Grammar Flashcards
What is a noun?
a word which refers to a person, place, or thing.
What three characteristics make up a Latin noun?
Case, Number, and Gender
What is a case?
something which changes in a noun, affecting how the noun should be translated into another language.
How many cases are there in Latin?
Name the five main cases.
Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, and Ablative
What are the two numbers for a noun?
Singular and Plural
What are the three genders for a noun?
Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter
What is a declension?
a name given to a group of nouns
How many declensions are there in Latin?
Identify the item in box B

Identify the item in box A

Identify the item in box C

Identify the item in box B

Identify the item in box C

Identify the item in box B

Identify the item in box D

Identify the item in box F

Identify the item in box A

Identify the item in box C

Identify the item in box F

Identify the item in box A

-us (-r)
Identify the item in box F

Identify the item in box E

Identify the item in box C

Identify the item in box F

Identify the item in box B

Identify the item in box A

Identify the item in box A

Identify the item in box E

Identify the item in box D

Identify the item in box F

Identify the item in box D

Identify the item in box D

Identify the item in box E

Identify the item in box C

Identify the item in box F

Identify the item in box E

Identify the item in box C

Identify the item in box D

What case does the Vocative normally look like?
Under which circumstance does the Vocative NOT look like the Nominative?
2nd Declension Masculine Singular (specifically those words that end in -us in the Nominative Singular)
When the Vocative does not look like the Nominative, how is it formed?
-us becomes -e; -ius becomes -i
What is an adjective?
a describing word (typically describing a noun)
In what ways must a Latin adjective match the noun (or word) it is modifying?
Case, Number, and Gender
In what way does a Latin adjective NOT have to match the noun (or word) it is modifying?
How many declensions of adjectives are there?
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, good girl.
bonās puellās
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrīs fabrīs
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrīs templīs
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulcher serve
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, good sailor.
bone nauta
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, good temple.
bona templa
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonum nautam
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrum fabrum
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrī nautae
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonī fabrī
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, good temple.
bonō templō
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, good temple.
bonum templum
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, good temple.
bonum templum
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrae puellae
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, good temple.
bonum templum
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrā puellā
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonō nautae
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchra puella
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrīs templīs
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, good slave.
bonī servī
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrum templum
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulcher servus
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrī nautae
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrum templum
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrum servum
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, good slave.
bonōs servōs
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonus faber
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, good slave.
bonīs servīs
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonī nautae
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, good slave.
bonīs servīs
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, good slave.
bone serve
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrīs servīs
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, good temple.
bonīs templīs
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonī fabrī
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrī fabrī
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrī nautae
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrō nautae
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, good girl.
bonīs puellīs
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrum templum
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, good girl.
bonā puellā
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrōrum nautārum
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, good slave.
bonī servī
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonus nauta
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, good temple.
bonīs templīs
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrō servō
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, good slave.
bonī servī
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrās puellās
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, good slave.
bonus servus
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, good temple.
bonōrum templōrum
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrō templō
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, good temple.
bona templa
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrō servō
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonīs fabrīs
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, good girl.
bona puella
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrōrum fabrōrum
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrī fabrī
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, good girl.
bonae puellae
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchra templa
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrae puellae
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrīs nautīs
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrī fabrī
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, good slave.
bonum servum
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrōs fabrōs
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrārum puellārum
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrī servī
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrīs fabrīs
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrī servī
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrō nautā
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonīs fabrīs
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrō fabrō
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, good girl.
bonārum puellārum
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, good girl.
bonam puellam
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchram puellam
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulcher nauta
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, good girl.
bonae puellae
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrīs nautīs
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulchrō fabrō
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulcher faber
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, good slave.
bonōrum servōrum
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchra puella
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonōs fabrōs
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrī servī
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrīs puellīs
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonīs nautīs
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrōrum servōrum
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrae puellae
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, good temple.
bona templa
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, good girl.
bonae puellae
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, good temple.
bonō templō
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonōrum fabrōrum
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful craftsman.
pulcher faber
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bone faber
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrōs nautās
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonō nautā
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonō fabrō
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrī templī
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonī fabrī
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, good slave.
bonō servō
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, good temple.
bonī templī
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrōrum templōrum
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchrō templō
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchra templa
Give the Vocative Singular form for the phrase, good girl.
bona puella
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, good girl.
bonae puellae
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrōs servōs
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrīs puellīs
Give the Accusative Plural form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonōs nautās
Give the Ablative Plural form for the phrase, good girl.
bonīs puellīs
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulchrum nautam
Give the Genitive Singular form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonī nautae
Give the Nominative Plural form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonī nautae
Give the Accusative Singular form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonum fabrum
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful slave.
pulchrīs servīs
Give the Nominative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful sailor.
pulcher nauta
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, good craftsman.
bonō fabrō
Give the Vocative Plural form for the phrase, beautiful temple.
pulchra templa
Give the Ablative Singular form for the phrase, good slave.
bonō servō
Give the Dative Singular form for the phrase, beautiful girl.
pulchrae puellae
Give the Dative Plural form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonīs nautīs
Give the Genitive Plural form for the phrase, good sailor.
bonōrum nautārum
What is a verb?
a word of doing
What five characteristics make up a verb?
Person, Number, Tense, Voice, and Mood
What are the three persons for a verb?
1st, 2nd, and 3rd
In Latin verbs, what is a tense?
when something was or is done
How many tenses are there in Latin?
Name the six tenses.
Present, Imperfect, Future, Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect
Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell A.

