High Medieval to Early Moderna Flashcards
Peasants’ Crusade
crusade not led by nobles/king / 30,000 peasants to disaster in Asia Minor
Ferdinand V and Isabella I
Spanish “Catholic monarchs” who contribute to much of European exploration / first monarchs referred to as the king and queen of Spain
Third Crusade
attempt to retake Jerusalem from Saladin / ultimately a failure / “King’s Crusade” / attempted by 3 kings
strong, charismatic Muslim leader who recaptured Jerusalem
Western Schism
a time when 3 popes had been elected causing people the question the legitimacy of the popes / created major religious and political rifts
Gregory XI
moves papacy back to Rome / the last pope of French nationality
Medieval servants attached to the land
Sultanate of Delhi
the permanent rule the Turks established in India
(tenth dynasty) - overthrows Mongol rule in China / establishes absolute monarchy / finalizes Great Wall of China / creates largest standing army / leads China into early modern period
Richard I
“The Lionheart” / worked with French ruler (Philip II Augustus) at Third Crusade, but failed and resorted to peace
strong warlord / great ruler
Philip IV
the “Fair” / French king who resented papal overreach
a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for labor
Turkish religious practices that revolve around special priests: shamans - possess supposed magical powers, emphasize ritual, divination, healing to engage w/ natural spiritual world
Clement V
French pope who moved the papacy to Avignon, France / one of the three popes during the Western Schism
Golden Horde
a Mongol Khanate ruled by Batu Khan in present day Russia
tribal chiefdoms ruled by a khan
mighty empire of South America with skilled builders / unify rule over Andes
Boniface VIII
ambitious pope who issued Unam Sanctumm (pope must be obeyed in all matters - even by kings and refusal would result in eternal damnation)
Silk Road
largest, most lucrative land-based trade network in world connecting east to west
Crusader kingdoms
four feudal kingdoms established in Jerusalem after the first crusade - Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, Jerusalem
a feudal tenant’s sworn loyalty to a lord
pope elected in opposition to another, unfavored pope
might empire of Mesoamerica with skilled warriors
submission to political power / becoming a vassal
Khubilai Khan
Genghis Khan’s grandson / establishes Yuan Dynasty / successfully expands into SE Asia but fails to conquer
leading intellectual and founder of Italian Renaissance who renewed Humanism who favored critical thinking over doctrine and faith
fanatics who whipped and mutilated themselves to share Christ’s pain during the Black Death to try and please God
dynasty started by Henry Tudor / guided England into early modern era / includes Henry VIII and Elizabeth I
Martin Luther
German Friar who desired change and reform in the Catholic church due to the corruption / published “Ninety-five Theses” and was excommunicated, leading to the Protestant Reformation