s legions by allowing poor to enlist / elected consul 7 times / supported popularis
founder and first king of Rome | son of Mars along with twin, Remus who he later kills to finish a dispute about where Rome should be / raised by wolves
a group of Celtic people inhabiting a region of Western Europe (Gaul) - modern day France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, etc. / tribal societies, warrior culture | non-Romans
Scipio Africanus
Roman military commander who attacked Africa (thus the name) and Spain and beat Carthage (Hannibal)| Big role in BATTLE OF ZAMA
Manipular Legion
a military formation organized into three main lines: Hastati, Principes, Triarii divided into Maniples / allowed army to adapt to different types of combat / new tactical system | STRONGERR
adopted by Nerva to avoid civil war / first non-Italian emperor (Spain) –> further expands what it means to be emperor | Trajan’s column to commemorate Dacian Wars
Tribune of the Plebs
a key office in the Roman Republic / those elected as tribunes could veto actions and were inviolable / elected by lower class (plebs)
First Triumvirate
an informal political alliance between Rome’s most powerful figures: Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great, and Marcius Licinius Crassus, with money, power, legitimacy
a key Roman virtue regarding devotion to FAMILY, STATE, and RELIGION
Cleopatra VII
skilled politician with Alexander the Great lineage / created alliance and a relationship w/ Caesar and Anthony
Battle of Actium
battle between Octavian and Mark Antony + Cleopatra –> collapse of Antony and Cleopatra’s power and led to their suicides
a conservative political group in the late Roman Republic, w/ interests of aristocratic patrician class and the Roman Senate | “the best men”
Cornelius Sulla
opposite political views from Gaius Marius / an aristocrat who came from new money / established himself a dictator for two years to “fix” Rome, but it doesn’t work / LED THE OPTIMATES
Pyrrhus of Epirus
a Greek king and general, known for his conflicts with Rome / king of Epirus and a descendent of Achilles
the highest-ranking elected officials who held executive authority / two consuls elected annually by the Roman people
“The Creep” - successful politician and second emperor of Rome | step-son of Augustus | becomes paranoid and lived out on an island and was rumored to have orgy parties and getting children to bathe with him
Battle of Zama
decisive confrontation of the Second Punic War between Roman forces and Carthaginian army | marked the end of a 17-year conflict | Ended Hannibal’s reign on Carthage, led by Scorpio Africus
Pater Familias
the male head of the Roman household, w/ lead authority over family (+ slaves) / central to Roman social structure and law
Battle of Philippi
series of two battles fought between the Second Triumvirate (Mark Antony, Octavian, Lepidus) and the assassins of Julius Caesar (Brutus and Cassius) –> battle to avenge Julius Caesar
title used by Octavian meaning “first citizen” | avoids tyranny and brings stability using a more “humble” title
Julius Caesar
Roman general who resulted in the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire / key member of First Triumvirate / conquest of Gaul
Caligulas’s lame uncle made emperor after his nephew’s assassination / returns peace and prosperity to Rome and occupies Britain / murdered by niece/wife to make NERO (crazy) emperor
dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner / moral integrity
virtue, courage, and excellence / broader sense of moral integrity / pietas, graivtas, fides
Damnatio Memoriae
obliteration of the memory of a Roman emperor’s rule due to being highly disliked by the people / senate | removes statues, coinage, etc. or anything that reminds people of emperor
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
first imperial dynasty of Roman Empire founded by Emperor Augustus starting with Augustus and ending with Nero
the common people of ancient Rome / mainly farmers, craftsmen, laborers, and merchants
first emporer of Rome | the “Illustrious One” / Octavian’s new name following triumph at Battle of Actium
Third Servile War
(Gladitorial War) largest and most famous slave rebellion in Roman history, led by the gladiator, Spartacus.
one of wealthiest men in Rome and a key figure in First Triumvirate