Chlorophyta Flashcards
genus: Halimeda sp.
- known for large amounts of CaCO3
- can have a different green color
unicellular with 4 flagella
size variation of Chlorophyta: few microns up to meters
thallus form?
2 stages
1. unicellular with many chloropplast
2. motile quadriflagellate
colonial organization that form “coenobia”
motile coenobium
A coenobium (plural: coenobia) refers to a colony of cells that are structurally and functionally integrated and often enclosed in a common mucilaginous envelope or sheath.
unbranched filamentous
branched filamentous
here: Ulva
what are these? where are they found?
- the largest Chlorophyceaen cells
- in Valonia and Ventricaria
- large amount of nuclei
- siphonous thallus
- stay in rigid shape due to turgor pressure
Ventricaria belongs to order Bryopsidales
Valonia different ordder (Cladophorales)
what are these?
- the largest Chlorophyceaen cells
- in Valonia and Ventricaria
- large amount of nuclei
- stay in rigid shape due to turgor pressure
Ultrastructure of Chlorophyta
(picture here shows different types of chloroplasts)
- variations in number of flagella and chloroplasts
- number and shape of chloroplasts important for distinguishing
- uniflagellate Chlorophyta usually anterior flagella
- biflagellate often anterior, often posterior
- multiflag.: many options
what are the grey and the black areas?
- grey: chloroplasts in diff shapes
- black: pyrenoids
d) one chloro: simple structure but eflect
e) ribbon chloroplast
f) differenct chlor., not linear but angular, able to build a particular network
g) high number of small chloro. distributed in cell in disordered way
what is it? what’s the shape?
- is a model organism for Chlorophyta
- cup shaped chloroplast
- flagellated unicellular green alga
what’s the shapeof the chloroplast?
parietal girdl-shaped
(“parietal” refers to something that is related to or attached to a wall or surface. In the context of chloroplasts, “parietal” girdle-shaped structures would typically describe chloroplasts that are positioned or attached to the cell wall in a girdle-like manner)
what is it? what’s the shape?
what is it? what’s the shape?
- contains numerous chloroplasts within its cells
- The chloroplasts in Cladophora are usually disc-shaped or lobed
- can be densely packed within the cytoplasm of the cell
what is that?
- Grana = stacks of thylakoid membranes within chloroplasts
- Pseudograna = irregular or incomplete stacks of thylakoid membranes within chloroplasts. Unlike grana, pseudograna lack the well-defined, organized stacking of thylakoid membranes seen in typical grana structures
do Chlorophyta have light sensitive organelles?
- yes, eyespots
- usually elongated
- localized within chloroplast between thylakoids
- they appear red because the globules contain carotenoids
where is starch produced in Chlorophyta?
- in pyrenoids
is the pyrenoid well-defined separated by chloroplast?
- not really
what is the storage product of Chlorophyta? localized where?
orientation of this basal body of a flagellar apparatus in Chlorophyta
orientation of this basal body of a flagellar apparatus in Chlorophyta
orientation of this basal body of a flagellar apparatus in Chlorophyta
how many types of flagellar apparatus in Chlorophyta? based on what?
- 4 distinct types
- based on orientation of basal body