Key Figures and Events Exam 1 terms Flashcards
Heavily armed foot soldiers of Ancient Greece
Xerxes I
Persian King who saught vengeance on Athens and Greece | famous for his massive invasion of Greece during the Greco-Persian wars where he captured Athens, but was ultimately defeated
Prophetic Movement
religious movement in ancient Israel characterized by the role of prophets delivering messages from God to the people
Author Evans
British archaeologist who uncovered Knossos on Crete, aiding in the recovery of Minoan civilization
Ancient Greek poet, considered earliest Greek writer, known for ‘Theogony’ and ‘Works of Days’ | “father of Greek didactic poetry” | wrote about aspects of Greek culture
Sea Peoples
confederation of naval raiders who attacked ancient Mediterranean civilizations during the late Bronze Age, led to collapse of several empires
Ancient Greek poet known for ‘The Illiad’ and ‘The Odyssey’ / narratives shapes literary traditions
Trojan War
legendary conflict between Troy and Greek states despicted in the ‘Illiad’
Phillip II
King of Macedon known for unifying Greece and being the father of Alexander the Great
Delian League
military assistant pact for ships/money | Greek city-states, many neutral cities forced to join after Greco-Persian Wars
Ancient city in Greece at the center of Mycenaean civilization known for luxurious structures and early Greek culture
Greek term for a contest, conflict, or formal debate
Rigorous education and training program taken by Spartan boys focusing on discipline, military skills, and endurance
Linear A
undeciphered script used by the Minoans in Crete
political process in Ancient Athens where citizens could vote to exile someone from the city for ten years if they endangered democracy, aimed at potential tyrants
Peloponnesian War
long-lasting conflict between Athens and Spartans along with their respective allies, led to downfall of Athens | led to shifts of power in Greece
Ancient Anatolian people who established a powerful empire known for advances in chariotry and diplomacy
one of the oldest monotheistic religions centered around Yahweh and the Torah
Ancient Athenian statesman known as the ‘Father of Athenian Democracy’
central reference of religious Judaic tradition, last 5 books of Hebrew bible
common dialect of Greek that emerged after the conquests of Alexander in the Hellenistic World
Greek general known for leading Athenians to victory at the Battle of Marathon
Mycenaean people known for their culture, trade, influence on later Greek civilization
high-ranking officials in Ancient Athens responsible for aspects of governance; held most power
Spartan slaves
name of god in Judaism
Trojan Cycle
collection of Ancient Greek myths and stories about the Trojan War involving characters like Achilles and Odysseus
Hellenic League
70 city-states bonding together against Persians (Athens and Spartans) during Greco-Persian Wars
(of Alexandria) King of Sparta known for leadership at Battle of Thermopylae where soldiers fought a much larger Persian army
Ancient Greek warship known for speed and agility, equipped with bronze points for destroying enemy ships