Identify the item in cell B.

Identify the item in cell C.

Identify the item in cell C.

In Latin, the six tenses are grouped into two. Name the two tense groups.
Progressive and Perfect
Name the Progressive Tenses.
Present, Imperfect, and Future
Which part of the dictionary entry of a verb houses the Progressive Tenses?
First (and Second)
Name the Perfect Tenses.
Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect
Which part of the dictionary entry of a verb houses the Perfect Tenses?
Third (and Fourth)
How many voices are there for a Latin verb?
Name the two voices.
Active and Passive
How many moods are there for a Latin verb?
Name the three moods.
Indicative, Imperative, and Subjunctive
What is a conjugation?
a name given to a group of verbs which follow similar patterns of endings
How many conjugations are there in Latin?
Which part of the dictionary entry of a verb helps determine a verb’s conjugation?
The Second (also known as the Present Active Infinitive)
Give the Present Active Infinitive for the verb that means to carry.
Give the Present Active Infinitive for the verb that means to teach.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Imperative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Plural, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Imperative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Singular, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Plural, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Imperative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Singular, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Imperative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 1st Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to teach, give the 1st Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Pluperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to carry, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: vēnālīcius ancillās vēndēbat.
vēnālīcius ancillam vēndēbat; The slave-dealer sold the slave-woman.
Change the subject of the sentence to the plural and then translate: poēta versum recitābat.
poētae versum recitābant; The poets recited a line of poetry.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: senex āctōrēs spectābat.
senex āctōrem spectābat; The old man watched the actor.
Identify the case and use of mercātor in the following sentence and translate: “senex mercātōrī pictūram ostendit.”
Dative of Indirect Object; The old man showed the painting to the merchant. OR The old man showed the merchant the painting.
Change the subject of the sentence to the singular and then translate: agricolae in viā clāmābant.
agricola in viā clāmābat; The farmer was shouting in the road.
Change the subject of the sentence to the plural and then translate: servus dominum timēbat.
servī dominum timēbant; The slave feared the master.
Change the subject of the sentence to the plural and then translate: hospes vīllam intrāvit.
hospitēs vīllam intrāvērunt; The guests entered the house.
Change the object of a special verb in the sentence to the singular and then translate: cīvēs āctōribus favērunt.
cīvēs āctōrī favērunt; The citizens supported the actor.
Change the subject of the sentence to the singular and then translate: fīliī epistulam legēbant.
fīlius epistulam legēbat; The son read a letter.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: vēnālīciī mercātōribus pecūniam dedērunt.
vēnālīciī mercātōrī pecūniam dedērunt; The slave-dealers gave money to the merchant.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: agricolae gladiātōrem laudāvērunt.
agricolae gladiātōrēs laudāvērunt; The farmers praised the gladiators.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: coquus mercātōrī cēnam parāvit.
coquus mercātōribus cēnam parāvit; The cook prepared dinner for the merchants.
Identify the case and use of puella in the following sentence and translate: “Grumiō puellam salūtāvit.”
Accusative of Direct Object; Grumio greeted the girl.
Identify the case and use of servus in the following sentence and translate: “Grumiō et Clēmēns sunt servī.”
Predicate Nominative; Grumio and Clemens are slaves.
Change the subject of the sentence to the plural and then translate: canis in viā lātrāvit.
canēs in viā lātrāvērunt; The dogs barked in the street.
Identify the case and use of māter in the following sentence and translate: “Metella est māter.”
Predicate Nominative; Metella is the mother.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: dominus servōs īnspexit.
dominus servum īnspexit; The master examined the slave.
Identify the case and use of mercātor in the following sentence and translate: “cīvēs mercātōrī crēdunt.”
Dative with a Special Verb; The citizens trust the merchant.
Identify the case and use of servus in the following sentence and translate: “Caecilius servōs vituperāvit.”
Accusative of Direct Object; Caecilius cursed the slaves.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: ancillae fēminae respondērunt.
ancillae fēminīs respondērunt; The slave-women responded to the women.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: cīvēs servō pecūniam trādidērunt.
cīvēs servīs pecūniam trādidērunt; The citizens handed over money to the slaves.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: puerī servum vīdērunt.
puerī servōs vīdērunt; The boys saw the slaves.
Change the subject of the sentence to the singular and then translate: fūrēs pecūniam postulāvērunt.
fūr pecūniam postulāvit; The thief demanded money.
Identify the case and use of puella in the following sentence and translate: “lībertī puellīs vīnum ferēbant.”
Dative of Indirect Object; The freedmen bought wine for the girls.
Identify the case and use of mercātor in the following sentence and translate: “mercātor cantābat.”
Nominative Subject; The merchant was singing.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: puer amīcīs nōn respondit.
puer amīcō nōn respondit; The boy did not respond to the friend.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: puerī leōnem vīdērunt.
puerī leōnēs vīdērunt; The boys saw the lions.
Change the subject of the sentence to the singular and then translate: fēminae fābulam laudāvērunt.
