Role of operations management Flashcards
What does operations refer to?
Operations refers to the activities of business that acquire and combine inputs, changing them into finished goods and services.
What is operations management concerned with?
Operations management is concerned with managing the process that transforms inputs such as raw materials, labour-power and transport into outputs of goods and services
What questions will Operations managers need to find the answers to?
What to produce? How to produce? How much to produce? For whom to produce?
What is a major task in operations management?
A major task in operations management is to ensure the efficiency of operations by using the least amount of input possible. At the same time operations management needs to be effective by making sure that customers’ needs are met and that they are satisfied with the output
What is involved in operations management?
- Operations- the key business function
- Employment- Most employment in any business is in operations
- Other key business functions-are linked to operations
- Visibility- operations is the part of the business most commonly seen by customers
- Assets- a large proportion of a businesses assets are in operations
How is the strategic role of operations management different to operations management?
The strategic role of operations management is different to operations management. The difference can be explained in terms of short- and long-term viewpoints. Operations management is concerned with the immediate future, for example, decisions that need to be made about the next twelve months.
On the other hand, the strategic role of operations management will focus on decisions and the plans for achieving goals that need to be made in the long term, for example over the next ten years
What is cost leadership?
A simple definition of cost leadership is where a business has the lowest cost of operations compared to its competitors
How is a competitive advantage gained through cost leadership?
A business that is a cost leader develops a competitive advantage over its rivals. A competitive advantage over rival businesses is gained by offering consumers greater value via lower prices, better quality or by providing greater benefits and service at no extra cost to the customer
How will a business achieve cost leadership?
What is an example of this?
To achieve this low cost of operation the business will attempt to achieve efficiency by using the least amount of input possible to produce a given output.
An example of this would be Qantas which could enjoy discounts because of large fuel purchases compared to much smaller purchases by airlines.
What do business cost leaders to need to continue to do?
Businesses that are cost leaders need to continue to keep their costs low compared to their competitors by employing a variety of strategies which include the following
- Economics of scale
- Technology -use up to date technology
- Control other costs
- Control production costs
What does good/service differentiation refer to?
Good or service differentiation refers to the differences between products of competing businesses as perceived by consumers. The business develops a good or service that is unique and which customers believe is better than or different to all the products produced by competitors
why is service differentiation a major opportunity?
The production of differentiated good or services is a major opportunity for a business to continue being competitive through the operations function.
What are three ways of aiming for differentiation for cost leadership?
The physical appearance
providing the customer with an adequate level of service
Producing a good or service efficiently
What is meant by the physical appearance of the styling of goods?
This method of aiming for cost leadership focuses on product design. Product design includes product features. For a product or good to have a sustainable competitive advantage operations managers must determine the designs and features that customers demand and perceive add value to the good.
What is meant by providing the customer with an adequate level of service at a minimum cost?
One method of differentiating services is to provide different levels of basic service. The basic service comes at the least cost to the customer while increased levels of service attract higher charges