Roman Republic and Empire Institutions. Flashcards
Who has power in 507 BCE ?
(Patriciens and Generals before ushering). The Republic but then :
Senate, Consuls and Magistrates.
The Senate is
A Body of appointed Patricians that Exercise Autoritas and can become Consuls (2).
Byzantium becomes Capital of Empire when
Diocletian Divides the empire in 287 AD
Magistrats are nominated
By votes of the Comices. They Are a College and work all year long.
Christianty is Authorized by
Constantin in 318 AD.
Rome falls by
Conquest by Odoaccre of the Herule.
Crisis of the Empire happens by
Recolts and institutional crises.
In the 4 Century BCE the Emperor is
Considered elected by God.
Under the Empire the Senate is
Is Controlled by the Emperor !
Comices are
Political assemblies of Male Citizens that vote lege rogatore and elect Magistrates for 1 year and elect again.
Roman Empire does what with institutions of the Republic ?
Prolonges them keeps em.
Senators do :
Hold the Budget, military operations and cults and are nominated by the Consuls at first and them by the Censeur Magistrat.
Roman Emperor comes to power by :
Senate decision.
Magistrates are :
- Censors (elected each 5 years to work 18months Straight and do a Census of the plebeian).
- Consuls (Leaders that enact Senate affairs and command the Army they are 2 nominated by Senators 1 year term and cannot serve another for 10 year).
- Preators (will do Preatorian Law).
- Edyles (Sanitation and Urbanization).
- Questors (Financial Topics and Taxes, budget for the Senate’s working)
Edit de Milan et Thessalonique permit :
Code of Hammourabi :
Babylonian Code eye for an eye done in 1760 BCE.
Rome’s weakening is due to :
Expansion and weakening institutions (big population and barbaric tribes, magistrates cannot plan fir the future because of their one year term, revolts of Slaves and Plebeians and Barbaric non-citizen people).
Born church is founded upon :
Bible and Roman Law.
Emperor has :
Potestas and puissance tribunicienne.
Institutionnal equilibrium of Empire is based upon :
Emperor army and senate.
Magistratures under empire are :
Honorific titles.
Princeps Emperor is :
The First Citizen
Dominat Emperor is :
Prime Legislator.