fēmina fābulam laudāvit; The woman praised the story.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: centuriō amīcum salūtāvit.
centuriō amīcōs salūtāvit; The centurion greeted the friends.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the plural and then translate: dominus puellam audīvit.
dominus puellās audīvit; The master heard the girls.
Identify the case and use of servus in the following sentence and translate: “servī labōrābant.”
Nominative Subject; The slaves were working.
Identify the case and use of Afer in the following sentence and translate: “pistōrēs Āfrō favent.”
Dative with a Special Verb; The bakers support Afer.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: gladiātōrēs leōnibus cibum dedērunt.
gladiātōrēs leōnī cibum dedērunt; The gladiators gave the lion food.
Change the object of a special verb in the sentence to the plural and then translate: māter fīliō nōn crēdidit.
māter fīliīs nōn crēdidit; The mother did not believe the sons.
Change the direct object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: āthlētae mercātōrēs vituperāvērunt,
āthlētae mercātōrem vituperāvērunt; The athletes cursed the merchant.
Change the subject of the sentence to the plural and then translate: lībertus in lectō recubuit.
lībertī in lectō recubuērunt; The freedmen reclined on the couch.
Change the indirect object of the sentence to the singular and then translate: iuvenēs puellīs statuam ostendērunt.
iuvenēs puellae statuam ostendērunt; The young men showed the statue to the girl.
Change the subject of the sentence to the singular and then translate: mātrēs līberōs quaerēbant.
māter līberōs quaerēbat; The mother was searching for her children.
List three possible ways to translate the present tense.
I verb; I am verbing; I do verb
List five possible ways to translate the imperfect tense.
I was verbing; I did verb; I used to verb; I kept (on) verbing; I verbed
List three possible ways to translate the perfect tense.
I have verbed; I did verb; I verbed
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 1st Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: dīcēbātis.
you (pl.) were saying.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: erāmus.
erām; I was.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: audīvistī.
audīvistis; you (pl.) heard.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 1st Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 1st Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: timēbant.
timēbat; he/she/it was fearing.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 1st Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: intrat.
he/she/it enters.
Translate the following into English: dormīvērunt.
they slept.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: venīmus.
we come.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: mīsit.
mīsērunt; they sent.
Translate the following into English: servus dormit.
the slave sleeps.
Using one word, say in Latin you (sing,) were teaching.
Using one word, say in Latin you (pl.) drag.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 1st Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 1st Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: portāvimus.
portāvī; I carried.
Translate the following into English: fēcit.
he/she/it made.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Using one word, say in Latin they dragged.
trahēbant OR trāxērunt
Translate the following into English: appārēbant.
they were appearing.
Translate the following into English: sedēmus.
we sit.
Translate the following into English: nōs dormīmus.
we sleep.
Translate the following into English: appārent.
they appear.
Translate the following into English: sedeō.
I sit.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: ego labōrō.
I work.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: trahis.
trahitis; you (pl.) drag.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: veniēbam.
veniēbamus; we were coming.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: festīnābātis.
festīnābās; you (sing.) hasten.
Translate the following into English: servī dormiunt.
the slaves sleep.
Translate the following into English: intrō.
I enter.
Translate the following into English: clāmābāmus.
we were shouting.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 1st Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: intrō.
I enter.
Translate the following into English: sedēs.
you (sing.) sit.
Translate the following into English: venītis.
you (pl.) come.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Using one word, say in Latin you (sing.) carried.
portābās OR portāvistī
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 1st Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 1st Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 1st Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: parābās.
you (sing.) were preparing.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 1st Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: appāruērunt.
they appeared.
Using one word, say in Latin you (pl.) were carrying.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: dormiunt.
dormit; he/she/it sleeps.
Using one word, say in Latin she hears.
Using one word, say in Latin they were carrying.
Translate the following into English: clāmāvimus.
we shouted.
Using one word, say in Latin I taught.
docēbam OR docuī
Translate the following into English: parāvistī.
you (sing.) prepared.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: es.
estis; you (pl.) are.
Using one word, say in Latin he heard.
audiēbat OR audīvit
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: portāvī.
portāvimus; we carried.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: surrēxērunt.
surrēxit; he/she/it rose.
Translate the following into English: dīxistis.
you (pl.) said.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 3rd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: sumus.
sum; I am.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative.
Using one word, say in Latin they carry.
Translate the following into English: servī ambulābant.
the slaves were walking.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 1st Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: intrāvī.
