Right Realism/ Why Crime Happens Flashcards
Name features of a left realist?
They are reformist socialists and they want to improve society
They favour policies that promote equality
Similar to Marxists, left realists opposed to the inequality of the cup Society and they see it as the root of crime. unlike Marxists they are reformist and they believe gradual reforms are the only realistic way to achieve equality.
For left realists taking crime seriously means we need to recognise that victims are often from disadvantaged groups
Name Features of a Right Realist?
Right realists share a conservative outlook
They support the zero tolerance stance on crime
They reject the idea that structural factors such as poverty is the cause of crime
Point out the elderly tend to be poor and have a low crime rate
According to a right realist why does crime and deviance happen
Biological difference
In adequate socialisation
Rational choice theory
What are the right realist solutions to reduce crime and deviance?
Zero tolerance policing
Broken windows
Target hardening
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Biological differences
Wilson and hernstein- argue that crime is caused by combination of biological and social factors
Biological traits may make some people predisposed to crime for example :traits like heightened aggression or low intelligence
Ao3- unlike many other perspectives, right realism has had a genuine effect on the government responses to crime. For example, David Cameron’s response to 2011 riots
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In adequate socialisation
According to Murray the nuclear family is being undermined by the welfare state and this encourages single parent families. This creates dependency culture, where people rely on the state as a way of life. These people form a underclass and they fail to socialise their children into shared norms and values.
Ao3- this ignores the wider structural causes of crime such as the unequal distribution of power and wealth
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Rational choice theory
Clarke- assumes that individuals are rational beings with free will so deciding to commit crime is a choice based on consequences and rewards. If rewards for committing the crime outweigh costs then more people will offend. The crime rate is high because the costs are low for example there is little risk of being caught and little punishment for those who are caught.
Ao3- Right Realist explanations for crime are contradictory for example how can someone be a rational choosing to commit crime yet also have their behaviour determined by their biology?