role of religion, conservative force and social change Flashcards
What is the functionalist view of religion?
The functionalist view sees religion as a social institution that promotes social cohesion and stability.
According to Marxism, what role does religion play in society?
Marxism posits that religion serves as a tool of oppression, reinforcing class divisions and providing false consciousness.
True or False: Feminists believe that religion is always a force for liberation.
False. Feminists argue that religion often perpetuates patriarchy and gender inequality.
Fill in the blank: Weber’s concept of the ‘Protestant Ethic’ links religion to ______.
What is neo-Marxism’s view on religion?
Neo-Marxism suggests that religion can also play a role in social change and can empower the oppressed.
Who is associated with the term ‘religious pluralism’?
This term is often associated with the sociologist Robert Bellah.
Multiple choice: Which of the following is NOT a function of religion according to functionalists? A) Social cohesion B) Social control C) Economic inequality
C) Economic inequality
What is the ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ in Durkheim’s study of religion?
The sacred refers to things set apart and forbidden, while the profane refers to ordinary, everyday elements.
True or False: Marx believed that religion could help resolve class conflict.
What do feminists critique about religious texts?
Feminists critique that many religious texts are patriarchal and reinforce gender stereotypes.
Fill in the blank: According to Weber, the rise of ______ was influenced by the Protestant Reformation.
What is the term for the idea that religion can provide a sense of meaning and purpose?
This concept is known as the ‘function of meaning’.
Multiple choice: Which theorist emphasized the role of charisma in religious leadership? A) Durkheim B) Weber C) Marx
B) Weber
What is one criticism of the functionalist perspective on religion?
One criticism is that it overlooks the negative aspects of religion, such as conflict and oppression.
True or False: Neo-Marxists believe that religion is solely a tool of the ruling class.
What role does religion play in social change according to liberation theology?
Liberation theology emphasizes the role of religion in advocating for social justice and the rights of the oppressed.
Fill in the blank: The feminist perspective views religion as a means of ______ for women.
What does the term ‘religious fundamentalism’ refer to?
Religious fundamentalism refers to a strict adherence to specific theological doctrines typically in reaction to modernist theology.
Multiple choice: Who argued that religion can unite people and create social solidarity? A) Marx B) Durkheim C) Weber
B) Durkheim
What is ‘false consciousness’ in Marxist theory?
False consciousness is a term that describes how material, ideological, and institutional processes prevent the oppressed from recognizing the true nature of their situation.
True or False: Feminist sociologists agree on the role of religion across all cultures.
What concept describes the idea that religion can provide a framework for moral guidance?
This concept is known as the ‘moral community’.