I entered.
Translate the following into English: dormiunt.
they sleep.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 2nd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 1st Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: intrābam.
I was entering.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: servus labōrābat.
the slave was working.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: rīdēmus.
rīdeō; I laugh.
Translate the following into English: veniō.
I come.
Translate the following into English: veniunt.
they come.
Translate the following into English: dormiēbant.
they were sleeping.
Translate the following into English: parās.
you prepare.
Translate the following into English: servus labōrāvit.
the slave worked.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: scrīpsit.
scrīpsērunt; they wrote.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 1st Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: intrāmus.
intrō; I enter.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: tacuī.
tacuimus; we fell silent.
Using one word, say in Latin we drag.
For the Latin verb meaning to be, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: clāmāmus.
we shout.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: circumspectābās.
circumspectābātis; you (pl.) were looking around.
Translate the following into English: sedent.
they sit.
Translate the following into English: servus labōrat.
the slave works.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: intrās.
you (sing.) enter.
Translate the following into English: servī labōrant.
the slaves work.
Translate the following into English: facit.
he/she/it makes.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: cēpistis.
cēpistī; you (sing.) took.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 2nd Person, Singular, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: tū labōrās.
you (sing.) work.
Using one word, say in Latin she was dragging.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 1st Person, Plural, Present, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: intrant.
they enter.
Translate the following into English: dīcitis.
you (pl.) say.
Using one word, say in Latin I was listening.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Translate the following into English: ego dormiō.
I sleep
Translate the following into English: faciēbat.
he/she//it was making.
For the Latin verb meaning to hear, give the 1st Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Perfect, Active, Indicative.
Change the following to the singular and then translate: celebrāvistis.
celebrāvistī; you (sing.) celebrated.
Translate the following into English: servus labōrat.
the slave works.
Translate the following into English: servī ambulāvērunt.
the slaves walked.
Using one word, say in Latin I teach.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: erat.
erant; they were.
For the Latin verb meaning to drag, give the 3rd Person, Plural, Imperfect, Active, Indicative.
Using one word, say in Latin we listened.
audiēbāmus OR audīvimus
Translate the following into English: servī ambulant.
the slaves walk.
Change the following to the plural and then translate: fugiō.
fugīmus; we flee.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: reddō.
reddidī; I gave back.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: cucurristis.
curritis; you (pl.) runs.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: timuī.
timeō; I fear.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: quaeritis.
quaesīvistis; you (pl.) looked for.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: venīmus.
vēnimus; we came.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: dūcō.
dūxī; I led.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: laudavērunt.
laudant; they praise.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: ostendit.
ostendit; he/she/it shows.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: tacēs.
tacuistī; you (sing.) were silent.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: portāmus.
portāvimus; we carried.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: faciunt.
fēcērunt; they made.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: respondimus.
respondēmus; we reply.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: petitis.
petīvistis; you (pl.) seeked.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: portāvimus.
portāmus; we carry.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: audīvistī.
audīs; you (sing.) hear.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: clāmāvistis.
clāmātis; you (pl.) shout.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: prōcēdimus.
prōcessimus; we advanced.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: dedimus.
damus; we give.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: īnspexit.
īnspicit; he/she/it looks at.
Change the following to the present tense and then translate: rogāvī.
rogō; I ask.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: dormit.
dormīvit; he/she/it slept.
Change the following to the perfect tense and then translate: laudat.
laudāvit; he/she/it praised.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Marcus ad lūdum is walking.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus cum puerō ambulat.
with the boy
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus Marcō tabellam dat.
to Marcus
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Marcus a fight videt.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Agricola et poēta in viā pugnant.
are fighting
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: The slave Marcum monet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus dīcit, “Festīnā! Nōs sumus tardī.”
We are
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Marcus and servus ad lūdum festīnant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Salvē, magister,” Marcus dīcit.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: “Marce, You es tardus,” magister respondet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Esne parātus recitāre?” magister rogat.
Are you prepared?
