Risk Factors In The Development Of Addiction Flashcards
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate genetic vulnerability as a risk factor of addiction?
RTS by Kendler - adopted
Weakness - Cause and effect cannot be established
(RTS by Kendler)
RTS - kendler using data from an adoption study
he looked at adults who had been adopted as children by biological families who had atleast one person with an addiction
these children later had a significantly greater risk of developing an addiction themself, compared to adopted indv with no addicted parent in their biological fam
therefore this gives val to GV as a risk factor in addiction
(cannot est cause and effect)
Moreover, research into GV is often based on correlational research where cause and effect cannot be est
this is bc research has shown a link bw risk factors such as genetics and addiction but doesnt show which came first
e.g. it could be that addiction causes abn in D2 receptors
therefore the research lacks int val as it doesnt allow us to conclude that genetic factors do make indv more at risk for addiction
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate stress as a risk factor of addiction?
Strength - prac apps - interventions
Weakness - cause and effect cannot be est
(prac apps)
Stress as a risk factor in the development of addiction has led to prac apps
- this is bc of the principle that when an indv has stress, they are more likely to turn to addictive substances or bhvs as a form of self medication
- can be used for prevention strategies for addictive bhvs
- e.g. interventions to help ppl manage and cope with stress
therefore, awareness of risk factors stress in the development of addiction i.a.i.p.o.a.p
(cannot est cause and effect)
Moreover, the research into stress as a risk factor of addiction often uses correlational research where cause and effect cannot be established
e.g. it could be that addiction causes an indv to become stressed thru loss of money
rather than the ability to cope with stress causing addiction
therefore, the research lacks int val as it doesnt allow us to conclude that stress does make indv more at risk of addiction
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate personality as a risk factor of addiction?
RTS by Schneider - novelty seeking
Discussion - correlational research - cause and effect cannot be est
(RTS by Schneider)
Strength - personality as a risk factor of add - RTS by Schneider
he found novelty seeking was the most ass trait with inc consumption of alcohol, cannabis and cocaine
further research has shown a pos correlation bw novelty seeking and relapse rates for several drugs by addicts
therefore giving val to the theory that high novelty seeking personalities do inc vulnerability to add, esp to substances
(Discussion - based on correlational research)
However, research is based on correlational research where cause and effect cannot be est
e.g. it could be that once someone develops an add, this causes them to take more risks, be more reward dependent or engage in novelty seeking
due to the research being done retrospectively, it doesnt show whether personality trait came first or add
therefore the research lacks int val as it doesnt allow us to conclude that personality does inc risk of add
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate family influences as a risk factor of addiction?
RTS by Madras - cannabis
Strength - prac apps - parental monitoring
(RTS by Madras)
RTS by Madras, she studied families with adolescents and parents who used cannabis
she found a strong pos correlation bw parents use of cannabis and adolescents use of cannabis, nicotine and alcohol
- this may show that the adolescents perceived that parents were accepting of drug use so went on to use drugs themselves
- it may also be bc the adolescents obsv their parents bhv using cannabis and modelled this bhv
therefore this supports fam inf as an rf for ass
(strength - prac apps)
Fam inf as a risk factor in the development of add has led to prac apps
this is bc of the principle that adolescents who believe that their parents have little interest in monitoring their bhv are sig more likely at risk of add can be used for prevention strategies for addictive bhvs
e.g. greater levels of parental monitoring to reduce likelihood of add
therefore awareness of the rf in the development of add i.a.i.p.o.a.p
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate peers as a risk factor of addiction?
Strength - prac apps
Weakness - cause and effect cannot be established
(prac apps)
Peers as a risk factor in the development of addiction has led to prac apps
this is bc the principle that peers can act as a gateway to develop an addiction to alcohol for an at risk indv due to the amount of time spent with them
- makes indv more at risk of addiction can be used for prevention strategies
- e.g. social norms marketing advertising uses mass media to advertise how much young ppl rly drink so its not seen as the norm
therefore, awareness of the risk factor peers in the development of addiction i.a.i.p.o.a.p
(cause and effect cannot be est)
weakness - peers as a risk factor in addiction is based on correlational research where cause and effect cannot be est
this is bc research has shown a link bw risk factors such as peers with addiction but it doesnt show which came first
e.g. it could be that addiction causes an indv to seek out peers who also share the same addictive bhvs or interests such as drug/alocohol misuse rather than their peers and norms making them engage in addictive bhv
therefore the research lacks int val as it doesnt allow us to conclude that peers do make someone more at risk of addiction