Robbins Q/A Flashcards
skin finding assoc with (cancers/SLE/mastocytosis/AIDS/Langerhans cell histiocytosis): acanthosis nigricans
skin finding assoc with (cancers/SLE/mastocytosis/AIDS/Langerhans cell histiocytosis): rashes that exhibit photosensitivity
SLE. due to antigen-antibody complex deposition
skin finding assoc with (cancers/SLE/mastocytosis/AIDS/Langerhans cell histiocytosis): urticaria
skin finding assoc with (cancers/SLE/mastocytosis/AIDS/Langerhans cell histiocytosis): disseminated infections, papulosquamous dermatoses (not pigmented lesions)
skin finding assoc with (cancers/SLE/mastocytosis/AIDS/Langerhans cell histiocytosis): occurs in children, produces reddish papules or nodules or erythematous scaling plaques
(scabies/Borrelia burgdorferi/tinea corporis/staph and strep A/molluscum contagiosum): intense pruritus, linear lesions
(scabies/Borrelia burgdorferi/tinea corporis/staph and strep A/molluscum contagiosum): erythema chronicum migrans
(scabies/Borrelia burgdorferi/tinea corporis/staph and strep A/molluscum contagiosum): superficial infection, erythema and crusting
tinea corporis
(scabies/Borrelia burgdorferi/tinea corporis/staph and strep A/molluscum contagiosum): impetigo
staph and strep A
(scabies/Borrelia burgdorferi/tinea corporis/staph and strep A/molluscum contagiosum): localized, firm nodule
molluscum. poxvirus
pruritic, purple, polygonal papules
lichen planus
bandlike infiltrate of lymphocytes at the dermal-epidermal junction, self-limited, may include oral lesions
lichen planus
(keratoacanthoma/SCC/BSC/seborrheic keratosis/actinic keratosis/verruca vulgaris): keratin filled crater surrounded by proliferating epithelium, self-limiting
(keratoacanthoma/SCC/BSC/seborrheic keratosis/actinic keratosis/verruca vulgaris): rough surfaced, pigmented lesion that slowly enlarges over time
seborrheic keratosis
(keratoacanthoma/SCC/BSC/seborrheic keratosis/actinic keratosis/verruca vulgaris): flat, pigmented, tan to brown to red
actinic keratosis
(keratoacanthoma/SCC/BSC/seborrheic keratosis/actinic keratosis/verruca vulgaris): on hands and feet, rough upper surface, comes and goes over years
verruca vulgaris
(malassezia furfur/epidermophyton and trichophyton and microsporum/HSV/HPV/mycobacterium leprae): tinea versicolor
malassezia furfur
(malassezia furfur/epidermophyton and trichophyton and microsporum/HSV/HPV/mycobacterium leprae): athlete’s foot and jock itch
phytons and microsporum
(malassezia furfur/epidermophyton and trichophyton and microsporum/HSV/HPV/mycobacterium leprae): crops of clear vesicles that may burst and form painful shallow ulcers
(malassezia furfur/epidermophyton and trichophyton and microsporum/HSV/HPV/mycobacterium leprae): condyloma acuminatum
HPV (genital warts)
(malassezia furfur/epidermophyton and trichophyton and microsporum/HSV/HPV/mycobacterium leprae): c Hansen disease, areas of skin anesthesia that predispose to repeated trauma
(epidermal inclusion cyst/fibroepithelial polyp): skin tag, acrochordon
fibroepithelial polyp
(epidermal inclusion cyst/fibroepithelial polyp): formed from downward growth of epithelium or expansion of a hair follicle, lined by squamous epithelium
epidermal inclusion cyst
(lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/hypercalcemia/multiple myeloma/follicular lymphoma): t(14;18)
follicular lymphoma
(lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/hypercalcemia/multiple myeloma/follicular lymphoma): Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
(lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/hypercalcemia/multiple myeloma/follicular lymphoma): punched-out lytic lesions
multiple myeloma
(lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/hypercalcemia/multiple myeloma/follicular lymphoma): Russell bodies
lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma aka Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
(lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/hypercalcemia/multiple myeloma/follicular lymphoma): hyperviscosity, cold agglutinin
lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma aka Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
(leukemoid rxn/CML/hairy cell leukemia/Hodgkin/ALL): high alkaline phosphatase
leukemoid reaction
