Ochrophyta - Phaeophycaceae Flashcards
difference between class Phaeophycaceae and other Ochrophyta-classes?
- Location of flagella (if present)
- laterally, and NOT (sub)apically
thalli in Laminariales and Fucales
- cortex = outermost layer of photosynthetic cells
- medulla = inner layer of non-pigmented cells
what does the cortex do?
- produce mucilages
- protects thallus from drying during emersion
order: Ectocarpales
- filamentous, uniseriate branched
Order: Dictyotales
- parenchymatous thalli
- regular dichotomous branching pattern
- thallus with 3 layers:
1) small cells containing many chloroplasts on each of two outer layers –> involved in PS
2) large pale cells, devoid of chloroplasts, with storage function, in the inner layer
Order: Dictyotales
order: Desmarestiales
- thalli depending on life cycle
- left +. right: microthalli
middle: macrothalli –> flattened, presence of blades, small blades attached
flattened acid kelps
- order: Desmarestiales
- cold temperate waters
- produce sulfuric acid as protection from herbivores
life cycle Laminariales
- macrothalli: Sporophyte
- large
- foliose
- parenchymatous
- highly differentiated - microthalli: gametophytic phase
Among Desmarestiales there is the species Desmarestia antarctica and two endemic genera of Antarctica: Himantothallus and Phaeurus. These two genera, moreover, are monospecific.
order: Laminariales
organization of sporophyte in Laminariales
organization of Laminariales sporophyte
- order: Laminariales
- organization of sporophyte
- right: trumpet hyphae
order: Laminariales
order: Laminariales
genus: Laminaria
order: Laminariales
genus: Dictyoneurum sp.
order: Laminariales
genus: Alaria
order: Laminariales
genus: Egregia sp
- stipe flattened and irregularly branched
- blade with outgrowths through most of the length
- outgrowths with diff. functions
1. pneumatocysts
2. sterile blades
3. small blades with sory (sporophylls)
order: Laminariales
genus: Alaria
order: Laminariales
genus: corda
order: Laminariales
Genus: Agarum
order: Laminariales
Genus: Agarum
order: Laminariales
Genus: Nereocystis
Nereocystis luetkeana
order: Laminariales
genus: Nereocystis
order: Laminariales
genus: Macrocystis (Giant kelp)
- sieve cells form a layer between cortex and medulla
- perforation by areas of plasmodesmata in transverse walls of young filaments –> resembles sieve tubes of phloem (higher plant)
- callose structures in cross walls of older filaments –> like older sieve plates of phloem (higher plants)
! evolutionary convergence !
what plant and what happens?
when in Giant kelp the blade splits, what happens?
order: Laminariales
genus: Macrocystis
order: Laminariales
genus: Undaria sp.
very competitive, able to substitute other species
able to live attached on wood
structure characterized by very large size
what about the thalli in adult and juvenile Undaria?
- thalli differ when juvenile and adult
- young: thallus flattened, blade irregular, presence of midrib
- when getting older: blade pinnaed
- corrugated (geriffelte) structure with sporophylls
temporal development dynamics of Undaria pinnatifida
undaria is considered an annual species
order: Fucales
order? genera?
order: Fucales
Genera: fucus
order: Fucales
Genera: fucus
gas vesicles in basal part of thallus
low motion of water (environment) allows that more gas vesicles develop
describe morphology
order: Fucales
Genera: fucus
they have typically:
1. stipe
2. blades
3. receptacles
4. apices
- Receptacles: specialized structures that bear reproductive organs known as conceptacles. These conceptacles contain reproductive cells (gametes or spores)
order: Fucales
Genera: Ascophyllum
order: Fucales
Genera: Sargassum
- some pelagic species “floating Sargassum”
- increase in summer periods due to
1. thalli-division
2. arrival of floating algae do to storms - it hosts biocenosises in the tangles of their organisms
what is Sargassum natans? S. fluitans?
- pelagic species of Sargassum
- currently considered separate species
- some rhodophyta living as epiphytes
order: Fucales
genera: Sargassum
species: muticum
long stipe with very short blades but very high amount of gas vesicles (yellowish)
Sargassum muticum
Sargassum muticum
- typical characteristics: many vesicles –> buoyancy
temporal development dynamics of Sargassum muticum
Phaeophyceae: Ecology and Use?
what zone is important for the vegetation of Fucales?
- intertidal zones of rocky coasts