OCE Tutorial Notes Flashcards
a charge or part of a charge that has failed to initiate or go off
Maximum 10mm/s 95% must be below 5mm/s measured over 12-month period
Burn Front
the distance the initiation system has functioned in front of the blast
generally, 5-6 holes
achieved by down hole delay 600m/s @HVO
used to prevent cutoffs
only used in NONEL
Methane CH4
Density 0.55 naturally rises
Explosive range 5-15%
Detector set at 5% of LEL approx. 0.25%
High Risk Activities
- High wall mining - waiting period is 1 month
- Entry of Persons (Highwall mining) - waiting period is 7 days
- Barrier mining - waiting period is 3 months
(Barrier mining means extraction or drilling activities taking place within 20m of the external boundary, within 20m of an adjacent mine) - Emplacement areas - The waiting period is 3 months
- Electrical work on energised electrical equipment - waiting period is 7 days (but not if the electrical work is testing whether or not the equipment is energised)
- commissioning &/or recommissioning of a winding system - waiting period is 1 month
Maximum noise from a blast max 120db 95% must be below 115db measured over 12-month period
Order 34
Training and Competence
Training of new employees
Training of existing employees in a new skill
Training of contractors
Order 42
Respirable Dust
Gives power to inspectors to enter mines to carry out monitoring of airborne dust, collect dust samples and other activities relating to the collection of airborne dust samples
Frequency of sampling for respirable dust, respirable quartz, and inhalable dust – not to exceed 12 months
Samples to be collected from breathing zones of at least 5 people including, Drillers, Shotfirers, Stemmers and mobile equipment operators
Carbon Monoxide CO
Density 0.97
Highly poisonous
Detector set at 30ppm
Oxygen O2
20.93% in normal air
Density 1.11
Detector alarms when drops below 19%
Wont support combustion below 17%
Hierarchy of Controls
Where Elimination is not possible you are required to use Substition, Isolation, Engineering, Administration, PPE, or a combination of, to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practical.
Maximum Instantaneous Charge (MIC)
the maximum amount of explosive that can be set off at one time
3000kg at HVO
Incomplete combustion of the explosive product, gives off NOx gas Poor shot design Poor on bench practice Water in holes Strata Geology Type/quality of explosives
Order 43
Health Monitoring
Requirement for pre placement medicals
Requirement for pre placement chest x-ray
Requirement for period medicals – every 3 years
Requirement for periodic chest x-ray
Requirement for exit medicals
Requirement for operator to supply list of coal mine workers, must be supplied by 31st of October every year
Plan, Do, Check, Act
Plan – Define and analyse the problem
Do – Devise a solution, develop a detailed action plan
Check – Check outcomes against the plan, identify deviations and issues
Act – Standardise solutions, review and devise next actions
Hydrogen Sulphide H2S
Density 1.18 heavier than air
Smells like rotten eggs
Explosive range 4.5-45%
Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 10ppm
Fume Categories
6 levels Level 0. No fume, no gas 1 . Slight gas 2. Minor yellow/orange gas 3. Orange gas 4. Orange/red gas 5. Red/purple gas
Each category has 3 sub levels
a) Localised 1 to 5 holes
b) Medium less than 50% of shot
c) Extensive 50 – 100% of shot
Principal Hazard Management Plans
Ground and Strata
Roads and other vehicle operating areas
Airborne contaminants/dust
Spon Com
Inrush and Inundation
Fire and Explosion
Any other hazard identified under WHS Act Sec 34
Four step process
Identify, Isolate, Lock, Test for dead
Associated Non-Technical Skills (ANTS)
Communication – Sharing ideas, getting feedback
Situational awareness – What’s happening around you
Decision Making – Choosing between various options
Leadership – Influencing others to understand what needs to be done
Teamwork - Working together to achieve a common goal
Stakeholders – The people involved
Elements of the Nertney Wheel
People, Plant, Procedures
Competent People
Safe work practices
Fit for purpose equipment
Controlled work Environment
Safe production
Reactive Ground
- The nitrates in the explosives react with the oxides in the rock – exothermic reaction
