The Spanish vessel that shipped Rizal back to the Philippines as a prisoner of the Spanish government
- Colon
Retraction of Rizal’s religious beliefs was Father Obach’s requisite in officiating the former’s marriage with J0sephine.
- True
Rizal found Dapitan a prosperous town upon his arrival in the island town.
- False
Rizal gave to her the alcohol stove where the last poem was hidden.
- His sister Trinidad
The politico-military commander of Dapitan blamed by the friars for Rizal’s firm stand not to embrace his old faith
- Ricardo Carnicero
Change the underline word/s to make each of the following statement correct. Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Valeriano Weyler decreed Rizal’s deportation to Dapitan.
(Answer must be FIRST NAME LAST NAME
The governor-general who approved Rizal’s application as a volunteer physician to Cuba was
- Ramon Blanco
The British lawyer who tried to rescue Rizal in Singapore through a writ of habeas corpus
- Hugh Fort
A book written by Kemphis, which was Rizal’s last gift to Josephine Bracken. (Spanish title)
- Imitacion de Cristo
The venue of Rizal’s trial on December 26, 1896 was held in the Hall of Banners of the Cuartel de España.
- True
Rizal was taken as prisoner in Barcelona at
- Fort Montjuich
Bonifacio’s emissary to Rizal at Dapitan
- Pio Valenzuela
The presence of Josephine Bracken made his life miserable and unbearable in Dapitan.
- False
The friars’ agent sent to spy on Rizal’s activities in Dapitan
- Florencio Namaan
The Spanish governor-general who decreed the execution of Rizal on December 30, 1896.
- Camilo de Polavieja
Rizal’s work experiences in Dapitan enhanced his concept of practical nationalism and community leadership.
- True
Change the underline word/s to make each of the following statement correct. Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTERS.
It was at Taliwan where Rizal built his home, clinic and school for boys at Dapitan.
In defending himself, Rizal presented 14 arguments.
- 12 only not 14.
Rizal’s defense counsel during his trial.
- Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
The case charged against Rizal by the Spanish authorities were: rebellion, sedition and formation of legal associations.
- False - formation of illegal associations not legal associations
- It was here in Dapitan, particularly in Talisay, where Rizal used his talents and limited resources to be of service to his countrymen during his four years of exile.
- An old professor of Rizal at the Ateneo who enticed him back to the Church.
Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez
- He advised Rizal to stay and take advantage of the British Law. *
Don Pedro Roxas
- The chief of the guard detail and the Adjutant of the Plaza Elroy Moure.
Juan del Fresno
- The Spanish governor-general who decreed the execution of Rizal on December 30, 1896.
Camilo de Polavieja
- The governor-general who approved Rizal’s application as a volunteer physician to Cuba
Ramon Blanco
The La Liga Filipina was founded by Rizal to *
unite the Filipinos
use force of arms to effect change in the country
unite the Filipinos
use force of arms to effect change in the country
unite the Filipinos