Role of religion Flashcards
What was Henry VIII title after break with Rome?
Supreme Head Of Church of England
What was the main reason for the break with Rome?
Henry’s need to get the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
Who was named the ‘Vicegerent of Spirtuals’ after break with Rome?
Thomas Cromwell
During what time did the break with Rome take place?
What changes did Cromwell make to the English Church in relation to the break with Rome?
1) Preaching controlled through government licences 2) April 1535- Bishops ordered to arrest clergymen who preach Pope’s authority. 3) 1536 Act of Ten Articles 4) Cromwell’s Injunctions that attacked pilgrimages, relics and worship of saints.
How did the break with Rome affect the Royal succesion?
Princess Mary no longer part of succession as break with Rome made her fathers and mothers marriage void, therefore making her illegetimate.
What did the 1534 Treason Act make possible?
Made it possible to prosecute people as traitors if they refused to swear an oath to accept Henery as Supreme Head.
Name two inflential figures that were executed in 1535 for refusing to take the oath that accepted Henry VIII as Supreme Head?
1) Sir Thomas More - Henry’s ex-chancellor 2) John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester
What was the aim of the conservative faction within Court?
To see the restoration of Catholism.
Who was part of this conservative faction?
Dulk of Norfolk, Earl of Derby, Edward Stanely, Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Lord Darcy and Lord Hussey.
How were monasties important in society?
1) Provided economic help in deprived areas. 2) Were often held as education centres 3) Were local employers and landlords.
Why was the the dissolution of monasties fatak for society?
People that depnded on the monastires, in terms of education, employemnt or economically were abandoned.
By the 1530’s how many religious houses were there?
What did the reformers like Cromwell view the monastries as?
Place of wealth and corruption.
What did Henry gain from the dissolution of the monatries?
Their wealth, with which he could defend England and reward his supporters.
What was Valor Ecclesiasticus?
Translates to ‘the value of the church’ and was first carried out in 1535 to reveal to Henery the wealth of monastries.
Between 1536-47 how much did the dissolution of the monastries raise?
1.3 million pounds
What was the 1536 Acyt of Parliament?
Authorised the dissolution of smaller monastries that were worth less than 200 pounds per annum.
What were the Duke of Norlk’s religious affliliations?
He was brought up Protestant but had Catholic sympathies.
In 1560 how did Duke of Norfolk help Elizabeth?
By leading the English army against French Catholic intervention in Scotland.
What was the Duke of Norfolk’s role in Court plot against William Cecil?
In 1568 he was leading member of plot and planned to marry Mary Queen of Scots to remove Cecil.
Why would a plot lead by Duke of Norfolk be dangerous?
He was the ,most powerful member of nobility.
What did the Duke of Norfolk decide on 1st October 1569?
To remain loyal to Elizabeth. Returned to Court and was then imprisoned.
What was the effect of Norfolk’s decision to stay loyal to Elizabeth?
It undermined the potential threat of the Northern Uprising.