External Differences Flashcards
Troyna and Williams
Childs language is not the problem, its the schools attitude towards it.
Teachers have a speech hierarchy:
MC - W C - Black Speech
Cultural deprivation is a victim blaming explanation - child cannot be deprived of its own culture.
WC children are culturally DIFFERENT
Blackstone and Mortimer
WC parents attend fewer parents evenings because they work longer/less regular hours and are put off by schools MC environment
. Cultural capital refers to the knowledge, attitudes, values, language and tastes and abilities of the MC
. Through their socialisation, MC pupils are more likely to grasp abstract ideas - advantage
What are Bourdieus’ 3 types of capital ?
Economic capital
Social capital
Cultural Capital
Bourdieu (economic and educational capital)
MC children with cultural capital are better equipped to meet the demands of the curriculum
Leech and Campos
Found in their study of Cov, MC parents are more likely to be able to afford houses in the catchment areas of better schools - ‘selection by mortage’
Used questionnaires of 465 pupils to assess their cultural capital, asked them about a range of activities
Concluded the greater aspirations and resources of the MC explain the remainder of the class gap in achievement
Children from poorer families are likely to consume less vitamins/minerals and have less energy. Affects health
Likely to result in poor concentration and absences
‘Cost of free schooling’
lack of financial support means children from poorer families have to do without equipment and miss out on experiences that would enhance their educational achievement
Tanner et al
Found items such as transport, uniform and books places a heavy burden on poor families
Callender and Jackson
Found WC children to be more ‘debt averse’ - saw debt as something to be avoided
Saw more costs than benefits in going to uni
Hubbs Tait et al
Found where parents use language that challenges children, cognitive preformance improves
Less educated parents use less challenging language
Differences stem from the fact that MC jobs are secure careers offering prospects for continuous advancement - encourages ambition
Restricted and elaborated code
Bernstein and Young
Found MC mothers are more likely to buy educational books/toys
Found WC parents placed less value on education - less ambitious for their children, gave them less encouragement and took less interest in their education