(leukemoid rxn/CML/hairy cell leukemia/Hodgkin/ALL): low alkaline phosphatase
(leukemoid rxn/CML/hairy cell leukemia/Hodgkin/ALL): Philadelphia chromosome
(leukemoid rxn/CML/hairy cell leukemia/Hodgkin/ALL): peripheral blood leukocytes that mark with tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
hairy cell
(leukemoid rxn/CML/hairy cell leukemia/Hodgkin/ALL): not characterized by high WBC count
(leukemoid rxn/CML/hairy cell leukemia/Hodgkin/ALL): disease of children and young adults, and lymphoid cells do not have leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): monomorphorous infiltrate
non Hodgkin
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): lymph node has macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells
chronic lymphadenitis
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): Reed Sternberg cells
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): T cell neoplasm in mediastinum of children
lymphoblastic lymphoma
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): Waldeyer ring involved
diffuse large B cell
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): staining pattern indicates B cell prolif (CD19 and CD10)
diffuse large B cell
(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma/lymphoblastic lymphoma/small lymphocytic lymphoma/Hodgkin/chronic lymphadenitis/non Hodgkin lymphoma): B cell neoplasm with widespread lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphocytosis
small lymphocytic lymphoma
(diffuse large B cell lymphoma/myeloid leukemia/myelodsyplasia/myeloid metaplasia): maturation defects in multiple lineages in the marrow. ringed sideroblasts in the marrow
(diffuse large B cell lymphoma/myeloid leukemia/myelodsyplasia/myeloid metaplasia): 5q deletion
post therapy myelodysplasia
(CML/myelofibrosis/polycythemia vera/AML/essential thrombocytopenia): throbbing, burning pain in hands and feet caused by platelet aggregates occluding arterioles
essential thrombocytopenia
(CML/myelofibrosis/polycythemia vera/AML/essential thrombocytopenia): WBC count high, without thrombocytosis
(CML/myelofibrosis/polycythemia vera/AML/essential thrombocytopenia): myeloproliferative disorder, dominant cell type affected is megakaryocyte, thrombocytosis
essential thrombocytopenia
eosinophilia suggests what type of infection: (viral/bacterial/parasitic)
parasitic (ex. strongyloidiasis)
(ALL/multiple myeloma/Letterer-Siwe/myelodysplastic syndrome/peripheral T cell lymphoma or leukemia): Birbeck granules
Letterer-Siwe (form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis)
(ALL/multiple myeloma/Letterer-Siwe/myelodysplastic syndrome/peripheral T cell lymphoma or leukemia): lymphoblasts that mark as T cells in thymic masses in children
(ALL/multiple myeloma/Letterer-Siwe/myelodysplastic syndrome/peripheral T cell lymphoma or leukemia): plasma cells, older adults, monoclonal gammopathy
multiple myeloma
(ALL/multiple myeloma/Letterer-Siwe/myelodysplastic syndrome/peripheral T cell lymphoma or leukemia): ringed sideroblasts
myelodysplastic syndrome
(ALL/multiple myeloma/Letterer-Siwe/myelodysplastic syndrome/peripheral T cell lymphoma or leukemia): Sezary cells
peripheral T cell lymphoma
(AML/bacterial sepsis/G6PD def/hairy cell leukemia): Auer rods, which are condensations of azurophilic granules
(AML/bacterial sepsis/G6PD def/hairy cell leukemia): Dohle bodies (dilated ER)
bacterial sepsis
(AML/bacterial sepsis/G6PD def/hairy cell leukemia): projections on circulating B cells
hairy cell leukemia
(AML/bacterial sepsis/G6PD def/hairy cell leukemia): Heinz bodies, precipitates of denatured Hb
G6PD def
(chronic infection/acute viral hepatitis/glucocorticoids/vigorous exercise/AML): can lead to expansion of myeloid precursor pool in marrow > neutrophilic leukocytosis
chronic infection
(chronic infection/acute viral hepatitis/glucocorticoids/vigorous exercise/AML): can increase release of marrow storage pool cells and diminish extravasation of neutrophils into tissues
(chronic infection/acute viral hepatitis/glucocorticoids/vigorous exercise/AML): can produce neutrophilia from demargination of neutrophils
(chronic infection/acute viral hepatitis/glucocorticoids/vigorous exercise/AML): marrow is filled with blasts
