Richard and John-Life and Government in medieval England Flashcards
List the 4 main groups of the feudal hierachy
King, Tenants in chief, Knights, Peasants
What did the king…..
a) give to tenants
b) receive from tenants
a) land, peace, law and security
b) loyalty, advice, tax, knights
What did the tenants in chief..
a) give to knights
b) receive from knights
a) land and other privileges
b) military service, tax and loyalty
What did the knights…..
a) give to peasants
b) receive from peasants
a) land and protection
b) rent or labour service
What are villeins?
Villeins are peasants that were tied to their lords land and worked, they would do extra work during harvest.
List the 3 ways that someone could become a king
Primogeniture(family stuff)
Nomination from the previous king
Factors of influence (i.e. money and land) that would gain support from barons
What are the 4 that the king swore an oath to do?
protect the church
keep the peace
maintain justice
punish greedy lords
how did the king make money?
taxes and feudal incidents
List 4 facts about the Church
- The pope had the powers of interdict and excommunication
- The church owned 20% of land in England
- The chancellor was a churchman
- The church crowned the king
List 3 facts about knights
- Would pay the ransom if his lord was captured
- would spend 40 days guarding
What did selling tithes mean?
the taxes were collected by sheriffs who could make money of of corruption. The king could sell the title of sheriff to greedy lords
Give 3 examples of feudal incidents
- Forest fines
- Inheritance fines
- Wardship fines
What is a scutage?
An emergency tax paid during wartime. Kings and barons paid instead of fighting
Give 4 details about life in the countryside
- children didn’t go to school-when they were old enough they worked with their parents
- lived in cruck houses
- A married women became the property of her husband
- On festival and holy days peasants would gather on the village green and drink ale and do sports
Give 4 details about towns
- Town parents could pay guilds(traders) to to train their children, a 14 yr old could become an apprentice
- a community bought a royal charter from the king in order to become a town
- Towns were often built as strategic port, river or road junctions
- Towns paid a loan to host annual fairs, this contained activities such as playing sports and drinking mead
Aprroximately how many jews were in medieval england
What role did jewish people have with moneylending?
Jews were allowed to lend money with interest. This practice became very valuable to freemen, knights, barons and even the king himself.
Give 3 reasons why jews were hated in medieval england?
- Jews were condemned by the church as the ‘christ killers’ (england was mostly christian)
- Jews had personal protection from the king and were omitted from paying some taxes
- There were some rumours about Jews causing disease and sacrificing christian children (ie william of norwich)
List 2 ways Richard and John were involved in the mistreatment of Jews
- Richard banned Jewish People from his coronation(1189)-there were also rumours that he ordered the pogrom(1189-90)
- John demanded 1/10 of their loans
Give 2 pieces of information about richard’s claim to the throne
he had a lot of support from his mother and some barons
he had a reputation as a warrior