Role of a PA (Exam #1) Flashcards
What is EMTALA?
Anyone coming to ED must be stabilized and treated, regardless of their citizenship/legal status, insurance status or ability to pay
What type of ED subtype involves stable vitals, minor illness, lacs, minor bites/burns, abscesses, cellulitis (uncomplicated), rash, HA, minor HEENT, back pain, dysuria?
“Fast Track” ED = quick, simple cases
What type of ED subtype involves trauma, deformed extremities, long bone fractures, very young vs. old, 103+ F temp., abnormal vitals, CP, SOB, neuro changes?
HIGH Acuity
What are the four exceptions to Informed Consent?
- Unconscious
- Incapable of consent
- Imminent harm from non-tx
- No surrogate available
What does “ADC VANDISMAL” stand for, and what does this apply to?
Admission Orders
- Admit
- Diagnosis
- Condition
- Vitals
- Allergies
- Nursing
- Diet
- IV fluids
- Specials
- Meds
- Activity
- Labs
What are five important components of a discharge note?
- Dx
- Secondary dx
- Medications
- Instructions
- Follow-up