- Core samples sent away to lab
- Lab returns recommendations
- sleep time
- product selection
- use of urea (product inhibitor)
- load from initiation point
- divide mining areas into reactive and no reactive
10 Hurdles
Hazard Identification/Hierarchy of Controls
Risk Assessment
Risk Management
Information to employees
Instruction & Training
Monitoring systems of work
Review of operations
Revision and rectification
Spon Com
the oxidisation of carbonaceous material when exposed to air – exothermic reaction
Powder Factor
the amount of explosive required to blow up 1BCM of rock
Principal Control Plans
Health control plan
Mechanical Engineering control plan
Electrical Engineering control plan
Explosives control plan
Emergency control plan
Risk Management Process
Broad brush risk assessment – PHMP’s, PCP’s these are done at the business level
Risk assessment – Procedures, these are carried out by workgroups
JHA – Critical tasks, tasks outside normal work, 3+ drills on a pattern etc, carried out people involved in task
Take 5/Slam/CRM – Personal risk assessment, carried out by an individual
Risk Matrix “Likelihood”
Likelihood Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost Certain
Risk Matrix “Consequence”
Negligible - First aid treatment
Minor – Medical treatment
Moderate – LTI/Single incident, multiple medical treatments
Major – Less than 5 fatalities/ Permanent disabling injuries
Catastrophic – More than 5 fatalities/Permanent disabling injuries
Important MDG’s
MGG 15 Mobile Equipment MDG 28 Stockpiles and Reclaim Tunnels MDG 1006 Spontaneous Combustion MDG 1010 Risk Management MDG 1032 Prevention, Early Detection and Suppression of Fires MDG 2007 Collision Management Systems MDG 6001 Filling and Capping of Surface Entry to Coal Seams
Risk Assessment Process
- Identify scope
- Steps in the process
- Identify hazards
- Risk rank hazards
- Identify Controls
- Re-rank hazards after controls
- Implement controls
- Monitor control measures
- Revise control measures
Enforcement Powers of a Government Official
- Notice of Concern
- Improvement Notice
- Prohibition Notice
- Stop Work Order
Review of a Procedure
- Collect relevant documents, review and note anything obvious
- Collect Data, incidents, legislation, MDG’s, codes of practice
- Create a plan, timeframes, resourcing, consultation process
- Gather a review team , a cross section of individuals, WHS Reps
- Follow the process, external facilitator, secretary
- Draft Documents, circulate, review and signoff
- Publish, document, train and record
MDG 15
Key areas to be addressed
- Fire
- Unplanned movement
- Safe means access/egress
- Vibration/ergonomics
- Isolation
- Safety critical systems
- Proximity detection
- Human factors
- Wheels, rims and tyres
What is required to operate a coal mine
- Mining authorisation ( mining lease)
- Environmental impact study
- Development consent
- Environmental Protection Licence
- Mining Operations Plan
- Water Licence ( for groundwater extracted by mining and diverted runoff)
Hazards of Reclaim Tunnels
MDG 28
- People accessing tunnels
- Blocked access
- gas or explosion
- flooding
- coal off conveyor
- Atmospheric contamination
- Electricity, control systems below 25v preferably DC
- Fire
- Explosion, gas or coal dust
- Flooding, through coal valves
- Conveyor failure/ startup
- Airborne dust
Hazards of Coal Stockpiles
MDG 28
- Change in use of stockpiles
- Stockpile compaction
- Draw down points
- Dozer engulfment
- Coal stackers
- Stockpile access
- Spon Com
- Visibility
- Dozer Fire
- Bridging
- Hot work on stockpile
What is the Statutory function of the MEM
WHS (MPS) Regs Schedule 10, Part 2 (3)
To develop, supervise, monitor and review the mining engineering standard
Who Needs to be Notified on the Activation of you PIRMP
- NSW Department of Health
- Safe Work NSW
- Fire and Rescue NSW
- Local Council
Functions of an SSHR
- Represent workers in Health & Safety matters
- Monitor actions by mine operator in relation to Health and Safety
- Inquire into risks to Health and Safety
- Investigate complaints by workers in relation to Health and Safety
- Take part in incident investigations
- Accompany inspectors in mine visits
- Inspect the mine, with relevant notice