Right code for labours Flashcards
Labour falls under the (?) List of the Constitution
the Parliament passed ___ labour codes — on
* industrial relations;
* occupational safety, health and working conditions;
* social security
The labour codes were adopted on the recommendations of the :
Second National Commission on Labour (2002)
It spells out duties of employers and employees, and envisages safety standards for different sectors, focusing on the health and working condition of workers, hours of work, leaves, etc
Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code Bill, 2020
The code, among its important provisions, makes it easier for companies to hire and fire workers.
Industrial Relations Code Bill 2020
The code universalizes social security coverage to those working in the unorganised sector, such as migrant workers, gig workers and platform workers.
Code on Social Security Bill, 2020
Code on Social Security Bill, 2020 will replace ___ laws
Nine Social security laws
The Periodic Labour Force Survey observes that ___ of regular wage/salaried workers in the non-agriculture sector did not have a written contract
____makes it obligatory for employers of an industrial establishment where 100 or more workers are employed to clearly define the conditions of employment and rules of conduct for workmen, by way of standing orders/services rules and to make them known to the workmen employed.
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
the ____ — which has been ratified by India — provides for a well-resourced and independent inspectorate with provisions to allow thorough inspections and free access to workplaces. However, the provisions of ILO’s convention has been overlooked while framing the new law.
International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Labour Inspection Convention of 1947 (Convention C081)
In ____ , the Supreme Court advocated the concept and the right of living wage.
Raptakos case (1991)
Which committee argued for adoption of National Floor Level Minimum Wage to ensure a uniform wage for all workers and protection of vulerable workers ?
Bhoothalingan Committe
in 1978