role of clinical biochemistry in renal disease Flashcards
what is a U&E
serum conc of cr, urea, na, k
e-GFR via cr conc
what is urine tested for
albumin-creatinine ratio
protein-creatinine ratio
range of supporting assays for AKI and CKD
how is GFR calculated
Why creatinine derived from creatinine in muscle
derived from creatinine in muscle serum conc relatively stable 24h urine output stable day to day no absorption and little secretion simple to measure
what affects creatinine
lean body mass
effect of diet
how are the variations in GFR varied
GFR related to body surface area - standardise to a given body surface area
allows for comparison against general standard, staging of renal disease, monitoring change in renal filtration
how is glomerular function calculated
MDRD equation for e-GFR
allows for age, sex, ethnicity
age - dec GFR, largely offset by reducing muscle mass
relationship between GFR and plasma creatinine
plasma creatinine inc exponentially (ish) as GFR dec
ref range creatinine can mean that GFR can dec sig before seen as abnormal
what does high plasma glucose cause
osmotic diuresis leading to loss of water and sodium
failure of glucose metabolism - ketoacidosis (inc serum conc of K+ and PO43-)
enhanced by renal impairment
what does vomiting result in
fluid loss
what does loss and salt and water lead to
volume depletion leading to impaired renal function and dehydration
how is dehydration assessed
likely if serum urea-creatinine greater than 100
passive reabsorption of urea in nephron at low flow rates
serum protein may also be high
how is AKI detected
rise in serum cr of >26umol/L/48h
>50% serum cr in 7 days
fall in UO <0.5ml/kg/hr >6h adults/8h kids
>25% fall eGFR in <18 y/o’s
what is the AKI alert system
alert if AKI likely nd stages
1 >1.5x baseline or >26umol/L in 48h
2 >2x baseline
3 >3x baseline or >1.5 to >354umol/L
causes of AKI
poor perfusion - loss of isotonic fluids
sepsis - sev infection
toxins - drugs eg NSAIDs, ahminoglycosides, endogenous eg Hb, light chains
Obstruction - renal calculus, prostatic enlargement
parenchymal - glomerulonephritis
how is Goodpasture’s syndrome treated
plasma exchange to remove antibody
how is good pasture’s syndrome diagnosed
elevated cr, CRP AKI alert proteinuria anaemia, raised WBC no anti-streptolysin titre raised anti-GBM antibody
what is not uncommon in boy builders
mild hypokalaemia
what is the origin of creatinine
muscle mass - creatine - creatinine creatine + ATP + Creatine-P + ADP constant decay creatinine CK - creatine kinase
what does raised serum CRP indicate
septic condition
causes of CKD
diabetes (T2DM more)
renal infections
chronic glomerulonephritis (IgA nephritis)
system disease - lupus or myeloma
genetic - polycystic kidney, alport syndrome
chronic obstruction - prostate, calculi, reflux
medication - NSAID, Li
what does ACR indicate
proteinuria common in RD
large proteins not long retained by glomerulus, same for albumin so escape into urine
metabolic features of stage 2 CKD
elevated serum urea and creatinine conc
inc in PTH conc
metabolic features of stage 3 CKD
calcium absorption decreased
lipoprotein lipase decreased
anaemia - less EPO