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Minimē,” Marcus respondet et sedet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Cūr tū nōn es parātus recitāre?” magister rogat.
to recite
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Marcus nōn respondet quod timet.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Magister est angry.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Quīnte, recitā! Spectā, Marce!” magister clāmat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Quīntus stat et bene recitat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Magister Quīntum laudat, “Quīnte, tū es discipulus bonus.”
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Māter ad Forum cum children ambulat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Māter trēs fīliōs has.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Trēs puerī in viā festīnant et clāmant.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Māter est angry.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Māter boys vocat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Māter rogat, “Cūr festīnātis et clāmātis?”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Vidētisne statuam ante templum?”
Do you see
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Sedēte ante statuam et tenēte mean pecūniam!”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puerī respondent, “Bene! Nōs ante statuam sedēbimus.”
we will sit
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Māter trāns viam ad vīllam amīcae ambulat.
of a friend
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: The boys sedent et ante statuam manent.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Post ūnam hōram puerī pecūniam nōn spectant quod pugnant.
they are fighting
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Māter puerōs audit et clāmat, “Quis meam pecūniam cūrat?”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Malus vir ē Forō pecūniam portāre temptat.
to carry
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Malus vir ad portum festīnat quod cum pīrātīs nāvigābit.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Māter clāmat, “Estis malī puerī! Vōs meam pecūniam nōn cūrābātis!”
were not taking care of
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Trēs puerī respondent, “Nōs malum virum vidēbāmus sed timēbāmus!”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Tum māter puerīs fābulam narrat.
to the boys
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fīlia ad rīvum labōrat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella decem tunicās lavat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Tunicae are sordidae.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Laetī līberī in the river natant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Magnus et malus lupus in silvā habitābat.
was living
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Hodiē lupus ex silvā ambulat et ad rīvum sedet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella lupum timidē spectat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella lupum aliīs līberīs dēmōnstrat.
to the other children
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella līberīs clāmat, “Movēte!”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Līberī ē rīvō et ā lupō festīnant.
away from the wolf
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: The frightened puella ad Forum festīnat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella decem tunicās portāre temptat.
to carry
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Poēta ad Forum quoque ambulat et rogat, “Cūr festīnās?”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella respondet, “Ego festīnō quod magnum lupum videō.”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Timēsne magnum lupum?” poēta rogat.
Do you fear?
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ita vērō,” puella respondet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Poēta clāmat, “Tum ego tunicās portābō et tēcum festīnābō.”
I will hurry
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Puella the tunics poētae dat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Duo gladiātōrēs in arēnā pugnant.
are fighting
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Prīmus gladiātor is parvus vir.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Magnus et bad gladiātor circum arēnam ambulat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Magnus gladiātor the small man pulsāre temptat.
parvum virum
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Cūr tū ā mē festīnās?” magnus gladiātor rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Parvus gladiātor nōn respondet.
does not reply
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Festīnāsne quod tū es parvus et timidus?” magnus gladiātor rogat.
Are you hurrying
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Magnus gladiātor parvō virō dīcit, “Ego sum īrātus quod tū nōn pugnās!”
to the small man
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Rōmānī nōs spectant; mē amant nōn tē.”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Magnus gladiātor nūntiat, “Poētae mē laudābunt; nōn tē laudābunt!”
will praise
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Quod parvus gladiātor nōn pugnat, magnus gladiātor est angry.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Magnus gladiātor clāmat, “Parā pugnāre!”
Prepare to fight
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Magnus gladiātor ad parvum gladiātōrem ambulat.
toward the small gladiator
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: The small man festīnat ā magnō gladiātōre et ad mediam arēnam currit.
Parvus vir
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Parvus gladiātor in mediā arēnā stat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ubi spectātōrēs laetē clāmant, magnus gladiātor spectātōrēs spectat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Parvus gladiātor ante oculos magnī virī stat.
of the big man
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Parvus gladiātor dīcit, “Ego tē nōn timēbam.”
I was not afraid
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Agricola in casā habitat.
is living
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Casa agricolae in silvā est.
