Risk Management Flashcards
WHS Act Section 18
What is Reasonably Practical
What is reasonably able to be done in ensuring health and safety, taking into account -
- the likelihood and degree of harm from the hazard
- what the person knows or ought to know about
- the hazard or risk
- ways to eliminate or minimise the hazard or risk
- availability and suitability of controls
-whether the cost is grossly disproportionate
WHS Act Section 19
Primary Duty of Care
- Must ensure health and safety SFARP
- Must provide and maintain
- workplace without risk
- safe use, handling & storage of plant, structures
& substances
- safe systems of work
- adequate facilities
- Info, training and instruction
- health monitoring
- supervision
WHS Regs Clause 34
Duty holder must identify any foreseeable hazards SFARP
WHS Regs Clause 35
Managing Risks
A duty holder must -
- eliminate risks to health and safety SFARP
- if risks cannot be eliminate then they must be
minimised SFARP
WHS Regs Clause 36
Hierarchy of Controls
Only applies when unable to eliminate risks
If not possible to eliminate then use 1 or more of -
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering
- Administrative
WHS Regs Clause 37
Maintenance of Control Measures
Duty holder must ensure control measures are maintained so they remain effective
WHS Regs Clause 38
Review of Control Measures
Duty holder must review and revise control measures to maintain a safe work environment
Must review control measure in the following circumstance -
- if a control does not control the risk
- before a change that may create a new hazard
or make control ineffective
- consultation indicates a review is necessary
- HSR requests a review
A change includes -
- the workplace or any aspect of the work
- a system, process or procedure
WHS (MPS) Regs Section14
Management of Risks to Health and Safety
PCBU must manage risks associated with mining operations
PCBU must conduct a risk assessment by a competent person having regard to -
- nature and likelihood of the hazard
- severity of the potential consequences
Must keep a record of -
- each risk assessment, the name and competency
of the person conducting it
- the control measures implemented
Record if kept must form part of the SMS and mine record
WHS (MPS) Regs Section 15
Review of Control Measures
PCBU must review and revise controls in the following circumstances -
- audit indicates a deficiency in a control
- worker is removed from a hazard in response to a
health monitoring report
- a Section 124 incident occurs
- any other notifiable incident occurs
- HSR may request a review (PCBU Must notify
regulator of request)
WHS (MPS) Regs Section 16
Record of Controls
If reviewed in response to a notifiable incident operator must keep a record of -
- causes of the incident
- WHS matters arising from it
- any recommendations
- outcome of review/revision or changes to the SMS
- any changes made to any PHMP or PCP