Roman History Flashcards
Which Roman emperor received the nickname “Graeculus”?
Fun Fact: Graeculus which his friends gave to the Roman emperor Hadrian. It means “Little Greek”, reflecting the fact that Hadrian had a long fascination with Greece and the Greeks.
On what day of history was the Roman emperor Hadrian said to have been born?
January 24th, 76 AD
Fun Fact: Publius Aelius Hadrianus was born on January 24th, 76 AD, in Rome, or perhaps in Spain: we don’t know this for sure. On the death of his father he was adopted by Trajan at an early age and was coached into the role of emperor. He served with Trajan in various campaigns including the Dacian wars and held various positions in his entourage. His official adoption as successor was announced after Trajan’s death in 117 AD, though Hadrian’s promotion to emperor was made difficult as he was disliked by some leading senators: in the process four ex-consuls were killed, accused of plotting against him. Hadrian had interests in performing arts and architecture, and his villa at Tivoli was his refuge. He spent much of his time visiting far off outposxts of the empire and strengthening its boundaries. His wall in northern England is famous but he also constructed a similar frontier system in Germany. Other visits took him to Spain, Greece, North Africa, Turkey and Egypt. Exhausted by travels, he returned to Rome where he appointed Aurelius Antoninus as his successor in early 138 AD. He died in the same year and was buried in his mausoleum, later renamed Castel Sant’ Angelo.
Give the full name for the father of the Roman emperor Hadrian.
Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer
Fun Fact: Aelius Hadrianus Afer was a Roman senator, who owned land in Spain, in the area of Italica, near modern day Seville. He was the cousin of Trajan and the father of the future Emperor Hadrian, though he died while the boy was still young.
In what area of Spain did Afer, the father of the Roman emperor Hadrian, supposedly own land?
Fun Fact: Italica was a wealthy and important town, near modern day Seville in Spain. It was where the future Emperor Hadrian grew up.
Who was the mother of the Roman emperor Hadrian?
Fun Fact: Hadrian’s mother was called Paulina, who came from the coastal town of Cadiz, called Gades in Roman times.
Who was the sister of the Roman emperor Hadrian?
Domitia Paulina
Fun Fact: Domitia Paulina was Hadrian’s sister, who was about one year older than him. She was the daughter of Paulina and became the wife of Servianus.
Give the full name for the cousin of Hadrian who became emperor of Rome in 98 AD.
Marcus Ulpius Trajanus
Fun Fact: Marcus Ulpius Traianus was born in around 53 AD in Spain. In his early career he served in Syria, Spain and Germany. He was adopted by the Emperor Nerva in 97 AD and succeeded him on his death a year later. Trajan was an extremely successful Emperor who brought together the senate and the people behind many of the works he undertook. His wars in Dacia, north of the Danube, led to ceasefire in 102 AD and more significant success in 105 AD. The leader of the Dacians, Decebalus, was driven to commit suicide and this was up-held as one of Trajan’s finest achievements. Trajan’s column depicts the two Dacian campaigns and served as the emperor’s mausoleum. Trajan undertook campaigns against the Parthians in Mesopotamia in 115 and 116 AD, though little long term benefit arose from these. Before he could return to Rome, however, he died in 117 AD in Cilicia. His reputation stood high with the people as he had strengthened Rome’s borders while ruling firmly and well. He was the guardian of Hadrian and was married to Plotina. He was also the cousin of Afer, Hadrian’s father.
What is family name of the Roman emperor Trajan?
Fun Fact: The Ulpius family was the family of the emperor Trajan.
Who was the wife of the Roman emperor Trajan?
Fun Fact: Plotina was the wife of the emperor Trajan. Her great love for Hadrian probably helped him become emperor more than anything else.
Italica was a town near which modern day city?
Seville, Spain
What is the meaning of the nickname “Graeculus”?
“Little Greek”
Fun Fact: Graeculus which his friends gave to the Roman emperor Hadrian. It means “Little Greek”, reflecting the fact that Hadrian had a long fascination with Greece and the Greeks.
Why was the Roman emperor Hadrian receive the nickname “Graeculus”?
Hadrian had a lifelong fascination with Greece and the Greeks
Give the full birth name for the Roman emperor Hadrian.
Publius Aelius Hadrian(us)
After the death of his father, Hadrian was adopted by which future Roman emperor?
When was the announcement of Hadrian’s official adoption as successor to the imperial throne?
After the death of Trajan in 117 AD
Fun Fact: Hadrian’s promotion to emperor was made difficult as he was disliked by some leading senators: in the process four ex-consuls were killed, accused of plotting against him.
Where did Hadrian famously have a villa which served as his refuge?
Fun Fact: Hadrian had interests in performing arts and architecture. This villa was used to house a lot of his artistic interests.
Where would you find “Hadrian’s Wall”?
northern England
Fun Fact: He constructed a similar frontier system in Germany.
Who was the Roman emperor Hadrian’s ultimate successor, and in what year did Hadrian appoint them?
Aurelius Antoninus (Pius); 138 AD
In what year did the Roman emperor Hadrian die?
138 AD
What is the modern name for Hadrian’s Mausoleum?
Castel Sant’ Angelo
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Augustus.
27 BC - 14 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Tiberius.
14 AD - 37 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Caligula.
37 AD - 41 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Claudius.
41 AD - 54 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Nero.
54 AD - 68 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Galba.
68 AD - 69 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Otho.
69 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Vitellius.
69 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Vespasian.
69 AD - 79 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Titus.
79 AD - 81 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Domitian.
81 AD - 96 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Nerva.
96 AD - 98 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Trajan.
98 AD - 117 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Hadrian.
117 AD - 138 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Antoninus Pius.
138 AD - 161 AD
Give the years for the reign of the emperor Marcus Aurelius.
161 AD - 180 AD
Whose rule ended in 79 AD?