of the farmer
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Agricola equum et canem habet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Equum agricola bene cūrat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Agricola equō cibum parat.
for the horse
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Agricola ad equum water portat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Semper agricola et equus bene work.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Equus agricolae per silvam ambulāre amat.
to walk
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Canis cum the farmer in cubiculō dormit.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: The horse in casā nōn dormit sed in silvā dormīre amat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Agricola canem vocat quod tempus fugit.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ego tē exspectābam,” agricola dīcit.
was waiting for
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ubi erās tū?” agricola rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Cūr tū in vīllā nōn manēs?”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Nunc, sedē!” agricola dīcit.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: “Sed tū are bonus canis!” agricola canem laudat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: “Ego the best cēnam tibi parābō.”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Tum nōs stellās spectābimus.”
we will watch
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Mārcus et Iūlius sunt amīcī.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Duo amīcī in īnsulā habitant.
The two friends
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Aqua circum īnsulam est mala.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Est rīvus in īnsulā et aqua in rīvō est good.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: The island magnam silvam habet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Mārcus in casā prope silvam habitat.
in a hut
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Mārcus in parvō hortō semper labōrat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Nunc Mārcus in rīvō natāre amat.
to swim
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlius hortum Mārcī semper laudat.
of Marcus
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ōlim Iūlius post silvam habitābat.
was living
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Nunc Iūlius in magnā vīllā inter silvam et rīvum habitat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlius in tablīnō sedet; multam pecūniam numerat.
he counts
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Duo amīcī ambulāre in silvā amant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Hodiē Mārcus vīllam Iūlī vīsitat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Cūr tū in vīllā tuā manēs?” Mārcus rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Mārcus nūntiat, “Ego ad rīvum ambulō.”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Manēsne quod amīcōs tuōs exspectās?”
Are you staying
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlius Mārcō respondet, “Minimē, tēcum ambulō.”
to Marcus
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Rūfus erat servus bonus et in agrīs semper labōrābat.
was working
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Nunc servus post magnam vīllam cum equīs habitat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Dominus et līberī in magnā vīllā live.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Dominus est poēta optimus et a lot of money habet.
multam pecūniam
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Rūfus equōs dominī cūrat.
of the master
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Sed the master est vir sevērus et Rūfum nōn laudat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dominus in culīnam intrat et clāmat, “Parā mihi cēnam!”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Coquus est in culīnā et cibum parat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Coquus magnam cēnam laetē parat.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Cēna est the best.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Rūfus ad the door culīnae ambulat et cibum videt.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus Rūfus cibum nōn habet.
does not have
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Rūfus culīnam intrāre timet.
to enter
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Coquus rogat, “Exspectāsne, Rūfe, cibum?”
Are you waiting for
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ubi est cēna mea?” dominus in trīclīniō clāmat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Coquus dominō cēnam dat.
to the master
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dominus clāmat, “Da mihi vīnum!”
to me
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Quis est in culīnā?” dominus coquum rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ōlim multae bēstiae in magnā silvā habitābant.
were living
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Inter bēstiās erant ursae et cervī et equī et lupī.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dea pulchra magnam silvam semper amat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dea pulchra per silvam ambulāre amābat.
to walk
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dea et bēstiae erant amīcae.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dea parvās bēstiās cūrābat.
the small beasts
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Multae nymphae erant in silvā cum the beasts.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Nōs deam laetē salūtāmus,” nymphae cantant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Gaudēte et laudāte deam!” ūna nympha clāmat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Sed quis est dea et quid cūrat?
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Diāna est dea lūnae.
of the moon
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Apollō est frāter deae. Apollō et Diāna sunt geminī.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Hodiē Diāna est happy.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Nunc Diāna ad the stream in silvā ambulat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dea nymphae tunicam dat.
