Rhodophyta - Corallinales Flashcards
taxonomy of corallinales
class: Florideophyceae
order: Corallinales
Corallines that form coralligenous biocenosis
most common Rhydophyta of coralligenous biocenosis
species belonging to the genera
- Lithophyllum
- Pseudolithophyllum
- Mesophyllum
- Lithothamnion
able to form calcareous encrustations and build thick deposits.
- trottoirs
- structures of mediterranean
consisting of - Lithophyllum tortuosum, accompanied and reinforced at the base by other calcareous algae
- Rhodophycean: Peyssonnelia species
- sciaphilous chlorophytes: Halimeda, Udotea species
- & associated with many other algae
- Peyssonnelia sp.
- trottoir
- amount of CaCarbonate not that high: soft thalli
- Lithophyllum sp.
- trottoir
- amount of CaCarbonate high: similar to rocks
NOT corallinales
- Florideophyceae
- filamentous
- branched
- uniaxial
from introduced in area of north Atlantic sea
first record was in area of po delta
discovery for first time in po delta was first time discovered in mediterr. sea
able to change aspect of thalli depending on diff. envir. cond.
important to carry out integrative approach! Very important to use molecular approach, not only morphology,
because here: diff. color and diff. morphologie linked to different sampling stations (diff. environment)