RIZAL Lesson 3 Spain HANDOUTS.docx Flashcards
Weaknesses of the educational system in the Philippines during the 19th century except
i. Racial prejudice against the Filipinos in school
ii. Relevant curriculum
iii. Obsolete classroom facilities’
iv. Inadequate instructional materials
v. Emphasis on religion
ii and v
The Filipinos were treated equally by the Spanish conquerors. (TRUE or FALSE)
Answer is case-sensitive.
Filipino grievances against the Spanish rule except for
i. Corrupt Colonial Officials
ii. Stability of Colonial Administration
iii. Equality Before the Law
iv. Human Rights Denied to Filipinos
v. The Guardia Civil
ii and iii
Filipino males from 16 to 60 years old were obliged to render forced labor for 40 days a year. (True OR False)
Answer is case-sensitive.
The social structure implemented by Spain followed the doctrine of *compianza de sange. * (True OR False)
Answer is case-sensitive.
There was a demand for Philippine products during the 19th century except for
i. sugar
ii. coffee
iii. rice
iv. cacao
v. tobacco
iv only
The friars became more powerful and influential that even civil authorities feared them. (True OR False)
Answer is case-sensitive.
The main function of the gobernadorcillo was the maintenance of peace and order and the collection of taxes and tributes in the barangay. (RIGHT or WRONG)
Answer is case-sensitive.
Colegio de Santo Tomas and Ateneo de Municipal are the secondary school for boys run by the Jesuits. (Correct OR Wrong)
Answer is case-sensitive.
The rise in power and influence of the friars can be attributed to frequent changes in the top colonial administration in the country. (Correct OR Wrong)
Answer is case-sensitive.
Secondary education for girls were provided by the following schools in Manila except
i. Santa Isabel
ii. La Concordia
iii. Santa Rosa
iv. Santa Teresa
v. Santa Catalina
iv only
With the uselessness of mercantilism, the Philippines was officially opened to foreign trade by 1834. (CORRECT or WRONG)
Answer is case-sensitive.
The* alcalde mayor* was required to mortgage his properties to the government at the beginning of his term of office. (True OR False)
Answer is case-sensitive.
Laws enacted by the governor-general were called ____. (Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTERS)
After the death of ________, Spain went through a downfall spiral as a world power. (Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTERS)
By ___ all of Spain’s American colonies have seceded and became independent states with the exemption of _____ and _______
Cuba and Puerto Rico
The ensuing struggle would be known as _____
Carlist Wars
policies implemented by colonial administrators from Luzon to Mindanao emenated from manila, the seat of the central government.
Unitary government
- appointed by the spanish monarch
the head of the colonial government in the
country - he represented the Crown in all governmental
matters - he was the Vice Royal Patron over religious
affairs - he could nominate priests for ecclesiastical
administration of the parishes - the commander in chief of the colonial army
- the ex-officio president of the Royal
Audiencia or Supreme Court in the
Philippines - he had his legislative powers to enact laws
which were called actos acordados
(Maguigad, 2000) - He had the power of cumplase or the power
to decide which law or royal decree should be
implemented or disregarded in the colony.
was dictated by the monarch and wealth should
flow toward the center of imperial power.
an economic doctrine based on the idea
that the country’s wealth and power can be measured in
its stock of gold and silver.
______ between Manila and Acapulco began in
Galeon Trade
There was a demand for Philippine products such as
sugar, coffee, rice, indigo, and tobacco.
The Philippines was officially opened to foreign trade by
members of the middle class
Ilustrados or the “enlightened ones”
the national government were the local government units namely
1. provinces
2. towns
3. cities and
4. barrios (Agoncillo, 1990)
The provinces were called ______. Each province was
headed by an ________,
who exercised executive and judicial functions.
alcalde mayor or provincial governor
was elected by all married males
- was voted by 13 electors, chaired by the
outgoing gobernadorcillo
- As the town executive, his principal
responsibility was tax collection.
- To ensure collection and remittance of these
taxes, he was required to mortgage his
properties to the government at the beginning
of his term of office
Gobernadorcillo or town mayor
As the smallest unit of government, each
barangay was headed by a ________
cabeza de barangay.
His main function was the maintenance of
peace and order and the collection of taxes
and tributes in the barangay. .
cabeza de barangay.
The city government was called a ______
ayuntamiento (Zaide, 1994).
- It is governed by a cabildo or city council
composed of a city mayor (alcalde en
ordinario), councilors (regidores), chief
constable (aguacil mayor), and a secretary
city council
city mayor
alcalde en ordinario
chief constable
aguacil mayor
“a government by friars”
Frailocracia or frailocracy
The rise in power and influence of the friars can
be attributed to frequent changes in the top
colonial administration in the country from
1849 to 1895.
was organized in 1867
a corps of native police under the leadership of
Spanish officers for the purpose of dealing
with outlaws and renegades (Maguigad et al,
Guardia Civil
The provincial government was the most corrupt unit in
local government then, owing to the privilege to engage
in and monopolize trade _________
indulto de commercio
The alcaldias or provinces were divided into towns or
pueblos. Each pueblo was headed by a ____
gobernadorcillo or town mayor
The Filipinos were treated as_____ by the Spanish
They imposed and collected all forms of taxes and
tributes from the Filipinos and even required the natives
to_________ or forced labor to the
government and the Catholic Church
render polo y servicio
By the end of the 19th century, only the______ was existing higher education
institution in the Philippines.
University of
Santo Tomas (UST)
UST, founded by the Dominicans in _____, was the only
university which offered courses in medicine,
pharmacy, theology, philosophy, as well as canon and
civil law.
Notable among these schools were the _____, ______, ______ run by
the Jesuits (Schumacher, 1997).
Colegio de Santo
Tomas and de San Juan de Letran in Manila, under the
Dominicans, as well as the Ateneo Municipal,
Secondary education for girls were provided by the
following schools in Manila (Maguigad, 2000), namely:
_____, ______, _______, ______
Santa Isabel, La Concordia, Santa Rosa and Santa
- Over-emphasis on religion; - O
- Limited and irrelevant curriculum; - L
- Obsolete classroom facilities - O
- Inadequate instructional materials - I
- Racial prejudice against the Filipinos in - R
The presence of these foreign traders stimulated
agricultural production and export of (4)
sugar, rice,
hemp, and tobacco.
- Instability of Colonial Administration- I
- Corrupt Colonial Officials - C
- No Representation in the Spanish Cortes - N
- Human Rights Denied to Filipinos - H
- No Equality Before the Law - N
- Maladministration of Justice - M
- Racial Discrimination - R
- Frailocracy - F
- Forced Labor - F
- Haciendas Owned by the Friars - H
- The Guardia Civil - T
Pyramidal Social Structure
Spanish, mestizos, principalia
chinese mestizos
indios or natives