Rock 'n' Roll Flashcards
Rock and Roll
Not music your parents would like
Tomas Edison
First radio
It all began
Black experience, black music (blues, gospel)
Cat, race music
Music taken to a whole new level and stage
Group listening experience
Broadcast for miles
It’s wild
It’s different
It’s sexual
Music goes portable
Transistor Radio
The rock / race revolution
Black artists play their own music
Audiences mix it up
Young people have their own sound
A dent in racism
British Invasion–1960’s
Americans fall out of favor. Pop is still pop for a while. British artists top the charts.
Birth of Motown
Detroit- The Supremes
1980’s-Television changes everything
…once again
First song played on mtv? Now very little time devoted to music. Instead mtv has become a “demographic” to describe an age group.
Music Videos
Tell a story
Market a song
Market an image
Make music visual
What other types of music are there?
punk, reggae, grunge, Hip-hop
Hip-Hop redraws the line
Essence challenges hip-hop
Rock without living home
Justin Bieber on youtube