roman family and dining Flashcards
what is the paterfamilas
the male head of a roman family
what is exposure
when you leave the baby to die
what is the lares
the roman family household gods
what does the lares represent
the spirit of the family ancestors
what is a patron
a roman who gives support to a client in return for work and favours
what is a client
a roman who would attach himself to a wealthier patron in order to boost his income and business opportunities
what is a litterator
a teacher for primary aged children in the roman world
what is a rhetor
a teacher for tertiary aged boys in the roman world
what is a stilus
a pen like implement used to write on wax tablets
what is a wax tablet
a thin sheet of wood covered with wax mon which pupil would write on using a stylus
what is cena
the roman word for dinner
what does the inscription that a client wrote street in Pompeii show
that the client is supproting his patron and encourages others to vote for him
what does the inscirption written by a teacher on the side of a large exercise ground in Pompeii imply
that this is where he taught some of his pupils. in the inscriptuion the teacher is thanking his students parents for paying him which suggests that some payments are overdue
what does martial, epigrams,9.68 show
1.shows a satirsit complainign about being woken up by a teacher conduting a morning class in the street just outside his block of apartments.
2. this passage suggests that school could begin before dawn and this was to make sure that the students had the quietness of the morning .
3. the satirsts implies that teachers use methods of discipline, like whipping students that were miss behaving and shouting at them ; and that the students clearly dislike the teacher.
4.To end the passage, the satirsit expresses his clear dislike by calling the teacher names and how he doesn’t like the noise the teacher makes during the early hours of the morning
there is a diary extract of a boy of the age for a litterator, what does it show
that they would use a waxtablet and stilus to write with
in cicero,about the orator,1.17-18 show
the qualittires that students can only be taught through training. he tells us that the pupil should pay attention to choice of word and sentence structure and implies that the pupil must be calm and collected and understand human feelings
what does CIL IV 7698a-c descrobe
what theguests should do when they eneter the house, then it goes on to talk about what you shouldn’t while you are in the house
there is a drawing of a fresco from the estate of julia felix, what does it depcit
a boy being cained
there is a relief of a boy, is he arriving to school late or early
there is a fresco of a roman dinner party from Pompeii, what does it show
the slaves are depicted as smaller in stature than the guests, which shows that the guests are more significant than the slaves
what does the trincilnium seating plan show
1.. it shows the layout of the three couches which were called high, medium and low
2. the guests of honour would be in the low end of the medium couch, which would give the best view of the garden or the house art.
3.the host at the highest position on the low couch.
4. this allowed him to speeak with his most importnat guests.
5. the bhosts clients or freedmen would be on the low couch and other guests would recline on the mediuum and high couches
there is a frsco from poempeii of a plate of eggs, dead thrishses and bronze pinchers, what does this show
what they would have eaten and drank
who would have power over the entire household
the paterfamilas
why was the paterfamilas in control of the children’s education
because he is repsonsible for the welfare of his familly and making sure his children are good roman citizen
who would the paterefamilas pay close attention to
his sons
why would the ppaterfamilas pay close attentions to the sons
because they will inherit the family buisness
what did the paterfamilas do when the daughter had reached the age of pubery
to arrange a marriage
did the daughter have a say in the marriage
what was the mater familias/ matrona expected to do
manage slave purchases and to be hardworking and loyal
who was repsonsible for the religious duties
the patefamilas
what is an example of the religious dutites that the paterfamilias would have to uphold
worship at the family’s household shrine where the lares resided
what would the paterfamilas oversee
birth,marriage and funeral offerings to the GODS
how could the paterfamilas be patron
only if he was wealthy enough
when would cleints go to patrons
when theywere in dire need of money
what relationship was roman society based around
patron and clinent
what were three things that clients were expected to do
- be at the patrons house at dawn, every morning
- accompany thwe patron to the forum or the baths
- vote for patron if he ran for politucal office anbd support them in their campign
what are four things that the clients hope for in return
- small amount of money
- a gift each day
- buisness oppurtunity
- invited to dine with their patron in the evening, if you were lucky
why was a patron and client relationship beneficial
the clients were recieving help from those welathier than them and patrons were provifing help to those less wleahy
what would fathers teahc their sons
their won traddes, basic numeracy and the values of being a good citizens
what would mothers teach their daiughters
hot to manage the household and the vlaues of being a good citizen
where would the teachers teach
- back room of a shop with customers coming in and out
- a room in a house
- room in an apartment building
- public places wherre there is a lot of nouse