Fixed Income Flashcards
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Incremental Return (XR)
XR = (s x t) - (Δs x SD) - (t x p x L)
- s = spread
- t = time
- SD = Spread duration
- p = prob of loss
- L = Loss severity
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Duration Matching for Single / Multiple Liabilities
For a single liability:
- Match Macaulay D; DA = DL
- Minimize asset convexity (make it closer to a zero-coupon bond)
For multiple liabilities:
- ConvexityAssets slightly exceeds ConvexityLiabilities
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
4 Types of FI Liability-Based Mandates
- Cash flow matching - buy zero-coupon bonds for each cash flow
Duration matching - only works for parallel shifts, requires rebalancing,
- For a single liability = minimize asset convexity
- For multiple liability = ConvexityAssets > ConvexityLiabilities
- Contingent immunization - active strategy when MVAssets > PVLiabilities
- Horizon matching – short term is cash flow matched and long term is duration matched
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Fixed Income Expect Returns
(Decomposing Bond Returns)

•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Levered Return
Rp = RAsset + [(VDebt/VEquity) * (RAsset − RDebt)]
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Yield curve Curvature
Butterfly spread
Butterfly Spread = -Short + 2 * Intermediate - Long
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Δ Slope
Δ Slope (30s – 2s) = Flatter/Steeper
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
$ Duration and PVBP
$ Duration = Modified Duration x MV x 0.01
PVBP = Modified Duration x MV x 0.0001
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Modified Duration (MD)
Macaulay DAnnual / (1 + CF yieldAnnual/2)
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Duration gap
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Yield Curve portfolio strategies
- Buy and hold: increasing duration to obtain higher income yield.
- Ride the yield curve (a more active version of buy and hold): Buy higher-yield bonds with longer durations and sell them for a gain as they roll down to a lower-yield portion of the curve (assuming steep YC).
- Sell convexity (for low vol scenario): buy callable and MortgageBackedSecurities for higher yield or sell options for premium income.
- Carry trade: buy higher yield (longer-duration or higher-yield currencies) and borrow at lower yield (inverse).
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Yield Curve portfolio types
Bullet-like: Cash flows concentrated at a single point in time. Lower convexity (undesirable), but higher yield (desirable)
Barbell-like: Cash flows concentrated in shorter and longer durations. With > dispersion, higher convexity but lower yield
Ladder-like: Equal amounts of bonds in each period, more liquidity and diversification
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Spread measures:
Benchmark spread: Bond – Closest Dur. Gov. Bond
G-spread: Bond – Interpolated Gov. Bond
I-spread: Bond – Interpolated Swap rate yield
OAS: trial-and-error estimation of average expected incremental return. Best for bonds with embedded options.
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Sensitivity to changes: High yield vs Investment Grade
High Yield - more affected by spread change
Investment Grade - general market (risk-free) interest rate change
•••••••Fixed Income•••••••
Bums problem
Bums problem = less creditworthy issuers with a lot of outstanding debt constitute a larger part of a Value-Weighted Index (use an Equally Weighted Index instead)