Risk Management Flashcards
A plan designed to take a possible future event or circumstance into account.
Contingency Plan
This type of risk occurs when a party to a transaction cannot provide the necessary funds, as contracted, in order for settlement to occur in the Originator’s account at the ODFI.
Credit (Exposure) Risk
This type of risk occurs when a party to a transaction fails to comply, either knowingly or inadvertently with Network rules and policies, regulations and applicable US and state law.
Compliance Risk
This type of risk occurs when a payment transaction is initiated or altered by any party to the transaction in an attempt to misdirect or misappropriate funds with fraudulent intent.
Fraud Risk
This type of risk occurs when a transaction is altered or delayed due to an unintentional error.
Operational Risk
This type of risk occurs when a funds transfer system participant is unable to settle its commitments causing other participants to fail.
Systemic Risk
This type of risk is a consequence or by-product of not managing credit, compliance, fraud, operational, or systemic risks.
Ancillary Risk
This type of risk is the risk to each party of a contract that the other party will not live up to its contractual obligations. It is a risk to both parties and should be considered when evaluating a contract.
Counterparty Risk
This type of risk occurs when the movement of fraudulent or illegal payment transactions from one payment channel to another is met with inconsistent risk management practices and lack of information sharing across payment channels about fraud.
Cross-Channel Risk
This type of risk is defines as a situation in which an Originator, Third Party Sender or Third Party Service Provider transmits ACH files directly to an ACH Operator using the ODFI’s routing number and settlement account.
Direct Access Risk
DFIs must assess the risk involved with Direct Access Debit Participants, as well as, with Third Party Sender relationships and must register each such relationship with who?
This type of risk occurs from an institution’s failure to enact appropriate policies, procedures or controls to ensure it conforms to laws, regulations, contractual arrangements and other legally binding agreements and requirements.
Legal Risk
This type of risk occurs when negative publicity regarding an institution’s business practices leads to a loss of revenue or litigation. For retail payment related systems, this risk is linked to consumer expectations regarding the delivery of retail payment services, and the institution’s ability to meet its regulatory and consumer protection obligations related to those services.
Reputation Risk
This risk involves the possibility that earnings or capital will be negatively affected by an institution’s inability to meet its obligations when they come due. This risk is the risk that the financial institution cannot settle an obligation for full value when it is due.
Liquidity Risk
This risk is associated with the financial institution’s mission and future business plans. This risk category includes plans for entering new business lines, expanding existing services through mergers and acquisitions, and enhancing infrastructure.
Strategic Risk