Parliament and changes in religion Flashcards
How were MPs elected?
There were two from each county, and people could only vote if they owned property with income worth 40 shillings
What was the main reason that monarchs called parliament?
To call for taxation to fund wars.
What was the Act of Attainder?
The king could declare someone guilty by Act of Parliament without a trial. All property is forfeited.
What did Henry VII use the Act od Attainder for?
He used them to make his rule more secure, convicting enemies after the Battle of Bosworth.
What did Henry VIII do to prove himself on the international stage?
He took part in wars with England’s traditional enemies, France and Scotland.
How much money had been taxed by 1523?
288814 Pounds
How much did Henry VIII take out to pay for his wars?
260000 Pounds
What is an indulgence?
A document that could be bought from Church officials as forgiveness for sins. It was promised to shorten the time spent in Purgatory.
What was a Humanist?
They didn?t want to break away from the Church. They were critical of superstition, wealth and corruption. Believed the Church needed reform from within.
Why were there tensions between the Church and the Monarchy?
The Church had power and privilege that could undermine the monarch., particularly the Church’s right over sanctuary and the benefit of the clergy.
What was sanctuary?
Anyone accused of a crime could seek sanctuary in Church, protection from the law and couldn’t be arrested. It lasted for 40 days and after they had to give themselves up or leave England.
Who did Henry VII break the law of sanctuary for and why?
In 1486, Humphrey Stafford was dragged out of sanctuary for treason and executed for his role in the Lovell rebellion.
What book did Henry VIII publish in support of the Catholic Church?
Assertio Septum Sacramentorum (The defence of the Seven Sacraments)
From 1524 to 1529, how many monasteries did Cardinal Wolsey close and why?
He closed 30 monasteries, a reform, arguing they were corrupt.
Why Wolsey fall from power?
He wasn?t able to get Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled.
Who rose to be Henry’s chief minister in 1532 and how did he influence him?
Thomas Cromwell, he pushed Henry to get an annulment and to break away from the Catholic Church.
What was the Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates and when did it come into effect?
1532, it temporarily stopped payments to Rome.
What was the Submission of the Clergy in 1532?
Churchmen agreed to accept Henry’s power over them. They were not allowed to call a Convocation and couldn?t pass canons, Church laws, without his permission.
What was the Act of Supremacy (1534)?
It placed Henry VIII as the Supreme head of the Church of England.
What was the Act of Succession in 1534?
It was declared that Henry’s marriage to Catherine was never valid making Princess Mary illegitimate. The heirs to the throne would be his and Anne’s children.
What was the new Treason Act after the Act of Supremacy was passed?
Treason against the king wasn?t just actively plotting against him but also speaking against him and the supremacy.
What title did Henry give to Cromwell in 1535 and what powers did it give him?
Vicegerent of Spirituals, he became Henry’s deputy in all spiritual matters and has the power to enforce his wishes.
How much money did Henry get from dissolving monasteries?
1.3 million pounds, from selling the land off giving families a vested interest in keeping the break from Rome.
What was the Act of Ten Articles (1536)?
The first attempt to redefine the doctrine of the new English Church, they were mostly in line with Catholic belief.
What was the Act of Six Articles (1539)?
They reinforced Catholic doctrines like transubstantiation and celibacy for priests.
What was the King’s Book?
It was king’s movement back to Catholicism. It emphasises traditional practices, e.g. masses for the dead.
What did the 1559 Act of Supremacy do?
It made Elizabeth I the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
What was the 1559 Act of Uniformity?
It ordered that the English Book of Common Prayer be used and that everyone had to go to Church one a week or face a fine.
Why was Elizabeth the Supreme Governor rather than the Supreme Head of the Church of England?
It was an attempt to appeal to Catholics who saw the Pope as their Supreme head and to the Protestants who didn?t like the idea of a women being the head of the Church.
Why was the bill of uniformity faced with problems?
It was supposed to be a compromise for everyone, but it was more in favour of Protestants than the Catholics were prepared to allow.
How was the problems of the uniformity bill resolved?
Two sentences were added to the more moderate 1549 Prayer Book which the Catholics could interpret it as the real presence of existed in the bread and wine, whilst the Protestants could see the Communion as a symbol of the Last Supper.
How many clergymen refused the Oath of Supremacy?
300 out of 8000 refused and lost their positions. All of Mary I’s bishops, except the elderly Bishop Llandaff, refused and were deprived of their positions.