Apps (What is better, reading paper books or online) Flashcards
What is better, reading paper books or online?
¿Que es mejor, leer en papel o en red?
Reading in digital format…
Leer en formato digital…
Protects the planet
Protege el planeta
Doesn’t waste paper
No malgasta papel
Tires your eyes
Cansa la vista
Relies on electricity
Depende de la energia electrica
Allows you to take thousands of books with you
Te permite llevar contigo miles de libros
Costs alot of less
Cuesta mucho menos
Is annoying because there is no
Fastidia porque no hay
Electronic books/ E- books…
Los libros electronicos/ Los e-libros..
Are easy to transport
Son faciles de transportar
Are more environmentally friendly
Son mas ecologicos
Don’t take up space
No ocupan espacio
One disadvantage is…
Una desventaja es…
The battery use
El uso de bateria
I like/ prefer
Me gusta/ Prefiero
To touch the pages
Tocar las paginas
To turn the pages by hand
Pasar las paginas a mano
To write notes
Escribir anotaciones
To read for hours and hours
Leer horas y horas
A bookworm
Un raton de biblioteca
A real book
Un libro de verdad