formation of urine Flashcards
the process of urine formation
glomerulus - filtration of blood
proximal tubule - reabsorption of filtrate, secretion into tubule
loop of henle - concentration of urine
distal tubule - modification of urine
collecting duct - final modification of urine
what is the glomerulus
afferent arteriole into network of glomerular capillaries to efferent arterioles (narrower to build pressure)
capsular space
distal tubule loops around to top from loop of henle
force for filtration in glomeruli
blood pressure
differing diameter of afferent and efferent arterioles
what is GFR
125 mL/min (180 L/day)
=rate at which glomerular filtrate is produced
can be measured clinically and used to indicate renal function
structure of glomeruli
afferent arteriole bowman's capsule glomerular filtrate out via proximal tubule renal corpuscle efferent arteriole
what is glomerular filtration
first stage of urine formation
ultrafiltration - filtration on a molecular scale
small molecules filtered and large molecules and cells remain in blood
how does glomerular filtration work
depends on 2 factors BP and renal blood flow
filtrarte has to pass through
pores in glomerular capillary endothelium
the basement membrane of BC’s (inc contractile mesangial cells)
epithelial cells of BC (podocytes) via filtration slits into capsular space
forces involved in glomerular filtration
pressure out= Pgc and PIEbs
pressure in= PIEgc and Pbs
GC- glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
BS- bowman’s space oncotic pressure (almost 0)
how to work out filtration pressure
about 45, 25, 10 mmHg
about 10mmHg overall
how does net filtration pressure change
10mmHg to 0
as PIEgc (plasma protein pressure inc from an osmotic pressure of 25 to 35mmHg)
reduced by time blood leaves capillaries
does GFR change with BP
remains constant even when systemic BP changes
involves regulatory mechanism known as autoregulation of renal blood flow
what is autoregulation of blood flow
renal blood flow subject to autoregulation over a range of BPs (90-200mmHg)
persists in denervated and isolated perfused kidneys so not neuronal or hormonal but a local effect
what are the two hypothesises for autoregulation
myogenic - due to response of arterioles to stretch (Starling’s law) egg BP dec so arterioles constrict for constant renal blood flow and GFR
metabolic - renal metabolic modulate afferent and efferent arteriolar contraction and dilation
most likely in combo
how does GFR rely on diameters of afferent and efferent arterioles
GFR drop
dilate afferent and constrict efferent
and opposite if inc
what dilates and constricts the afferent arteriole
dilate - prostaglandins, ANP, dopamine, NO, kinine
constrict - NA, endothelin, adenosine, ADH
what dilates and constricts the efferent arteriole
dilate - adenosine via A2a and 2b Rs, NO)
constrict - Ang II
how can changes in GFR alter systemic blood pressure
drop in filtration pressure, causes drop in GFR
lower GFR means less Na+ enters PT
macula densa senses a change in tubular Na+ levels
stimulates juxtaglomerular cells to release renin into blood
ang II
inc BP to inc filtration pressure and GFR returns to normal
what is the RAAS
homeostasis disturbed eg dec GFR renin release angiotensin activated elevation of BP and blood vol homeostasis restored, inc GFR homeostasis, normal GFR
what does the RAAS do
inc sympathetic activity tubular Na+ reabsorption renal gland release aldosterone vasoconstriction pituitary gland release ADH also works in brain to inc thirst
what can happen to RAAS in hypertension
dysregulated and over activated
how does reabsorption in proximal tubule occur
60-70% filtered water, Na+, HCO3-, Cl-, K+ and urea are reabsorbed from PT
almost complete reabsorption of glucose, AAs, small amount of filtered proteins
driving force Na+/K+
how does Na+/K+ ATPase drive reabsorption
pumps Na+ out against gradient
req ATP
3Na+ out and 2K+ (which rapidly diffuses out)
water follows Na+, cotransport with glucose
what does the Na+/K+ ATPase do
keeps sodium low in PT cells (<30mM)
Cl- follows Na+ by facilitated diffusion, Phosphate and sulphate also co-transported with Na+
how is water reabsorbed from the PT
movement of solutes reduces osmolarity of tubular fluid and inc it in interstitial fluid
net flow from tubule lumen to lateral spaces trans (AQP channels in apical and basolateral surfaces) and para cellularly
not active, follows sodium