Whose rule began in 14 AD?
Whose rule began in 81 AD?
Whose rule began in 79 AD?
Who ruled from 14 AD - 37 AD?
Whose rule began in 41 AD?
Who ruled from 98 AD - 117 AD?
Who ruled from 41 AD - 54 AD?
Who ruled from 27 BC - 14 AD?
Whose rule ended in 117 AD?
Whose rule ended in 138 AD?
Whose rule began in 117 AD?
Who ruled from 81 AD - 96 AD?
Whose rule began in 37 AD?
Whose rule ended in 180 AD?
Marcus Aurelius
Who ruled from 54 AD - 68 AD?
Who ruled from 117 AD - 138 AD?
Whose rule ended in 54 AD?
Who ruled from 37 AD - 41 AD?
Whose rule ended in 68 AD?
Whose rule began in 161 AD?
Marcus Aurelius
Who ruled from 79 AD - 81 AD?
Whose rule ended in 37 AD?
Whose rule began in 68 AD?
Who ruled from 68 AD - 69 AD?
Whose rule began in 54 AD?
Whose rule ended in 14 AD?
Who ruled from 161 AD - 180 AD?
Marcus Aurelius
Whose rule began in 138 AD?
Antoninus Pius
Whose rule ended in 41 AD?
Whose rule ended in 161 AD?
Antoninus Pius
Whose rule began in 98 AD?
Whose rule began in 27 BC?
Who ruled from 138 AD - 161 AD?
Antoninus Pius
Whose rule ended in 98 AD?
Whose rule ended in 96 AD?
Who ruled from 96 AD - 98 AD?
Whose rule ended in 81 AD?
Who ruled from 69 AD - 79 AD?
Whose rule began in 96 AD?
Which dynasty consisted of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero?
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Which group consisted of Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian?
Year of Four Emperors
Which dynasty consisted of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian?
Flavian Dynasty
Which group consisted of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius?
Five Good Emperors
Which group consisted of Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus, Septimius Severus?
Year of Five Emperors
Which dynasty consisted of Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, Macrinus, Elagabalus, and Severus Alexander?
Severan Dynasty
Which group ruled from 96 AD - 180 AD?
Five Good Emperors
Give the years of the Severan Dynasty.
193 AD - 235 AD
Name the members, in order, of the Five Good Emperors.
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius
Name the members, in order, of the Flavian Dynasty.
Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian
Which group ruled in 69 AD?
Year of Four Emperors
Give the years of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.
27 BC - 68 AD
Give the years of the Flavian Dynasty.
69 AD - 96 AD
Which members of the Year of Five Emperors did not actually count as emperors?
Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus
Name the members, in order, of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.
Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero
Name the members, in order, of the Year of Five Emperors.
Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus, Septimius Severus
Which dynasty ruled from 27 BC - 68 AD?
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Which dynasty ruled from 69 AD - 96 AD?
Flavian Dynasty
Give the Year of Four Emperors.
69 AD
Give the years of the Five Good Emperors.
96 AD - 180 AD
Which dynasty ruled from 193 AD - 235 AD?
Severan Dynasty
Which emperor, though not typically included in the Five Good Emperors, co-ruled with Marcus Aurelius?
Lucius Verus
Name the members, in order, of the Year of Four Emperors.
Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian
Give the Year of Five Emperors.
193 AD
Name the members, in order, of the Severan Dynasty.
Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, Macrinus, Elagabalus, and Severus Alexander
Which group ruled in 193 AD?
Year of Five Emperors
Who did the Romans fight against in the Punic Wars?
How many Punic Wars were there?
Give the years for the First Punic War.
264 BC - 241 BC
Give the years for the Third Punic War.
149 BC - 146 BC
Which war was fought from 264 BC - 241 BC?
First Punic War
Which war was fought from 149 BC - 146 BC?
Third Punic War
Which war was fought from 218 BC - 201 BC?
Second Punic War
Give the years for the Second Punic War.
218 BC - 201 BC
How many Roman Kings were there?
Name the Seven Roman Kings in order.
Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and Tarquinius Superbus
Who was the fifth king of Rome?
Tarquinius Priscus
Who was the fourth king of Rome?
Ancus Marcius
Who was the third king of Rome?
Tullus Hostilius
Who was the first king of Rome?
Who was the sixth king of Rome?
Servius Tullius
Who was the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Who was the seventh king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
How many forms of government were there throughout Rome’s history?
Name Rome’s three forms of government, in order.
Monarchy, Republic, and Empire
Give the years of the Roman Monarchy.
753 BC - 510 BC
Give the years of the Roman Republic.
509 BC - 27 BC
Give the years of the Rome Empire.
27 BC - 476 AD
Give the traditional date for the founding of Rome
April 21, 753 BC
Who were the parents of Romulus?
Mars and Rhea Silvia
Who was the father of Rhea Silvia?
Who was the twin brother of Romulus?
Which couple raised Romulus and Remus?
Faustulus the shepherd and Acca Laurentia
Who was the maternal grandfather of Romulus and Remus?
Where was Numitor king?
Alba Longa
What man usurped the Alban throne from his brother Numitor?
Who returned to Alba Longa to reclaim the throne for Amulius?
Romulus and Remus
Where did Romulus build his city?
The Palatine Hill
Where did Remus build his city?
The Aventine Hill
Who was Romulus’ wife?
With whom did Romulus co-rule?
Titus Tatius
From where was Titus Tatius originally?
What was Romulus called after his death?
Which king traditionally brought the first significant amount of religion to Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Which king traditionally introduced the calendar?
Numa Pompilius
Who was the consort of Numa Pompilius?
What unique characteristic did Egeria possess?
She was supposedly a nymph
Which town did Tullus Hostilius traditionally destroy?
Alba Longa
Who was king of Alba Longa whilst Tullius Hostilius was king?