(CML/Burkitt lymphoma/follicular lymphoma): t(8;14)
(CML/Burkitt lymphoma/follicular lymphoma): t(14;18)
follicular lymphoma
SLE can be accompanied by (eosinophilia/thrombocytosis/monocytosis/neutrophilia/basophilia)
area endemic for HTLV-1
undetectable EPO, increased Hct and blood volume
polycythemia vera
cerebriform nuclei found in ______
cutaneous T cell lymphomas such as mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome
(IgG/IgM) coating RBCs: cold agglutinin disease
(IgG/IgM) coating RBCs: warm antibody hemolytic anemia
increase in hemoglobin A2 in: (iron def anemia/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/beta thalassemia minor)
beta thalassemia minor
MCC of iron def anemia in elderly: (pernicious anemia/GI blood loss/menstruating)
GI blood loss (carcinoma, ulcers)
pernicious anemia from B12 deficiency: (micro/macro) cytic anemia
(iron deficient anemia due to bleeding malignancy/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thalassemia/chronic alcoholism/Vit B12 def/Hemophilia A): microcytic and hypochromic anemia
iron def due to occult malignancy
(iron deficient anemia due to bleeding malignancy/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thalassemia/chronic alcoholism/Vit B12 def/Hemophilia A): normocytic anemia with pronounced reticulocytosis
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
(iron deficient anemia due to bleeding malignancy/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thalassemia/chronic alcoholism/Vit B12 def/Hemophilia A): microcytosis, severe anemia soon after birth
(iron deficient anemia due to bleeding malignancy/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thalassemia/chronic alcoholism/Vit B12 def/Hemophilia A): macrocytosis due to folate def
(iron deficient anemia due to bleeding malignancy/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thalassemia/chronic alcoholism/Vit B12 def/Hemophilia A): joint problems because bleeding is mainly into soft tissues without blood loss
hemophilia A
(iron deficient anemia due to bleeding malignancy/autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thalassemia/chronic alcoholism/Vit B12 def/Hemophilia A): macrocytic anemia (two diseases)
chronic alcoholism and Vit B12 def
(iron def anemia/aplastic anemia/microangiopathic hemolytic anemia/anemia of chronic dz/megaloblastic anemia): increased ferritin concentration and reduced total iron-binding capacity
chronic disease
(iron def anemia/aplastic anemia/microangiopathic hemolytic anemia/anemia of chronic dz/megaloblastic anemia): caused by serious acute conditions such as DIC
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
(iron def anemia/aplastic anemia/microangiopathic hemolytic anemia/anemia of chronic dz/megaloblastic anemia): thrombocytopenia caused by widespread thrombosis
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
(iron def anemia/aplastic anemia/microangiopathic hemolytic anemia/anemia of chronic dz/megaloblastic anemia): pancytopenia and absence of reticulocytosis
aplastic anemia
acute blood loss leads to: (schistocytes/basophilic stippling/reticulocytosis/leukoerythroblastosis)
reticulocytosis. blood loss results in marrow stimulation by anemia, leading to reticulocytosis
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglboinuria: (spectrin/G6PD/PIGA/Factor V/Beta globin chain) mutation
(ITP/von Willebrand dz/Factor V mutation/Hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitor/DIC): XLR, bleeding into joints, PTT is prolonged
Hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitor
(ITP/von Willebrand dz/Factor V mutation/Hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitor/DIC): recurrent thromboses
factor V mutation
(ITP/von Willebrand dz/Factor V mutation/Hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitor/DIC): acute condition resulting from an underlying dz, platelets are consumed
(ITP/von Willebrand dz/Factor V mutation/Hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitor/DIC): platelet count, PT and PTT are all normal. Decreased platelet adherence
von Willebrand disease
(ITP/von Willebrand dz/Factor V mutation/Hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitor/DIC):autoimmune condition with thrombocytopenia leading to bleeding