Local area and travel (What will we do tomrorrow?) Flashcards
What will we do tomrorrow?
¿Que haremos manana?
I will take lots of photos.
Sacare muchas fotos.
We will go down on foot.
Bajaremos a pie.
We will go to the beach.
Iremos a la playa.
We will go to the mountains.
Iremos a la montaña.
We will go canoeing.
Haremos piraguismo.
We saw interesting places.
Vimos lugares interesantes.
We had a guide.
Tuvimos un guia.
He/She did a tour for us.
Nos hizo un recorrido.
He/She helped us to understand all of the history.
Nos aydudo a enteneder toda la historia.
I walked around the historic centre.
Reccorri as pie el centro historico.
I bought so many things.
Compre tantas cosas.
I hired a mountain bike.
Alquile una bici de monatna.
I took a tourist bus.
Cogi un autobus turistico.
We went up…