Ethnic Differences Flashcards
Bereiter and Engelmann
Language spoken by black USA families is seen as inadequate
CDT ignores positive effects of ethnicity on education
Schools can be where white WC subculture gangs play out
Adult authority in Asian households is similar to that in schools
Many black families are headed by a lone mother - children are deprived due to financial struggles
. Boys lack adequate role model
^ continuous cycle
Moore and Davenport
Conducted a study into admissions into USA schools
. Marketisation allows schools to be more selective for what pupils they want
. ‘Assessment Game’ is rigged for dominant culture to be superior
. ‘New IQism’ - teachers and policymakers make false assumptions on potential
^ you can’t measure potential
Should be looking at external differences for differences in ethnic educational achivement
Troyna and Williams
Meagre provision for teaching Asian languages compared to European
Carmichael and Hamilton
Racism is an ingrained feature of society
Saw teachers saw Asian boys as conformist, passive, keen and academic
Ethnic minorities are 2x more likely to be unemployed compared to whites
Found, while children from low-income families generally did worst, effects of low income were less for other ethnic groups compared to whites
Studied a group of black yr11 girls placed in low streams - decided to prove teachers and school wrong
Sewell (Boys responses)
The rebels - small group of black boys
The conformists - keen to succeed
The realists - Disconnected from both rebels and conformists
The innovatiors - for and against school