Rocks & Soil Flashcards
Argillaceous parent material
Sedimentary rocks such as slates, marls or mudstones that redner a large amount of clay grade texture
process that produces calcification of calcium carbonates in B horizon soils e.g. lime
Gradation of soil profile characteristics from the top of the slope to the valley floor, a topographic sequence of soils
Fire regimes
Influences soil profile characteristics from the top of the slope to the vallye floor, a topographic sequence of soils
Where water table is high, soil is saturated, lack of oxygen underwater
Leaching process in humid and warm climates such as tropical rainforests, results in develoment of sesquioxide rich indurated horizon
Occurs with water movement down profile, causes loss of fines and nutrients to lower levels
Fossil soil from past conditions
Pedogenic processes
Change through transformation of rock material and other deposits into soils
Leaching is so strong it moves iron, aluminium and humic acids down the soil profile, leaving a bleached horizon
Soil has resulted from one or more processes, owing to a change in conditions over time
Upward movement of water carrying salts, evaporates at surface to leave salts behind, saline soils
Siliceous parent material
from rocks such as granite, rhyolite or quartz sandstone that tends to weather to sandy textures that are fairly acidic
Soil horizon
Layers we find in soils
Soil profile
Vertical exposure of soil showing soil horizons
Soil reaction
Physiochemistry property related to acidity/alkalinity, measured by pH or the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration
Soil structure
Organisation of mineral particles into shaped clusters
Consists of the surface and subsoil layers that have undergone the same soil forming conditions
Soil texture
Size class distribution of mineral particles
Such as below water table - saturated so with no leaching or water movement to make soil anaerobic
breakdown of rock in situ to form rock fragments/regolith
Capacity of soil to erode
Capacity of external agent to cause erosion
Field capacity
Level of soil water content where capillary water is available to plants