Rise of hitler 1929-1949 Flashcards
name the three chancellors and president who proceeded Hitler
C: Henrich Bruning, Franz Von Papen, Kurt Von Schliecher
P:Paul Von Hindernburg
Name mistakes each chancellor made to help Hitler (unintentionally)
Bruning: Failed to deal with rising unemployment, benefits bill was rejected
Von Papen: Lacked political experience, had hitler as well as von papen working against him, attempted to ally with hitler but hitler refused
Schleider: couldn’t get a majority in the reichstag, fell out of favour of Hindenburg when he asked to take over
Why did the working class vote for The Nazi’s
-Lots of policies the Nazi’s proposed were directed at the working class and particularly farmers
-promised to protect farmers land and denounced big businesses trying to buy off farmers
Why did protestants vote for the Nazi’s
-Nazi’s supported the protestant church and tried to unite it
Why did rich elites vote for Hitler
-He hated communism
-Nazism was better than communism in businessmen’s eyes
Why did the population in general start voting for Nazi’s
-Weimar gov. was in turmoil and they were looking for a strong figure to lead
-Became a more established political party rather than a band of thugs
-Hatred of communism
Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler chancellor
Political pressure: Hitler had the largest party and he needed to get the country running again
Popularity: Hindenburg needed to please people
Out of options: Both previous chancellors had been weak leaders and only created more problems
How did the reichstag fire help Hitler turn Weimar in to a dictatorship
-Hitler and goering persuaded hindenburg to sign the reichstag fire decree which gave Hitler power to search houses and make arrests
how did the enabling act help Hitler turn Weimar in to a dictatorship
-Hitler pressured the Reichstag to sign the act through intimidation by the SA and SS
-The act allowed him to pass laws witb out consent from the German parliament
how did The night of the long knives help Hitler turn Weimar in to a dictatorship
-Got rid of all in party opposition including various SA leaders like Ernst Rohm
What opposition was there to Nazis in the church
-Pastor Dietrich became involved with the abwehr and a plan to overthrow hitler, the plan was uncovered
-Various pastors and the pope denounced Hitler and euthanasia
-many opposed hitlers attempts to bring his ideologies in to the church
What opposition was there to Nazis in the army
-many officers were involved in the Kreisau circle which was broken up in ‘44
-The abwehr counter intelligence was riddled with resistance and the leader made numerous attempts at hitlers life
What opposition was there to Nazis in the gov.
-Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland and tried to negotiate peace but he was imprisoned
What opposition was there to Nazis within the youth
- There were few groups such as the Edelweiss pirates who would attack Hitler youth patrols
How effective was the Nazi terror state (effective)
-Had a secret police/spy network which effectively broke up plots and resistance
-Effective in brainwashing the population in to think the nazi’s were do-gooders
-Used camps as a fear tactic
-Very effective in shutting down any political or other opposition