Mettius Fufetius
Which two sets of triplets fought to settle the dispute between Rome and Alba Longa?
Horatii (Roman) vs. Curiatii (Alban)
Which set of triplets won in the battle between Rome and Alba Longa?
What building did Tullus Hostilius traditionally build?
Curia (senate house)
What bridge, the first bridge across the Tiber, was Ancus Marcius said to have built?
Pons Sublicius
What is the meaning of the name “Priscus”?
the Elder
Who was the wife of Tarquinius Priscus?
What plot of land was Tarquinius Priscus said to have altered?
He drained the Forum
What large project did Tarquinius Priscus traditionally said to have begun?
Circus Maximus
Which king was supposedly born a slave?
Servius Tullius
Which king traditionally built the first wall around Rome?
Servius Tullius (the Servian Wall)
Who killed Servius Tullius?
His daughter Tullia and her later husband Tarquinius Superbus
What does “Superbus” mean?
The Proud
What great sewer did Tarquinius Superbus construct?
Cloaca Maxima
Who were the first two Roman consuls, thus initiating the Roman Republic?
Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus
Who was the wife of Collatinus?
Describe the Tragedy of Lucretia.
She was raped by Tarquinius Superbus’ son; she told her husband Collatinus, and then she killed herself
Which two men lead the charge to remove Tarquinius Superbus and his family from power, thus ending the Roman Monarchy?
Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus
After being chased off the throne, from which people did Tarquinius Superbus seek help?
Who was king of the Etruscans when Tarquinius Superbus had been deposed?
Lars Porsenna
What was the capital city of Etruria during the reign of Lars Porsenna?
What man fought the Etruscans single-handedly on the Pons Sublicius?
Horatius Cocles
On which bridge did Horatius single-handedly fight an Etruscan army?
Pons Sublicius (Sublician Bridge)
What is the meaning of the name “Cocles”?
What man tried to kill Porsenna, was captured, and to prove his bravery, thrust his right arm into a fire?
Gaius Mucius Scaevola
In reaction to Scaevola’s brave deed, what did Porsenna do?
Porsenna released Scaevola for his bravery.
What is the meaning of the name “Scaevola”?
Who, among the Roman girls held captive by Lars Porsenna, swam the Tiber to get back to Rome?
What man defeats the Volscian city of Corioli, is exiled from Rome, then attacks Rome, only to be stopped by the pleas of his mother Veturia and wife Volumnia?
What town does Coriolanus historically defeat?
Volscian town of Corioli
Which two women prevent Coriolanus’ march on Rome?
His mother Veturia and his wife Volumnia
What man was dictator in 458 BC?
For how long was Cincinnatus dictator?
Sixteen Days
What tribe was Cincinnatus asked to fight?
What battle took place in 458 BC, and who were fighting?
Battle of Mount Algidus; Cincinnatus vs. the Aequi; Cincinnatus won
In what year was the Battle of Mount Algidus?
458 BC
What laws were the first codified in Rome?
Twelve Tables
Which years consisted of the writing of the Twelve Tables?
451- 450 BC
What group of men created the Laws of the Twelve Tables?
Who led the decemviri?
Appius Claudius
In which year were the Twelve Tables formally “enacted”?
449 BC
What man defeated the Veii, was later exiled, then finally, when he helped rid Rome of the Gauls, was called pater patriae?
What town near Rome did Camillus defeat?
What battle occurred in 390 BC?
Allia River
Who fought at the Battle of Allia River, and what was the result?
Gaul vs. Rome; Gaul won and sacked Rome
Who was the chief of the Gauls at the Battle of Allia River?
What famous phrase did Brennus say to the Romans when they were complaining about how much they had to give the Gauls?
“Vae Victis” - “Woe to the conquered.”
Caudine Forks (321 BC) and Lautulae (315 BC) were the two most notable Roman defeats in which war?
2nd Samnite War
Name two of the most notable Roman defeats during the 2nd Samnite War, and give their dates.
Caudine Forks (321 BC) and Lautulae (315 BC)
Who was censor in 312 BC?
Appius Claudius Caecus
What two structures did Appius Claudius Caecus famously construct?
Via Appia (Appian Way) and Aqua Appia, the first major Roman Aqueduct
In what year was Appius Claudius Caecus censor, as well as beginning construction on the Via Appia and the Aqua Appia?
312 BC
What battle occurred in 295 BC?
Battle of Sentinum
Who was the general at the Battle of Sentinum?
Decius Mus
What heroic act did Decius Mus undertake at the Battle of Sentinum?
in an act of devotion, known as “devotio”, charged between his cavalry and the Gauls to his death.
In what year did the Battle of Sentinum take place?
295 BC
What Greek king fought the Romans between 280 BC and 275 BC?
Where was Pyrrhus king?
Epirus in Greece
What was the war between Rome and Pyrrhus known as?
Pyrrhic War
With what animal was Pyrrhus the first enemy to fight Rome?
War elephants
What battle took place in 280 BC?
What battle took place in 279 BC?
What battle took place in 275 BC?
What major battle of the Pyrrhic War was considered a “Pyrrhic victory”?
Describe the origin of the phrase “Pyrrhic victory”.
It is a victory that is won but at too heavy a cost. Pyrrhus won the battle of Asculum, but since it cost so many lives to win, he was unable to win the war.
Give the year for the Battle of Beneventum.
275 BC
Give the year for the Battle of Heraclea.
280 BC
Give the year for the Battle of Asculum.
279 BC
What man was considered “unbribable” when, as a Roman ambassador, he declined Pyrrhus’ bribe?
Over what area was the First Punic War originally fought?
Messana in Sicily
What aspect to Rome’s military was constructed directly due to the First Punic War?
Their navy
What naval invention gave Rome an upper hand during the First Punic War?
Corvus - gangplank with grappling hook on its end
What was Rome’s first naval victory?
In which year did the Battle of Mylae take place?
