A usually simple object (such as tool or ornament) showing human
workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object
… an object remaining from a particular period.
Facts cannot speak for themselves. It is the
historian’s job not just to seek historical
evidences and facts but also to interpret them.
It is their job to give meaning to these facts and
organize them into timeline, establish causes,
and write history.
history and historian
Are those sources produced by an author who used primary sources to
produce the material
“The testimony of anyone who is not an eyewitness-that is of one who
was not present at the events of which he tells. e.g. History of the Filipino
People by Teodoro A. Agoncillo
the secondary source
Who is the author?
What was the qualification of the author?
Was the documents written by a ghost writer?
the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining the
physical characteristics; consistency with the historical characteristic of
the time when it was produced, and the materials used for the evidence
external criticism
It comprises certain techniques and rules that
historians follow in order to properly utilize
sources and historical evidences in writing
historical methodology
Sources are artifacts that have been left by the past - Howell and
Prevenier (2001) -They exist either as relics, what might call as
“remains,” or as the testimonies of witnesses of the past
The purpose of is to ascertain truthfulness of the data.
It seeks the truth meaning and value of the content of sources of data
It is the examination of the truthfulness and factuality of the evidence. It
looks at the content of the source and examines the circumstance of its
production. It could be done by looking at the author, its context,
agenda, the purpose behind its creation
internal criticism
Are those sources produced at the same time as the event, period, or
subject being studied
an eyewitness account or a testimony by a person directly involved in
the event; or it must have been produced by a contemporary of the
event it narrates or an information that was created at the same as an
event. e.g. Diaries, letters, legal and official documents, speeches,
the primary source
-excavated piece of evidence consisting of natural remains, as
opposed to an object of human workmanship
Contrasted with artefact - Source: (Oxford dictionary)
eco fact
give atleast example of primary sources
Diaries, letters, legal and official documents, speeches,
give example of secondary source
History of the Filipino
People by Teodoro A. Agoncillo facebook tiktok youtube
2 types of criticism
2 types of sources
the primary sources
the secondary sources
The word “history” originates as a derivation of historia, anci
greek learning for inquiry
Studying history enables us to learn about the lives of
our ancestors, their struggles and achievements. What we have and what we
enjoy today are the products of their innovation, hard work and sacrifices.
to learn about our past