to a nymph
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Quīnque nymphae sunt in rīvō cum deā.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Nymphae deam laudant.
are praising
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dea in rīvō stat et lavat.
and is bathing
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Rōma multās tabernās habet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multī virī et multae fēminae tabernās vīsitāre amant.
to visit
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multī Rōmānī in tabernīs labōrant.
in the shops
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Sed est perīculum in viīs Rōmae.
of Rome
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ōlim puella ad Forum ambulābat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella circum Forum tabernās vīsitābat.
around the Forum
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella multās statuās et pictūrās in tabernīs spectābat.
was looking at
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Sed puella multam pecūniam nōn habēbat.
much money
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Puella the small statuam prope mūrum tabernae spectābat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Tabernārius benignus puellae statuam dābat.
to the girl
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Tibi statuam dō, quod tū es puella bona,” tabernārius puellae nūntiābat.
I am giving
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dōnum erat parva statua deae Vestae.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella erat laeta quod māter deam Vestam amābat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puella ad casam ambulābat, sed ūnus vir malus et magnus in viā stābat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Dā mihi pecūniam tuam et statuam!” vir clāmābat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Cūr?” rogābat puella.
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: “Ego pecūniam nōn have,” vir respondēbat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Sed statua est dōnum,” puella timidē lacrimābat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlia, fēmina Rōmāna, sōla in tablīnō stat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ubi est novus stilus meus?” Iūlia rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Estne stilus meus in ātriō?”
Is my stylus
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: In ātriō nōn est stilus.
the stylus
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Hodiē ego eram in trīclīniō.”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlia per vīllam ambulat.
through the house
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlia trēs lectōs et mēnsam in trīclīniō spectat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Sed stilum in trīclīniō nōn tenēbam.”
I was not holding
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlia ad hortum festīnat quod circumspectāre temptat.
to look around
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Sed hortus vīllae est magnus.
of the house
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Iūlia duōs servōs ē culīnā vocat.
out of the kitchen
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Circumspectāte hortum!” exclāmat.
Look around
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Vōsne vidētis novum stilum meum in hortō?”
Do you see
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servī magnum hortum tardē circumspectant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Quid tenētis?” Iūlia rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servī dominae parvum stilum dant.
to their mistress
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Stilus meus nōn est parvus sed magnus et pulcher,” Iūlia lacrimat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Nōs stilum tuum nōn vidēmus,” servī respondent.
your stylus
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Alexandrīa magnum forum habet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multī virī et fēminae forum vīsitant quod hodiē caelum est pulchrum.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Virī et fēminae ex multīs patriīs veniunt.
from many countries
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multās linguās audiunt.
They hear
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multī virī Graecī in Forō laetē labōrant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Duo puerī inter virōs ambulant.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puerī servōs barbarōs et virōs Rōmānōs vident.
Roman men
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ūnus servus ex silvīs Germāniae venit.
of Germany
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus Germānicus est īrātus.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Dominus semper servum Germānicum pulsābat.
used to beat
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus ā dominō ad templum properāre temptat.
to hurry
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Vacca sacra ante templum stat.
in front of the temple
Translate the underlined portion from English to Latin: Servus post vaccam the sacred stat, et dominus servum nōn videt.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Sed duo puerī servum vident.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Puerī sunt fīliī dominī.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Duo puerī dominō servum mōnstrant.
to the master
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Spectā servum! Ex forō properat!” puerī clāmant.
Look at
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ego tē moneō. Manē!” dominus servō clāmat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fēmina et fīlia in vīllā habitābant.
were living
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fīlia, Helena, semper erat puella bona.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fēmina fīliae dōnum dare parābat.
to give
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Hodiē fēmina cum fīliā et ancillā per viās ambulat.
with her daughter and slave girl
