Roman History Flashcards
Name the whole Roman City that was preserved in ash:
What happened on August 24, 79 A.D.?
Mount Vesuvius erupted
How did Romans decorate their homes?
With beautiful mosaics
Why were sidewalks higher than the street?
To keep people out of the mud.
Romulus and Remus were raised by what animal?
A She-Wolf.
What does the word Republic mean?
A peoples’ thing
Name one thing done in the Forum:
- To Shop
- Worshipped Gods
- Celebrate
In 49 B.C., which general seized power?
Julius Caesar
What was the title for Rome’s first emperor?
What carried water into the cities?
Aqueducts & sewers
What is the Pantheon made of?
How long has the Pantheon survived for?
More than 1800 years.
What does the Emperor Hadrian have named after him?
Hadrian’s Wall
What did Archeologists find in the trash heap:
- Roman coins
- Pieces of pottery
- A baby’s shoe
Why did Romans write on wood, and not on paper?
Paper was expensive
If you were born wealthy, which class would you belong to?
The Patrician Class
Why would the poorest live on the top floors of apartment buildings?
So they’d have to climb the most stairs
Where was THE place to hang out in Ancient Rome?
The bath
Name 3 things wealthy Romans ate at their feasts:
- Olives
- Stuffed Mice
- A whole pig
- Quail
- Wine
- Cake
- Custard
- Snails
- Fruit
Name one game the children of Ancient Rome played:
- Marbles
* Hide N’ Seek
Where could you go to watch the gladiators battle?
The colosseum
If gladiators survived for 3 years, what happened to them?
They were released
When did the western part, including Rome, fall to the barbarians?
The fifth century; 401-500 A.D.
Name 1 thing that we owe to the Romans:
- The layout of our cities
* Most of our governments
The Romans had the most advanced technologies of their time
Roman Roads:
- Built for military purposes but used for trade and communications
- (Courier services!) = Relay
- Sophisticated building techniques… Some still exist
- All roads lead to Rome
- Built for water supplies in cities and industries
* Powered by gravity, mostly underground
- Romans had “flush” toilets
- Public baths: Changing room; warm room (stretch and oiling), hot room (steam bath), cold room
- Public baths were for hygiene and socializing
- Abacus used for basic arithmetic
* Roman Numerals: I, II, III, IV, V (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Roman Numerals:
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 M = 1000
The Roman Army Info:
The Roman Army attacked neighbours to stop them form attacking the city of Rome. Little by little… Rome took control of a HUGE territory
- Very Powerful
- Very disciplined, lots of training of attack formations for any situation
- Tetsudo: Group of soldiers, tightly together, interlock shields in front and sides, shields overhead inside the formation. Almost impossible to penetrate with javelins
- Wore a specific uniform
- Helmet + Body Armour; metal
- Tunic: (shirt under armour) red wool in winter, or linen in summer
- Shield: leather and/or wood, curved, Red-Brown-Beige
- Sandals: leather with hobnailed soles
- Standard: decorated with the Roman Eagle
- Sword: metal, short, double-edged
- Also known as Octavian
- 1st Emperor of Rome
- Fair and peaceful: time of PAX ROMANA (Peace)
Julius Caesar:
- Known as a military genius and strong leader
- Fought civil wars-became Master of the Roman world
- Afraid that power would make Caesar too powerful, his friend(!) Brutus assassinated Caesar in 44 B.C.
- The genius behind “Hadrian’s Wall”: Heavily fortified
* Built in modern day England – marked the Northern Border of the Roman Empire
- Known as the first Christian Emperor
- Legalized Christianity
- Baptized on his deathbed
Roman Citizens wore what? (Only Citizens)
Wives of Roman Citizens wore what?
Held important political and military positions
Made up the bulk of the army. Most of Roman citizenry
Freed slaves. Not allowed to vote, but were citizens.
Prisoners of war captured by military campaigns.
They had no rights.
All children born of female slaves were slaves too
Rights of Citizens:
- Right to vote
- Right to marriage
- Right to sue/be sued
- Right to have a trial
- Right to stand for public office
Name one place the Roman Empire extended to:
- North Africa
- Europe
- North-East