Local area and travel (What will we do tomrorrow?) Flashcards
What will we do tomrorrow?
¿Que haremos manana?
I will take lots of photos.
Sacare muchas fotos.
We will go down on foot.
Bajaremos a pie.
We will go to the beach.
Iremos a la playa.
We will go to the mountains.
Iremos a la montaña.
We will go canoeing.
Haremos piraguismo.
We saw interesting places.
Vimos lugares interesantes.
We had a guide.
Tuvimos un guia.
He/She did a tour for us.
Nos hizo un recorrido.
He/She helped us to understand all of the history.
Nos aydudo a enteneder toda la historia.
I walked around the historic centre.
Reccorri as pie el centro historico.
I bought so many things.
Compre tantas cosas.
I hired a mountain bike.
Alquile una bici de monatna.
I took a tourist bus.
Cogi un autobus turistico.
We went up…
We went down…
I learned alot about the culture.
Aprendi mucho sobre la cultura.
I was really impressed by the city.
Me quede impresionado con la ciudad.
There were amazing views.
Habia vistas marvillosas.
The food was very good.
La comida estaba muy buena.
The people were open.
La gente era abierta.
What I like the most was…
Lo que mas me gusto fue…
What a scare!
Que miedo!
I will go back one day.
Vovere algun dia.
I will learn to surf.
Aprendere a hacer surf.
I will work as a volunteer.
Trabajare como voluntario/a.