Role models Flashcards
I admire…
Admiro a…
My inspiration/ idol is…
Mi inspiracion/ idolo es…
…is a good/ bad role model un buen/ mal modelo a seguir.
A good role model is someone who…
Un buen modelo a seguir es alguien que…
Supports charities
Apoya a organizaciones beneficas
Is very talented
Tiene mucho talento
Is very successful
Tiene mucho exito
Works in defence of animals.
Trabaja en defensa de los animales.
Uses his/ her fame to help others.
Usa su fama para ayudar a los demas.
They get drunk
Se emborrachan
They behave badly.
Se comportan mal.
They get into trouble with the police.
Se meten en problemas con la policia
He/ She is nice/ affectionate/ strong
Es amable/ cariñoso/ fuerte.
He/ She fights for/against
Lucha por/ contra
Poverty/ homophobia
La prbreza/ la homofobia
Women’s rights
Los derechos de la mujer
Unprivileged children
Los niños desfavorecidos
Social justice
La justica social
Despite his/her problems
A pesar de sus problemas
He/ she has broken several records
Ha batido varios records
He/ She has created…
Ha creado…
He/ She has won…medals/awards.
Ha ganado…medallas/ premios.
He/She has suffered several illnesses.
Ha sufrido varias enfermedades.
He/ She has overcome his/her problems.
Ha superado sus problemas.
He/ She has had alot of success as…
Ha tenido mucho exito como…