260 BC
What battle ends the First Punic War?
Aegates Islands
In which year did the Battle of the Aegates Islands take place?
241 BC
What event initiated the Second Punic War?
Hannibal crossed the Ebro River in Spain
Over a two-year period at the beginning of the Second Punic War, Rome lost a series of four major battles. Name the four in order and their years.
Ticinus River - 218 BC; Trebia River - 218 BC; Lake Trasimene - 217 BC; Cannae - 216 BC
Which battle of the Second Punic War marked Rome’s greatest defeat?
Battle of Cannae
Where was the final battle of the Second Punic War?
In which year did the Battle of Zama take place?
202 BC
Who fought at the Battle of Zama, and what was the result?
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal
What did Hannibal’s father make Hannibal swear?
Hannibal must always hate the Romans
What name was Publius Cornelius Scipio given after the victory at Zama?
What battle takes place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
Who fought at the Battle of Pydna, and what was the result?
Roman Aemilius Paulus defeats Perseus of Macedon
What man won the Third Punic War for Rome?
Scipio Aemilianus
What man ended each of his speeches with a rally cry asking for the end of Carthage, and what was that phrase?
Cato the Elder; “Carthago delenda est.” - Carthage must be destroyed.
What kingdom was bequeathed to Rome in 133 BC and by which king?
Pergamum; king Attalus III
What tribune of 133 BC was tried to run for a second term but shortly after being elected was killed?
Tiberius Gracchus
What type of policy is Tiberius Gracchus known to have pushed?
agrarian (land) reform
Which tribune of 121 BC was the brother of Tiberius Gracchus?
Gaius Gracchus
Who is the mother of the “Gracchi Brothers”?
Who is the famous grandfather of the “Gracchi Brothers”?
Scipio Africanus
What did Cornelia call her sons?
her gemmae (gems)
Give the years of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus’ final tribunal positions.
133 BC and 121 BC (respectively)
Who was consul seven times?
When was the Battle of Aquae Sextiae?
102 BC
Who defeated the Teutones at Aquae Sextiae in 102 BC?
When was the Battle of Vercellae?
101 BC
Who defeated the Cimbri at Vercellae in 101 BC?
Where did Marius defeat the Teutones in 102 BC?
Aquae Sextiae
Where did Marius defeat the Cimbri in 101 BC?
Who did Marius defeat at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae in 102 BC?
Who did Marius defeat at the Battle of Vercellae in 101 BC?
How many times was Marius consul?
In the civil war between Marius and Sulla, what side did each take?
Marius - populares; Sulla - optimates
What years was Sulla dictator?
81 BC - 79 BC
Give the years of the Third Servile War.
73 BC - 71 BC
What slave lead the revolt that ultimately became the Third Servile War?
Who defeated Spartacus, but also, who aided in the defeat and ultimately received more credit than he deserved?
Crassus defeated him, but Pompey finished it and therefore got “extra credit”
When was the first consulship of Crassus and Pompey?
70 BC
What law gave Pompey command over pirates in the Mediterranean, and in what year was it passed?
Lex Gabinia - 67 BC
What law gave Pompey command against Mithridates VI, and in what year was it passed?
Lex Manilia - 66 BC
Where was Mithridates VI king?
Name the 5 significant events of 63 BC.
Octavian was born, Julius Caesar becomes Pontifex Maximus, Cicero is consul, the conspiracy of Catiline occurs, and Mithridates VI dies.
Who was consul with Cicero?
Antonius Hybrida
Name the members of the First Triumvirate and the year it begins.
Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar; 60 BC
In what year was Julius Caesar consul, and who was consul with him?
59 BC; Bibulus
Where was Caesar’s most famous military campaign?
Gaul (and Britain)
When did Caesar fight in Gaul (and Britain)?
58 BC - 52 BC
Where and in what year did the members of the First Triumvirate meet to reestablish the First Triumvirate?
Luca (modern day Lucca) in 56 BC
After the meeting of the triumvirs in Luca, where was each member sent?
Caesar sent back to Gaul, Pompey sent to Spain, and Crassus sent to Asia Minor
Give the year for the second consulship of Pompey and Crassus.
55 BC
Who does Caesar defeat at Alesia in 52 BC?
Who is sole consul in 52 BC?
Who was killed by the followers of Milo in 52 BC?
In what year did Caesar cross the Rubicon River?
49 BC
What was famously said by Caesar when he crossed the Rubicon?
“Alea iacta est” - the die is cast (“I have made my decision”)
When was the Battle of Pharsalus?
48 BC
Who won the Battle of Pharsalus?
Caesar defeats Pompey
After the Battle of Pharsalus, what happens to Pompey?
Pompey escapes to Alexandria, only to be killed by the Egyptians
What year was the Battle of Zela?
47 BC
Who won the Battle of Zela?
Caesar defeats Pharnaces
What phrase was Caesar known to have said after the Battle of Zela?
“Veni, Vidi, Vici” - I came, I saw, I conquered
What year was the Battle of Munda?
45 BC
Who won the Battle of Munda?
Caesar defeats the sons of Pompey
In which province can you find Munda?
Hispania (Spain)
In which year is Caesar named dictator for life?
44 BC
On what date was Caesar killed?
Ides of March (March 15), 44 BC
Who killed Caesar?
a group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius
Name the members of the Second Triumvirate and the year it begins.
Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian; 43 BC
Which triumvirate was not legal?
the First Triumvirate
What law made the Second Triumvirate legal?
Lex TItia
When was the Battle of Philippi?
42 BC
Who won the Battle of Philippi?
Octavian and Antony defeat Brutus and Cassius
In which province can you find Philippi?
Graecia (Greece)
When was the Battle of Actium?
31 BC
Who won the Battle of Actium?
Octavian and Agrippa defeat the forces of Antony and Cleopatra
After the Battle of Actium, what significant event had been achieved?
