Nazi Rule Effects on Europe Flashcards
Jersey and Guernsey
Invaded on 30th June 1940
Lasted until 9th May 1945
Politicians allowed to stay but didn’t want to cooperate
Hard to resist as men were away in the army
British Isles inhabitants
66,000 Population
4,000 sentenced for breaking the law
570 sent to prison
Built 4 concentration camps that housed 16,000 people
Occupation of Poland
Previously a part of Germany
Aimed to completely Germanise the country
Country was split into territories for Germany
Removal of Polish People
Expelled Polish citizens and replaced them with 500,000 Germans
1.9 non-million Jewish were killed
Between 1939 and 1945 1.5 mil Poles were put into labour camps
They were paid a lower wage than Germans
1939 Jewish population was 3.5 mil, killed 3 million in war
Polish Resistance
Formed one of the largest resistances in Nazi Europe
Polish government established Delegatura (Polish secret state)
1944- Uprising in Warsaw lasting 2 months
Hitler ordered destruction of Warsaw and killed 200,000
Occupation of Netherlands
Invaded Netherlands 10th May 1940
Luftwaffe attacked 14th May 1940
800 dead and 25,000 homes destroyed
Dutch government gave in
Dutch Citizens
Shared ethnic background with Germans so treated well
30% Mayors stepped down
General compliance with Nazis
Dutch Turning Point 1941-1942
February 1941- First Jews rounded up and deported (425)
Strikers marched and Germans shot at them
Strengthened mood of Dutch against Nazis
Intimidation and Violence 1943 - 1944
1943 - Nazis began deporting Jews to extermination camps
107,000 Jews (73%)
300,000 to be transported to Germany as workers
Caused strikes- 95 people died
Dutch Resistance to Working
170,000 men expected to report for duty
Only 54,000 did so
By 1944 all men between 16 and 60 had to work
500,000 worked and 300,000 hid
Anti-Nazi leaflets produced
20,000 resistance members arrested, 2,000 executed
Beginning of the End Dutch Occupancy
September 1944 - railway strikes called
30,000 railway workers in hiding
Final year 20,000 Dutch died of starvation
Occupation ended on 5th May 1945
The Holocaust
By 1945 murdered 11 million individuals
6 million of them were Jews
1939 - Jewish population in Europe was 9.5 million
Emigration of Jews
Policy adopted in March 1938 in Austria
Jews humiliated in public
Persecution of Jews lead many to choose to be emigrated
110,000 Jews emigrated in 2 years
Would be repeated in Czech republic following year
Concentration in ghettos
Couldn’t rely on emigration due to Poland invasion in 1939
Moved to ghettos before emigration place was found
Largest ghetto in Warsaw completed November 1940
March 1941- 445,000 Jewish inhabitants
Conditions lead to disease and death
140,000 died here
Final Solution for Jews (Phase 1)
Mass murder began in 1941
Invaded the Soviet Union with mobile killing units
Rounded up Jews and Communists
Told to dig pits and then stood on the edge and murdered
90% of those murdered in Autumn were Jews (1 mil)
Final Solution for Jews (Phase 2)
Jews murdered using exhaust fumes
Allowed more to be murdered at once
New extermination camps for the sole purpose of murder
Camps kept in great secrecy
Jewish labourers removed bodies to bury or burn them
Jews tricked into thinking they were being resettled
1944- 300 Jews escaped by killing 11 SS guards
1.7 mil Jews killed in camps
1942- Plan for extermination was decided
Made October 1940
1941- Overrun with people so built a second part
1941- Used a gas that killed rodents
Jews transported in cattle carriers
Fit and able moved to do labour
Everyone else was gassed
Auschwitz death toll
Killed 12,000 per day
1.1 million murdered overall
November 1944 - Himmler ordered destruction of gas chambers
France Occupation
3 June 1940 - bombs dropped on Paris
20 June - France defeated by Germany
Stole food causing shortages
After 1942, 70,000 Jews deported to death camps
Not much resistance
Andre Trocme
Protestant Pastor
Arranged for Jews to be hidden
February 1943 - arrested but released 28days later du to lack of evidence
Overall saved 5,000 Jews
Coco Chanel
Famous designer and perfume maker
Became friends with the Nazi occupation
Questioned whether she was a Nazi sympathiser or Nazi agent