Risk Management Flashcards
•••••••Risk Mgt•••••••
Annualized VaR
Annualized VaR = VaRn-day × √(250/n)
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Analytical VaR
Analytical VaR = [ERp (daily return) – (z(1.65 @ 5% sign.)) * (σdaily)] * MVp (total portfolio amount)
•••••••Risk Mgt•••••••
Risk-adjusted return on invested capital
Return over maximum drawdown
Sortino ratio
Risk-adjusted return on invested capital: RAROC =Er / Capital @ risk
Return over maximum drawdown: RoMAD = Rp / maximum drawdown
Sortino ratio: = (Rp – MinimumAcceptableReturn) / downside deviation
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of Futures for Equity
of contracts = [(βTarget – βcurrent) / βfutures] * [Vstocks / Vfutures]
If a fund needs to change % allocation (e.g. 10% increase), βTarget is the current, βTarget is 0, Vstocks is the $$$ change
•••••••Risk Mgt•••••••
of futures for debt
of contracts = [(MDTarget – MDCurrent) / MDFutures] * (Vbonds / Vfutures) * (yield beta)
If a fund needs to change % allocation (e.g. 10% increase), MDTarget is the current Duration, MDCurrent is equal to cash Duration (close to 0), Vbonds is the $$$ change
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Ex post beta
Ex post beta = portfolio return / index return
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Covered Call
Covered Call = Long Stock + Short Call
(Limits upside but retains most downside)

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Protective Put (Portfolio Insurance)
Protective Put (Portfolio Insurance) = Long Stock + Long Put (Limits downside risk and retains upside)

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Bull Spread (used for profit)
Bull Spread (used for profit)
Call = Long Call ITM + Short Call OTM
Put = Long Put OTM + Short Put ITM (rarely used)

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Bear Spread
Bear Spread
Call = Long Call OTM + Short Call ITM
Put = Long Put ITM + Short Put OTM

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Butterfly Spread
Butterfly Spread
LCall = LC ITM + 2 SC ATM + LC OTM (high vol)
LPut = LP ITM + 2 SP ATM + LP OTM (high vol)
SCall = SC ITM + 2 LC ATM + SC OTM (inverse, low vol)

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Short Straddle
Straddle = LC + LP (high vol)
Strangle = LC OTM + LP OTM (cheaper high vol)
Short Straddle = SC + SP (low vol)

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Collar = LP + L Stock + SC (used as hedge)

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Box Spread
Box Spread = LC + SC + LP + SP or bull + bear spread

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SWAP - Floating / Fixed leg rate duration
Floating leg rate duration ≈ ½ the payment frequency period
Fixed rate leg duration (zero coupon) = term to maturity.
Fixed rate leg duration (with coupon) ≈ ¾ of swap’s maturity
§ Dpay floating = Dfixed − Dfloating = +D | ↑ mkt value risk / ↓ cash flow risk
§ Dpay fixed = Dfloating − Dfixed = –D | ↓ mkt value risk / ↑ cash flow risk
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of Swaps needed for Bond
Notional Principal = (VBond portfolio) * [(MDTarget − MDCurrent) / MDswap]
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Swaption (pay or receive floating/fixed?)
Receiver swaption = the right to enter a pay-floating (receive-fixed) in a swap
Payer swaption = the right to enter the swap in a pay-fixed position