Octavian has the only army in the Mediterranean
Give the official starting date for the Roman Empire.
January 16, 27 BC
What event triggers the start of the Roman Empire?
Octavian returns power to Senate, they name him Augustus; he is given provinces of Egypt, Gaul, Syria
Name the second and third wives of Augustus.
Scribonia and Livia, respectively
Who was the infamous daughter of Augustus and Scribonia?
What kind of values is Augustus traditionally said to have established?
family values
What phrase is used to describe the transition of Rome under its first emperor?
Augustus “found Rome brick and left it marble”.
Describe the tragedy of the Battle of Teutoberg Forest.
in 9 AD, 9 Varus loses three legions in Germany at the battle.
Who did Varus face at the Battle of Teutoberg Forest?
What was Rome’s enemy Arminius also called?
Herman the German
Through another marriage, who is the son of Livia, the third wife of Augustus?
Who was Tiberius’ second wife?
Julia, the daughter of Augustus
What competent general was the nephew of Tiberius?
To where did Tiberius go in exile?
Later in life, where did Tiberius go to retire?
Who was the son of Germanicus who later became emperor?
What was Caligula’s original name?
How did Caligula come across his name, “Caligula”?
Caligula means little boots - his father Germanicus kept Caligula around the camp as a child and therefore developed the name whilst there.
How does Caligula die?
killed by the Praetorian Guard
Which brother of Germanicus later became emperor?
What physical/mental “defects” was Claudius said to have possessed?
had a limp and a tick and pretended to be stupid
How did Claudius come to be placed in the emperorship?
Praetorian Guard chose him
What province did Claudius conquer?
Name Claudius’ third and fourth wives.
Messalina and Agrippina the Younger, respectively
Who were the children of Claudius and Messalina?
Octavia and Britannicus
Through another marriage, who was the son of Agrippina the Younger?
Give Nero’s full original name.
Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
How was Nero related to Claudius?
Nero was Claudius’ step son (later also son-in-law)
Who did Nero first marry?
Octavia, daughter of Claudius
At what age did Nero become emperor?
Sixteen years old
Who were the tutors of Nero?
Seneca (philosopher) and Burrus (military)
In what school of philosophy did Seneca follow?
What event allowed Nero to begin a large construction project?
a great fire in 64 AD
What did Nero build just after the Great Fire of 64 AD?
Domus Aurea
On whom did Nero blame the Great Fire of 64 AD?
Which province led a revolt against Rome under Nero, and who led that revolt?
Britain led by Queen Boudicca
How did Nero die?
What governor backed Galba in the Galba vs. Nero debate?
Julius Vindex
Where was Julius Vindex governor?
Who named Otho princeps?
the praetorian guard in Rome
Who named Vitellius princeps?
the armies in the Lower Rhine (Germany)
Where did Vitellius defeat Otho?
Who named Vespasian princeps?
the armies in the Near East
Vespasian is known for beginning the construction of what famous amphitheater?
When did construction begin on the Colosseum?
70 AD (though physical construction might not have begun until 72 AD)
What economic “tax” did Vespasian introduce in Rome?
pay toilets
Name the two sons of Vespasian.
Titus and Domitian
Arguably Titus’ greatest military conquest was what city and in what year?
Jerusalem in 70 AD
What was built to commemorate Titus’ conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD?
a triumphal arch
In what year was the Colosseum finished and dedicated?
80 AD
What date marks the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?
August 24, 79 AD
What three cities does the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius destroy?
Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae
Of the two sons of Vespasian, which was more known as a cruel ruler?
What phrase is associated with Domitian?
dominus et deus - master and god
What attribute was significant to Nerva?
elderly and the first senator who became emperor
Whom did Nerva adopt?
Against what enemy of Rome did Trajan fight and ultimately win, thus causing a column to be constructed in honor of the victory?
In what year was the Roman Empire at its largest extent?
117 AD
Where was Trajan born?
What passions are attributed to Hadrian?
travel, architecture, and greek things
What legislative change did he make to Italy?
reduced Italy to an imperial province
Between what two regions did Hadrian place a wall?
Britain and Scotland
Which centennial fell under Antoninus Pius’ reign?
900th anniversary of Rome
Whom did Antoninus Pius adopt?
Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus to be co-emperors
Between what years did Marcus Aurelius co-rule with Lucius Verus?
161 AD - 169 AD
What school of philosophy did Marcus Aurelius practice?
Who was the son of Marcus Aurelius?
What mythological figure did Commodus attempt to emulate?
Who famously bought the Roman Empire at an auction and thus became emperor?
Didius Julianus
Whom did Didius Julianus beat out in an auction for the Roman Empire?
How was Sulpicianus related to Pertinax, the predecessor to Didius Julianus?
Sulpicianus was Pertinax’ father-in-law
Where was Septimius Severus born?
Lepcis Magna (Libya)
From where did Septimius Severus begin his march on Rome?
his post in Pannonia
What two men made claims for the Roman Empire before Septimius Severus stopped them?
Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus
By what year had both Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus been defeated by Septimius Severus?
197 AD
Who was the wife of Septimius Severus?
Julia Domna
Name the sons of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna who later became co-emperors.
Caracalla and Geta
How does Geta die, and in what year?
Caracalla kills him in 212 AD
What edict did Caracalla famously pass, and what was significant about it?
Constitutio Antoniniana - gave citizenship to all free men in the Empire
In what year was the Constitutio Antoniniana passed?
212 AD
How does Caracalla die?
Macrinus kills him
What position did Macrinus hold before becoming emperor?
Praetorian Prefect
For what did the name “Elagabalus” stand?
a Syrian sun god
What was Elagabalus’ real name?
At what age did Severus Alexander achieve the throne?
