Rise to Power Flashcards
Mein Kampf
Published in 1925-1926
Munich Putsch
Failed miserably
Mein Kampf Promises
Get into power legally
End all opposition
Purify Germany
Strengthen Germany’s economy and armed forces
Gain land for Germany
Lead Germany to be a ‘Great Empire’
Obstacles to overcome once reaching chancellor status
Hidenburg was more powerful than him
Needed consent to pass laws
Only had 37% of votes
Lots of groups detested their ideals
Power struggles within the Nazi party
Nazi won largest number of seats
Adolf Hitler
Party leader since 1921
Charismatic speaker
Jailed for Munich Putsch 1923
Wrote Mein Kampf
Central figure in Nazi party
Joseph Goebbels
Head of propaganda team
Used simple bold messages
Had deeply anti-semetic views
Portrayed Hitler as God-like
Wilhelm Frick
Long standing member of the party
Given roles in cabinet in 1933
Minister of overall aspects of life in Germany
Helped to shape racial policy
Ernst Rohm
Leader of SA
Originally set up as bodyguards but became private army
Used to intimidate voters
Physically attacked communists
Herman Goring
Ex-WWI fighter pilot
Joined German cabinet with Frick and Hitler
Controlled police in Prussia
Formed the Gestapo
Rudolph Hess
Another ex-WWI hero
Third in power to Hitler
Ensured legislations followed Nazi ideology
Made sure everyone had the same goals
Heinrich Himmler
Leader of SS
Names as the elite guard
Ran concentration camps
Spied on German citizens
Treaty of Versailles
Servery restricted German forces
Reduced German territories
Imposed a bill of £6.6 billion
Weimar Republic
Grim years for German people
Citizens blame them for their hardship
Economy struggled
Resulted in great depression
Unemployment was high and wages were low
Nazi Ideas
Scrap the Treaty of Versailles
Brat ad Arbeit (Bread and work)
Destroy Marxism (Communism)
Subdue the Jews
Ensure Arayan Supremacy
Fight for Lebensraum (living space)
Build Nationalism
Strengthens Central Government
Nationalise important industries
Improve education
Reichstag Fire
27th February 1933
Committed by Van Der Lubbe (Dutch Communist)
Consequences of Reichstag FIre
Van Der Lubbe was executed
Passed the Reichstag Fire Decree
4000+ communists arrested in that week
Banned all communist meetings (Elections weeks later)
Reichstag Fire Decree
Restricted civil liberties- no privacy in post etc…
Increased power of central government
Harsh punishments for certain crimes
Stated decree was passed that day
The Enabling Act
24th March 1933
Allowed Nazis to pass laws without consent from the Reich
Debating chamber surrounded with SA so 444 members voted to pass it
Disabled democracy