Rhodococcus, Clostridium, Actinomyces, Dermatophilus Flashcards
C. novyi causes which disease in livestock?
Which tissue is affected?
Venous congestion or “black disease”
Liver and hepatic lymph
How are are animals infected by members of the genus Clostridium?
By wound infection or ingestion of endospores
What does C. difficile cause in companion animals?
Disruption of the normal intestinal microflora leading to diarrhea
What other measures can be used to control Rhodococcus equi infections?
Dust control
Remove foals from contaminated grounds or pasture
What disease patterns in large ruminants are caused by members of the genus Actinomyces?
Osteomyelitis (“lumpy jaw”
Which speices of Clostridium causes gas gangrene?
What else can it cause in companion animals?
C. perfringes
What disease patterns in pigs are caused by members of the genus Actinomyces?
Mastitis, pnuemonia, abortion, epidermitis
How are exotoxins produced by members of the genus Clostridium classified?
Histotoxic or neurotoxic exotoxins
What disease does Rhodococcus equi normally cause?
Foal pneumonia
Adult horses can also be affected
What disease pattern does C. botulinum cause?
Flaccid paralysis
C. chauvoei causes which disease in livestock?
How are Clostridium infections treated and controlled?
Antibiotics (penicillin or tetracycline)
Antitoxin (antisera or purified Ig)
Vaccination (cattle and horses)
C. haemolyticium causes which disease in livestock?
Which tissue is affected?
hemoglobinuria or “red water”
Liver and hepatic lymph
What disease patterns in horses are caused by members of the genus Actinomyces?
Bursitis (“poll evil” or “fistulous withers”)
What disease patterns in ruminants are caused by members of the genus Dermatophilus?
Rain scald, strawberry foot rot, lumpy wool