ACH Record Format Specifications Flashcards
What is the record type code for the Entry Detail Record?
Record Type Code 6
What is the record type code for Company/Batch Header Record?
Record Type Code 5
What is the record type code for Company/Batch Control Record?
Record Type Code 8
What is the field inclusion requirement for ‘DFI Account Number’ in the DNE Entry detail record?
R- Required
What is the Field inclusion requirement for ‘Foreign receiver’s Account Number’ in the IAT Entry detail record?
M- Mandatory
What is the value for the Addenda record indicator for all IAT Entries, including IAT Prenotification Entries?
It will always be 1
In which record can the Batch Count be found and what is its field inclusion requirement?
File Control Record - MANDATORY
This code is used by card processors to identify the type of transaction, such as a purchase, chase advance, or reversal. Value for this field are assigned by the major card organizations.
Card Transaction Type Code.
A code used by the RDFI to describe the reason for transmitting a Notification of Change.
Change Code
The Originating ACH Operator uses this field to describe to the institution receiving the ADV file the type of activity to which the accounting information relates.
Company entry description
In the Company Name Field for Micro-Entries, this field must contain the same or similar name of which party that will be included in future entries?
In the Company Name Field for POP, POS, SHR entries, this field must identify which party?
The merchant with whom the receiver initiated the transaction.
What must be provided in the company name field for WEB P2P entries?
P2P Service provider name
What’s optionally needed to be supplied on entries being returned for reason of death in the Addenda Record?
The Date of Death
If an entry hash sum exceeds 10 characters, the entry hash field must be populated with what?
Rightmost 10 Characters
What is the screening indicator that indicates a potential presence of a blocked party?
Which SEC codes are mandatory to provide the INDIVIDUAL NAME in the Entry Detail Record?
- Returns, Dishonored returns, Contested dishonored Returns
- COR, Refused COR
This is an eight character code derived from a special key used in conjunction with the Data Encryption Standard algorithm, is used to validate the authenticity of an ACH entry.
Message Authentication Code -Optional
In which record is the Message Authentication Code (MAC) found?
Company/Batch Control Record
- Optional
This field uniquely identifies an ATM network and allows for processing of MTE transactions between DFIs belonging to different networks.
Network Identification Code
What is the field inclusion requirement for Original Settlement Date, and which record can it be found?
Addenda Record - Mandatory with R73, otherwise Optional (Contested Dishonored Return)
Where can the Originator Status Code be found in the ACH File and what is the field inclusion requirement?
Company/Batch Header Record - Mandatory