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ancilla pecūniam fēminae timidē portat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multās tabernās spectant.
They look at
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: In fenestrā tabernae sunt parvae statuae.
of a shop
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fēmina parvam statuam nōn comparat quod Helena nōn est parva puella.
does not buy
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: In secundā tabernā sunt multae gemmae.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fēmina Helenae gemmās nōn comparat quod Helena nōn est fēmina adulta.
the gems
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Tabernārius trāns viam stat et fēminam et puellās vocāre temptat.
The shopkeeper
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Tabernārius clāmat,“Intrāte tabernam meam et spectāte stolās splendidās!”
look at
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Quis nōs vocat?” fēmina rogat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Vidēsne tabernārium trāns viam in tabernā?” ancilla respondet.
Do you see
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Tabernārius fēminae et puellīs trēs stolās pulchrās dēmōnstrat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Helena ūnam stolam amat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Fēmina ancillam vocat et ancilla tabernāriō pecūniam dat.
to the shopkeeper
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Tabernārius fēminae et fīliae stolam dat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Est magna vīlla in Italiā.
There is
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Vīlla multās statuās habet.
many statues
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Multī servī in villā labōrant.
are working
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servī sunt ē variīs locīs.
from various places
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Septem servī sunt Germānī, decem sunt Aegyptiī, quattuor sunt Graecī.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servī Graecī et servī Aegyptiī semper pugnant.
always fight
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servī magnam cēnam dominō et amīcīs parant.
for the master and his friends
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Ūnus servus Aegyptius nōn labōrat sed in hortō sedet.
One Egyptian slave
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Alexander, servus Graecus, servum Aegyptium īrātē accūsat.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Nōs cibum in culīnā parābāmus, sed tū nōn labōrābās.”
were preparing
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Sedēbāsne tum in hortō?” Alexander clamat.
Were you sitting
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Alexander servum Aegyptium rogat, “Cūr hodiē nōn labōrās?”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ego togam dominī lavō,” servus Aegyptius respondet.
of the master
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Ego togam nōn videō. Tū es servus ignāvus,” Alexander monet.
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Tū nōn iam es in Aegyptō! Movē tē! Portā amphorās in culīnam.”
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Servus Aegyptius magnās amphorās per hortum portāre temptat.
to carry
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: Alexander post servum Aegyptium ambulat.
behind the Egyptian slave
Translate the underlined portion from Latin to English: “Vōs Aegyptiī semper erātis servī malī!” Alexander clāmat.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Gnaeus et Aulus sunt fīliī Claudiae.
Gnaeus and Aulus are the sons of Claudia.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Gnaeus et Aulus sunt virī bonī.
Gnaeus and Aulus are good men.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia prope Rōmam habitat.
Claudia lives near Rome.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Gnaeus in vīllā prope Rōmam habitat.
Gnaeus lives in a farmhouse near Rome.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Aulus prope Alexandrīam in Aegyptō habitat.
Aulus lives near Alexandria in Egypt.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia fīliōs amat.
Claudia loves (her) sons.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia Gnaeum hodiē vīsitat.
Claudia is visiting Gnaeus today.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia Aulum nōn vīsitat quod Aulus est in Aegyptō.
Claudia is not visiting Aulus because Aulus is in Egypt.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Ubi Gnaeus et Aulus erant puerī, Claudia stolās pulchrās amābat.
When Gnaeus and Aulus were boys, Claudia used to love beautiful stolas.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Sed Claudia pecūniam nōn habēbat.
But Claudia was not having money.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Amīcī Aulī ex Aegyptō Claudiam vīsitant. Epistulās et pecūniam Claudiae semper dant.
Friends of Aulus from Egypt visit Claudia. They always give letters and money to Claudia.
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia ad portum ambulat et nautam rogat, “Nāvigāsne ad Aegyptum?”
Claudia walks to the port and asks a sailor, “Are you sailing to Egypt?”
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Nauta respondet, “Ita vērō, ego ad Aegyptum nāvigō.”
The sailor responds, “Yes, I am sailing to Egypt.”
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia Gnaeō nārrat, “Ego ad Aegyptum nāvigāre et Aulum vīsitāre parō.”
Claudia tells (to) Gnaeus, “I am preparing to sail to Egypt and to visit Aulus.”
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Gnaeus monet, “Minimē! Manē in Italiā! Est magnum periculum in Aegyptō!”
Gnaeus warns, “No! Stay in Italy! There is great danger in Egypt!”
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Claudia rogat, “Quid est perīculum?”
Claudia asks, “What is the danger?”
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Gnaeus respondet, “Pīrātae cum nautīs Rōmānīs semper īrātē pugnant.”
Gnaeus responds, “Pirates are always fighting angrily with Roman sailors.”
Translate the following Latin sentence into English: Nunc Claudia nāvigāre timet.
Now Claudia is afraid to sail.
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