13 years old
Due to being so young when first receiving the title of emperor, Severus Alexander had two women in his life hold the title of regent in his place. Name these two women and their relation to Severus Alexander.
his grandmother Julia Maesa and then his mother Julia Mamaea
How many members were on Severus Alexander’s council in order to help him rule?
What term is given to the emperors over the 50 years which follow the Severan Dynasty?
Barracks Emperors
Which emperor was captured by Shapur I in around 260 AD?
Who becomes queen of Palmyra at death of her husband Odenathus in 268 AD?
Which emperor captures Zenobia and her son Vabalathus at the Battle of Palmyra in 273 AD?
What title was given to Aurelian near the end of his military campaigns?
Restitutor Orbis - Restorer of the World
Which emperor marked the end of the “Barracks Emperors” and established the tetrarchy?
What were the two “positions”of the tetrarchy?
Augusti (Upper) and Caesars (Lower)
Name the four members of the first tetrarchy, and give their positions.
Diocletian and Maximian were Augusti; Galerius and Constantius were Caesars
What year was the Battle of Melvin Bridge?
312 AD
Who did Constantine defeat at Milvian Bridge in 312 AD?
What vision did Constantine see, ensuring him the victory at Milvian Bridge?
In hoc signo vinces - by this sign you shall conquer
What edict was passed in 313 AD and what was significant about it?
Edict of Milan made Christianity legal
To where did Constantine move the capital of the Roman Empire?
Constantinople, formerly called Byzantine and now called Istanbul
What happened to Constantine on his deathbed?
He converted to Christianity
Which emperor passed an edict of toleration in 362 AD ordered the reopening of pagan temples and recalling of exiled Christian Bishops?
Julian (the Apostate)
Which emperor was defeated by Goths at Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD?
Who was the Visigoth who sacked Rome in 410 AD?
Who was the Roman general who stopped Attila the Hun in 451 AD?
In which battle of 451 AD did Aetius stop Atilla the Hun?
Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
Who was the last emperor in the West?
Romulus Augustulus (476 AD)
Who becomes king of Italy after the removal of Romulus Augustulus in 476 AD?
What were Rome and Carthage fighting over during the First Punic War?
Messana (strait between Sicily and Italy)
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 262 BC.
Battle of Agrigentum – land battle
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 261 BC - 260 BC.
Rome builds naval fleet
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 260 BC.
Battle of Mylae - Rome’s first naval victory - Duilius is the admiral
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 256 BC.
Battle of Cape Ecnomus - naval victory - allows Regulus to land in Africa
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 255 BC.
Defeat of Regulus’ army
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 254 BC.
Romans capture Panormus
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 250 BC.
Romans win at Panormus; siege of Lilybaeum
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 249 BC.
Claudius Pulcher’s naval defeat at Drepanum
What bad omen did Claudius Pulcher cause right before the Battle of Drepanum?
he threw the sacred chickens overboard
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 247 BC.
Hamilcar Barca starts Carthaginian offensive in western Sicily
Name and describe the event(s) about the First Punic War that occurred in 241 BC.
Battle of Aegates Islands - Roman naval victory - end of First Punic War
After the First Punic War, Rome claimed its first two provinces. Name them.
1st - Sicily; 2nd - Sardinia and Corsica
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the First Punic War and the Second Punic War that occurred in 237 BC.
Hamilcar moves to Spain
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the First Punic War and the Second Punic War that occurred in 230 BC.
Hasdrubal suceeds Hamilcar in Spain
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the First Punic War and the Second Punic War that occurred in 226 BC.
The Ebro River Treaty between Hasdrubal and Rome (Carthage will stay on one side of the Ebro River in Spain, and Rome will remain on the other)
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the First Punic War and the Second Punic War that occurred in 221 BC.
Hannibal succeeds Hasdrubal
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the First Punic War and the Second Punic War that occurred in 219 BC.
Hannibal besieges Saguntum in Spain on the other side of the Ebro River, thus breaking the treaty
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 218 BC.
Battles of Ticinus River and Trebia River – Rome loses both
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 217 BC.
Romans defeated at Lake Trasimene – though Romans win in a naval battle off the Ebro River
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 216 BC.
battle of Cannae – worst Roman defeat up until then
Who were the two Roman consuls at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro
Which consul dies at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Who was dictator the year before the Battle of Cannae?
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
What does the agnomen “Cunctator” mean?
“the delayer”
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 211 BC.
Hannibal’s march on Rome – defeat of Scipio’s in Spain
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 209 BC.
capture of Carthago Nova (New Carthage)
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 208 BC.
Battle of Baecula
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 207 BC.
Hasdrubal defeated at Battle of Metaurus River
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 206 BC.
Battle of Ilipa
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 204 BC.
Scipio lands in Africa
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 203 BC.
Scipio defeats Syphax and wins Battle of Great Plains – Hannibal recalled to Carthage
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 202 BC.
Scipio defeats Hannibal at the Battle of Zama (in Africa)
Name and describe the event(s) about the Second Punic War that occurred in 201 BC.
peace treaty
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the Second Punic War and the Third Punic War that occurred in 184 BC.
death of Scipio Africanus
Name and describe the event(s) about the period between the Second Punic War and the Third Punic War that occurred in 183 BC.
Hannibal’s suicide
Name and describe the event(s) about the Third Punic War that occurred in 149 BC.
the last year Cato the Elder said, “Carthago delenda est” - Carthage must be destroyed, since he dies in this year
Name and describe the event(s) about the Third Punic War that occurred in 147 BC.
Scipio Aemilianus is placed in command of the siege of Carthage
Name and describe the event(s) about the Third Punic War that occurred in 146 BC.
Carthage is destroyed
Give the date of Julius Caesar’s birth.
July 12, 100 BC
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 63 BC.
elected Pontifex Maximus (chief priest for life)
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 60 BC.
1st triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 59 BC.
