Functionalism Flashcards
What does Durkheim believe about why people commit crime?
He believes that certain amount of crime and deviance has a positive effect on society
While crime disrupts social stability functionalists see this as inevitable and universal
Durkheim sees crime as normal in society
Give two reasons why crime is always present and why?
according to functionalists
Not everyone is effectively socialised into the shared norms and values so some are prone to deviance. This is common in modern society where there are different lifestyles and some subcultures have their own norms and values which mainstream society may see as deviant
There is a tendency towards anomie So individuals are becoming different from one another, and this weakens shared culture resulting in higher levels of crime and deviance
Name four reasons why crime is good for society
Boundary maintenance
Adaption and change
Safety valve
Warning light
Ao1 and Ao2 for boundary maintenance
Crime produces a reaction from society and this unites members and reinforces commitment to shared norms and values. This can be done through the rituals of the courtroom which dramatise wrongdoing and publicly shame and stigmatise the offender. This discourages others from real breaking.
Ao2-for example, people during the 2011 UK riots came together to clean the streets from the aftermath.
Ao3 for boundary maintenance
This recognises how crime and deviance may be functional for society but then ignores how it may affect individuals, for example seeing a murderer punished for their crimes may be functional in reinforcing solidarity among the rest of the society, but it obviously isn’t functional for the victim
Ao1 and Ao2 for adaptation and change
For Durkheim all change starts with an act of deviance. Individuals with new ideas and ways of living must not be completely stifled by social control.
There should be a scope for them to challenge existing norms and values to bring about change. Society needs to adapt with new ideas and change rather than stagnate.
Ao2-the suffragettes movement lead to gradual reforms such as the equal pay act
And the Clare’s law which is also known as the domestic abuse disclosure scheme, this allows people to find out if their partner has an abusive or violent past. This is named after Clare wood who was killed by her former partner in 2009
Ao3 for adaption and change
Society requires a certain amount of deviance to function successfully, but Durkheim offers no way of knowing how much is the right amount
Ao1 and Ao2 for safety valve
Davis argues that crime can release mens sexual frustration without threatening the nuclear family. This can be positive and prevent disruptions are more serious. Similarly Polsky argues that pornography safely channels sexual desires away from alternatives such as adultery.
Ao2- prostitution
AO3 for safety valve
Radical feminist dislike this as it just reinforces patriarchy and women are further continued to be treated as objects.
Ao1 and Ao2 for warning light
Cohen argues that deviance indicates when institution is malfunctioning. This inform society that change needs to be made.
Ao2- examples of this is truancy. High rates of truancy in schools indicate there was a problem with education system, so the issue can be rectified eg. Fines for absences
Ao3 for warning lights
Marxism assumes laws and norms reflect the wishes of the population. It does not consider the possibility that a powerful group is imposing its values on the rest of society.