Role of Education Flashcards
Durkheim (F)
Education system helps to create social solidarity by transmitting society’s culture and beliefs
Davis and Moore (F)
Inequality is necessary to ensure the most important roles in society are filled by most talented people
^ Education is where students can show what they can do
Parsons (F)
Sees the school as the ‘focal socialising agency’ in modern society acting as a bridge between family and wider society
Particularistic standards in the family
Universalistic standards in wider society
Willis (M)
Study of the anti-school culture of ‘the lads’ making the transition from school to work
Similarity between the lads anti - social culture and the shopfloor culture of manual work
By resisting school ideology, the lads counter - culture ensures they are destined for the unskilled work that capitalism needs
Bowles and Gintis (M)
. Capitalism requires a workforce with the attitudes, behaviours, personality suited to their role as alienated/exploited workers willing to accept hard work and low pay
^ Role of education is to produce an obedient workforce
. Describes education system as a ‘giant myth making machine’
^ Key myth: Myth of meritocracy
State consists of 2 apparatus both of which keep rich in power
. Repressive state apparatus: maintain rule by force or threat
. Ideological state apparatus: maintain rule by controlling peoples ideas, values and beliefs
Althusser (ISA)
Education system is an important ISA.
Preforms 2 functions:
. REPRODUCES class inequality by transmitting it from one generation to the next
. LEGITIMATES class inequality by producing ideologies that disguise its true cause
Chubb and Moe
State run education in the US has failed because…
. Not created equal opportunities
. Private schools deliver higher quality education
What do Neoliberals argue ?
State shouldn’t provide services such as education, health and welfare
Gerwitz and Ball
Competition between schools only benefits the middle class