Rococo Flashcards
Return from Cythera by Watteau

1717, France, New style of painting Fete galante=amorous festival (vibrant, bright, outdoors), Cythera=Aphrodite’s land of eternal youth and love, For French Royal Academy, Academy loved it so much they created a new category for it, highlights artifice (painterly, whispy), organic and flowing forms create movement
Cupid a Captive by Francis Boucher

1754, France, Haze over painting, Greenery and light and happy, Playful/sensual nature, Pyramid and x-shape create movement and show Renaissance influence
The Swing by Fragonard
1766, France, Cupid symbolizes secret love, Bishop naively swings girl, Intricate dress, Pastels take away from high contrast, Patches of light create a frame that moves eye around, Crisper than Boucher and Watteua, Student of Boucher
Satyr Crowing a Bacchante by Clodion

1770, Mannerist influence in forms, Nature and floral emphasis, Serene and playful