1st consulship with Bibulus – he bullied Bibulus into staying home – called year of Julius and Caesar
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 58 BC - 50 BC.
in Gaul and Britain
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 52 BC.
Battle of Gergovia – Vercingetorix (Gaul’s chieftain) defeats Caesar; then Battle of Alesia – Caesar defeats and captures Vercingetorix
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 49 BC.
Caesar crossed Rubicon river with his troops (against orders of the senate) – said, Alea iacta est” the die is cast – start of civil war; then Caesar has his 1st dictatorship
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 48 BC.
Caesar gains his 2nd consulship; then Caesar is defeated at Dyrrhachium by Pompey; then Caesar defeats Pompey at Pharsalus (Greece) – Pompey flees to Alexandria, Egypt and is killed by Egyptians
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 47 BC.
battle of Zela, Caesar beat king Pharnaces – veni, vidi, vici
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 46 BC.
Caesar made dictator for 10 years – won battle of Thapsus
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 45 BC.
Caesar defeats sons of Pompey at Munda (Spain)
Name and describe the event(s) about the life of Julius Caesar that occurred in 44 BC.
Caesar made dictator for life. Killed March 15, 44 BC (the Ides of March) by senators led by Brutus and Cassius.
Name and describe the event(s) about the aftermath of Julius Caesar’s death that occurred in 43 BC.
2nd triumvirate – legal because of Lex Titia – Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
Name and describe the event(s) about the aftermath of Julius Caesar’s death that occurred in 42 BC.
Antony and Octavian defeat Cassius and Brutus at Philippi
Who was promised as a child to be able to accompany his father on an overseas military campaign as long as he swore to never be a friend to Rome?
Born in April of 145 AD, what man, at the age of 48, became the first man born in the province of Africa to hold the imperial throne?
Septimius Severus
What man was the first Etruscan king of Rome and the fifth overall to rule the city?
Tarquinius Priscus
Which king of Rome divided the citizens into classes based on wealth, established the cult of Diana at Rome, and conducted the first census?
Servius Tullius
At what battle in 197 BC did Titus Quinctius Flamininus decisively defeat the forces of the Macedonian ruler Philip V, thus ending the Second Macedonian War?
Battle of Cynoscephalae
Of the four emperors of 69 AD, whose rule was the shortest?
The Lex Sacrata, the law which established the office of tribune, was established after which event in 494/493 BC in which the plebeian class fled Rome to the Mons Sacer?
First Secession of the Plebs
At what battle in 105 BC, the worst Roman defeat since the Battle of Cannae in 216 BC, did a joint force of Cimbri and Teutones defeat the Romans along the banks of the Rhône?
Arausio (Orange)
Which Roman general first became consul in 107 BC and led the war against Jugurtha?
(Gaius) Marius
After coming into Italy from the Alps, this Carthaginian leader defeated the Romans in three major battles between 218 and 216 BC. Name him.
Hannibal (Barca)
Whom did Marius appoint to negotiate the surrender of Jugurtha?
Which tribune was responsible for the exile of Cicero in 58 B.C.?
In which year did Diocletian abdicate?
305 A.D.
What man was prophesized to become king of Rome after his head burst into flames?
Servius Tullius
What man was appointed Praetorian Prefect in 15 AD by the emperor Tiberius?
Lucius Aelius Sejanus
According to legend, one of Numa Pompilius’ first acts as king was to build a temple to which god as an indicator of whether Rome was at peace or at war?
Which Roman emperor was called Verissimus as a child in the court of the emperor Hadrian?
Marcus Aurelius
Which man’s rise to the imperial throne in the third century AD was facilitated by his grandmother Julia Maesa and his mother, Julia Soaemias?
What Roman general, the brother of one Roman emperor and the father of another, died in Syria in 19 A.D.?
What Roman general sacked Numantia in 133 B.C.?
Scipio Aemilianus
What Roman commander, born a peasant in Dalmatia, became sole emperor after defeating Carinus at Margus River in 284 A.D.?
Which emperor of Rome created the Praetorian Guard?
Which king of Rome, son of the Corinthian merchant Demaratus and an Etruscan woman, became aware he was destined for greatness at Rome when an eagle snatched a cap off his head and then returned it?
Tarquinius Priscus
While Trajan’s campaigns in Dacia are certainly more famous, which earlier emperor also fought against the Dacians?
To which consul did the senate grant nearly limitless power in order to suppress Gaius Gracchus and his supporters?
Lucius Opimius
Though he had only one successor, Tiberius had adopted two heirs. One just had the other killed. Name both heirs.
Caligula and Tiberius Gemellus
Which queen earned the Romans’ enmity when she refused to cease the state-sponsorship of piracy in the Adriatic sea?
Which king, who (according to tradition) ruled Rome between 715 and 673 BC, is also said to have established the cult of Vesta and other religious matters?
Numa (Pompilius)
Although Augustus’ struggle to become sole ruler was largely against Marc Antony, Augustus preferred to present the final war as against an eastern ruler. Who?
What mercenary soldiers, who called themselves “Sons of Mars,” drew the Romans into the First Punic War?
When the plebs succeeded for the fifth and final time, to what hill of Rome did they go?
Which Roman monarch is said to have refused to buy the full set of Sibylline books only to purchase a part of them for a greater price later.
Tarquin the Proud/Tarquinius Priscus
What king of Pontus’ forces were defeated by Sulla defeat at several battles in 86 BC?
This emperor, born at Lugdunum in Gaul in 10 BC, was the first emperor born outside of Italy.
Which king of Mauretania betrayed Jugurtha to the Romans in 105 BC?
Bocchus (I)
What emperor held a fake invasion of Britain in which he had his soldiers collect sea shells instead of going to war?
What nephew of the emperor Tiberius recovered the legionary standards lost by Varus?
After the loss of the First Punic War, what Carthaginian general went to Spain to build an empire for Carthage?
