Carolingian Dynasty. Flashcards
Give to a person the power to administer a territory (County Dukedom). Completed by bénéfice.
Compte ou noble gouvernant un territoire au marche de l’empire. And it is a Military rank (farthest away from the king).
Acte de Coulaine (843 AD)
After the Partage or Traité de Verdun (843 AD) by Louis le Pieux, his son Charles le Chauve acted this to promise to the Seigneur Land and their Rights to have their support. Promises Peace and Justice.
Are the 1rst Servitors of the King. And a Military Rank (most close to the King).
Plaids de printemps
Reassemble the Counts around the King in the Beginning of Spring. And other times in the year there are other Plaid it is a way to reunite Counts to keep Power.
Dons viagers (life donations) to aristocracy. Become Hereditary. Following the Charles le Chauve.
Decision de Quierzy sur Oise
DEPRIVES Charles le Chauve to NOMINATE COUNTS. And Makes it so that Bénéfice is hereditary.
Ordinatio Imperii (817 AD)
Louis Le Pieux prepares transmission of empire to his 3 sons (finalized by Traité de Verdun 843 AD).
Theory of Pope Gélase
Temporal < Spiritual Powers
Pépin the Brief’s Upbringing
Pope Zacharry says King is the one who Exercise power. Pepin gets elected by Grand Chiefs. Gets Sacralized (twice in truth once by bishop other by pope with his family).
Ministerium Regis
King has to be Protector Humble Good Peaceful and Pious towards his population.
Charlemagnes’ Era the King is (in relation to Church)
Mesiator between Population and God. And has Temporal and Spiritual Powers. And interferes in Religious affairs.
Seigneurie made by
Local War-Lords.
Charlemagnes is Crowned emperor
Because Huge territory and saved the Pope Paschal from Roman Nobility’s schemes.
Made in Normandy, Flanders, Aquitaine, Burgundy and are giverned by a Princelet.
Missi Dominici
2 envoyees by the King on the Territory to survey the Counties.
Vassality prolonges
Leudesamium of the Merovingians (the Populace oaths the king).
Sénéchale et maréchal
Appear in this era.
Robertiens or future Capétiens
Are Counts of Paris and defend it well and will mount on the throne by election twice before completely at the death of Louis le fainéant take the throne.
Carolingian maintain
The Organization of the Administration similar to the Merovingians.
Weakening of the Carolingian Dynasty by passing from
Hereditary to Elective Monarchy (Robertiens that take power and back to them etc.).
COUNTS are NAMED in the