Road Traffic Act 1988 Flashcards
Section 1 Road Traffic Act 1988 Definition
A person who causes the death of another person by driving a mechanically propelled vehicle dangerously on a road or other public place is guilty of an offence
Section 1A Road Traffic Act 1988 Definition
A person who causes serious injury to another person by driving a mechanically propelled vehicle dangerously on a road or other public place is guilty of an offence
Section 2 RTA 1988 Definition
A person who drives a mechanically propelled vehicle dangerously on a road or other public place is guilty of an offence
Section 2B RTA 1988 Definition
A person who causes the death of another person by driving a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place, is guilty of an offence
Section 3 RTA 1988 Definition
If a person drives a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place, without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for the other person using the road or place he is guilty of an offence
Section 3A RTA 1988 Definition
If a person causes the death of another person by driving a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place AND
He is, at the time when they are driving, unfit to drive through drink or drugs OR
He has consumed so much alcohol that the proportion of it in their breath, blood or urine exceeds the prescribed limit (MOV must be a Motor Vehicle) OR
He has in his body a specified controlled drug and the proportion of it in his blood/urine exceeds the prescribed limit for that drug OR
He is, within18 hours after that time, required to provide a specimen in pursuance of S.7 of the this Act (RTA 1988), but without reasonable excuse fails to provide it OR
He is required by a constable to give his permission for a laboratory test of a specimen of blood taken from him under section 7A of this Act (RTA 1988), but without reasonable excuse fails to do so
Section 35 OAPA 1861 Definition
Whosoever having the charge of any carriage or vehicle shall by wanton or furious driving or racing or other wilful misconduct or wilful neglect do or cause any bodily harm to any person whatsoever shall be guilty of an offence
What is Section 1 RTA
Causing death by dangerous driving
What is 1A RTA 1988
Causing serious injury by dangerous driving
What is 2 RTA 1988
Dangerous Driving
What is 2B RTA 1988
Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate driving
What is 3 RTA 1988
Careless, and inconsiderate driving
Whats is 3A RTA 1988
Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drug
What is 4 RTA 1988
Driving, or being in charge, when under influence of drink or drug
Whats is 5 RTA 1988
Driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit.
What is 5A RTA 1988
Driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle with concentration of specified controlled drug above specified limit
What is 6 RTA 1988
Power to administer preliminary tests
Whats is 6A RTA 1988
Preliminary Breath Test
Whats is 6B RTA 1988
Preliminary Impairment Test
What is 6C RTA 1988
Preliminary Drug Test
What is 6D RTA 1988
Whats is 6E RTA 1988
Power of Entry
What is 9 RTA 1988
Protection for hospital patients
What is 35 RTA 1988
Drivers to comply with traffic directions
What is 36 RTA 1988
Drivers to comply with traffic signs
What is 37 RTA 1988
Directions to pedestrians
What is 87 RTA 1988
Drivers of Motor Vehicles to have driving licences
Whats is 103 RTA 1988
Obtaining licence, or driving, while disqualified
What is 163 RTA 1988
Power of Police to Stop Vehicles
What is 163(2) RTA 1988
Power of police to stop a pedal cycle
What is 163(3) RTA 1988
Failure to comply is guilty of an offence
What is 164 RTA 1988
Power of constable to require production of driving licence and in certain cases statement of date of birth
What is 165 RTA 1988
Power of constables to obtain names and addresses of drivers and others, and to require production of evidence of insurance … and test certificate
What is 170(1) RTA 1988
– Duty of driver to stop, report accident and give information or documents
What is 170(4) RTA 1988
Fail to stop/report an accident
What is 170(7) RTA 1988
Failure to produce proof of insurance after injury/accident
What is Sec 34 RTA 1988
Prohibition of driving MPV elsewhere than on roads