Hamilcar (Barca)
What Roman general captured Syracuse in 211B.C.?
(M. Claudius) Marcellus
The First Samnite War resulted from Rome’s alliance with what city?
Which young emperor did Stilico serve as general?
Which emperor of 69 AD was made emperor in Spain?
Who was Caesar’s second wife?
Like many others, Cicero was executed in what type of sanctioned manhunt whereby a price is put on the heads of the condemned whose English name is Latin-derived?
What war did Rome fight because they refused to grant full citizenship to their Italian allies?
Social or Marsic War
Which king of the Vandals invaded Rome in 455 AD?
Which Roman king does Plutarch say was born on the day of the founding of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
The generals Suetonius Paulinus and Aulus Plautius conquered provinces for which Julio-Claudian emperor?
Name 2 of the 3 sons of Constantine the Great that served as Roman emperor.
Constantine II, Constantius II, Constans
What office did Crassus hold in 65 BC, although he resigned along with his colleague because they could not resolve their differences, thus abandoning their eighteen month appointment?
Which early Roman was descended from the Roman king Ancus Marcius and earned the corona civica at the battle of Lake Regillus?
Which two men tried to co-exist in the imperial palace on the Palatine Hill by installing separate entrances and blocking all interconnecting passages, thus spurning their father’s advice of “Agree with each other”?
Caracalla & Geta
The First Punic War probably would have ended fifteen years before it actually did if not for the punitively harsh surrender terms demanded by what Roman leader?
Marcus Atilius Regulus
Which Roman emperor was born on November 17 of 9 AD near Reate in the Sabine country near Rome? He was the first Roman emperor not to have been born a patrician.
What emperor of Rome died while fighting the Parthians in 363 A.D.?
What king of Dacia fought two wars against the Roman Empire?
What law of 445 B.C. legalized marriages between Plebeians and Patricians?
Lex Canuleia
What emperor of Rome was defeated by Decius near Verona in 248 A.D.?
Philip the Arab
What Numidian ally of Rome aided Scipio Africanus during his African campaign and was made king of Numidia following Carthage’s defeat at Zama in 202 BC?
Which two men were appointed emperors by the senate after the deaths of the first two Gordian emperors?
Balbinus and Pupienus
What building, consecrated in 9 BC, celebrates Augustus’ victories in Spain and Gaul?
Ara Pacis
In what war, fought from 41-40 BC, did Marc Antony’s wife Fulvia and brother Lucius attempt to make Marc Antony the sole ruler of Rome?
Perusine War
What Praetorian Prefect was declared emperor by his troops after the murder of Probus by his troops in 282 A.D.?
At what battle in 36 B.C. did Octavian’s fleet defeat Sextus Pompey?
History isn’t always about battles and war; sometimes it’s laws about love. Name the important law of 445 BC that allowed plebeians and patricians to marry.
Lex Canuleia
Which emperor celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Rome’s foundation?
Philip the Arab
Marius was famous for being consul seven times. Name the years of his first and last consulship.
107 BC and 86 BC
Julius Vindex revolted against Nero in support of Galba’s ascension to the imperial power, but his revolt was put down by this commander in Germania Superior.
Verginius Rufus
Sulla fought Mithridates in Greece. What famed city did he capture and sack in 86 BC?
During whose reign did the Romans capture Ctesiphon in 164 AD?
Marcus Aurelius
Name the general who captures Tigranocerta for Nero in 59 AD.
During his first consulship, this famous Roman was given a command against Mithridates only to have it stripped away in the same year and given to his elderly rival. Who was this “unfortunate “ consul of 88 BC?
During which emperor’s reign was Marcus Aurelius born?
Hadrian’s (121 AD)
What with one praetorian prefect plotting to become emperor and another smothering an emperor - it can make an emperor nervous! How did Vespasian solve the loyalty problem of the Praetorian Prefect position?
He appointed his son Titus to the position
What event did Romans of the late Republic think the regifugium celebrated?
The expulsion of Tarquin the Proud
What Roman commander brought an army to the straits of Messana to help the Mamertines in 264 BC?
Appius Claudius Caudex
At what battle in 268 AD did the Romans decisively defeat the Goths
Naissus (Nis/Nish)
What sea-faring people on the coast of Gaul does Caesar campaign against in 56 BC?
What nation did Marcus Antonius invade in 36 BC?
What Caesar of the Tetrarchy did Constantine join on campaign against the Persians in Mesopotamia?
What Roman reformer wanted to give Roman citizenship to the Italians in 91 BC?
(M.) Livius Drusus (the Younger)
Whom did Hadrian appoint proconsul of Asia in 135 AD, a position in which he showed such administrative acumen that Hadrian subsequently put him on the imperial council?
Antoninus Pius
What city’s request for help in defending the Sidicini in 343 BC started the First Samnite War?
Against what Celtic tribe does Caesar first make war in the first book of the Bellum Gallicum?
Which city of Magna Graecia, a former Spartan colony, appealed to Pyrrhus in 281BC to protect them against the Romans?
The loyalty and vigilance of the Praetorian Prefect Marcius Turbo helped what emperor spend more than half of his nearly twenty-one year reign traveling the provinces?
The Battle of Sentinum was the decisive battle in which of the Samnite wars?
The Third Samnite War
What Roman supporter of Marius took control of Spain for a decade after Sulla’s capture of Rome?
(Quintus) Sertorius
What emperor, according to Suetonius, said “Vae, puto deus fio” on his death bed?
In what year did the 3rd Samnite War begin?
198 BC
At what battle of 340 AD did Constans defeat Constantine II?
What praetorian prefect plotted to make himself emperor during Tiberius’ withdrawal to the island of Capri?
(Aelius) Sejanus
At what battle was Hasdrubal, brother of Hannibal, killed?
Metaurus River
For ten years beginning in 149 BC, this Lusitanian led a guerilla war against Rome. Name him.