Rhodesia Zimbabwe Zambia Rhodes Flashcards
Song lyrics
You know I work all day toget you money to buy you things
A hard days night
Song lyrics
I deserve it
Work Rihanna
# 1 hit
Song lyrics
We dig dig dig dig in our mind
High ho
Woman Considered to be first computer programmer
“That brain of mine is something more then
Merely mortal as time with show
Bonus father
Ada Lovelace - only legitimate child
Father lord Byron
Not grace hopper - who is she ?
This student wrote in spite of everything I still believe people are really good at heart
Anne frank
Went into hiding ?
This poet author and actress wrote a bird that stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage
Maya Angelou
“And Ain’t I a woman
Look at me look at my arm …..
No man could head me
And ain’t I a woman”
Anti slavery activist sojourner truth
So jurn er
In 1800s people would wander in bogs and ponds collecting this creature used in medicine
Use in microsurgery
Staunch blood flow on very tiny vessels
Controls bleeding and helps with clotting
Raised in labs now
They drink listerine and gargle
In 1800s people would wander in bogs and ponds collecting this creature used in medicine
Knocker up usually elderly performed this service for people during the industrial revolution
Pea shooter short heavy stick bamboo pole
Human alarm clock
Wake people up
In thr fiddler on the roof this major character was a member of this profession which is nearly extinct in US although experiencing a slight revival due to popularity of local food movement
Tev e uh was a milk man or dairy man depending on translation
Lost his horse and has to pull his cart by hand
In twilight zone episode thr obsolete man burgess Meredith as a citizen of a futuristic totalitarian state was on trial for this thankfully not yet obsolete job
He was In 4 episodes and a movie
Historic transports
Decorated with an illustration of The montgolfier craft the smoking room aboard this could only be accessed via an airlock
mont gull fee A
The hidenberg
They were balloonists
Smoking room Had to be kept away from the flammable hydrogen
Ol duh vie gorge country
A 19 book recounts pickets charge and this thr history and legacy of thr 19th century’s most famous doomed assaults
The charge of the light brigade
Thr Gerald r ford one of these cost more than 13 B to hold and is more than 3 football fields long
Aircraft Carrier
Aare gorge
R uh
This baby name wqs no 2 for males or should we say there went in 2 and 2 into this name as god has commanded
This no 2 baby name on the list for fire wqs the no 1 name for Jane Austen in an 1815 novel
She has done double duty as a host of thr talk and this summer reality show
Julie Chen moon vez
Big brother
These brothers bought James a Bailey’s business in 1907
Bailey of Barnum and Bailey fame
Shirley temple sang about these in her soup, monkeys and rabbits loop thr loop
Animal crackers
Singing group without musical accompaniment
A capella
When it comes
To electricity in our homes aC in aC/dc stands for
Alternating current
Rectangular 9 volt batteries used to be called this kind for the newfangled components inside thr little radios they powered
Transistor batteries
In 1856 South Carolina Preston brooks used a cane to assault Charles sumner of Massachusetts in the capitols soon to be replaced old this chamber
No 7 baby name for girls in 22 this 3 letter palindromic name will be one of thr first called alphabetically when roll is taken
No 7 baby name for girls in 22 this 3 letter palindromic name will be one of thr first called alphabetically when roll is taken
What do I do?
Not fishermen
What do I do?
Haber dasher
Maker of mens hats
What do I do?
App uh culturist
Bee keepers
Because bees live in an apiary
What do I do?
Flu ologist
Cleans chimneys
Haha Links chains
What do I do?
Met trist
Root word meter
Countries not on metric system
Me ann (or in )mar
Metric system based on kings foot much more logical
What do I do?
Coal miner
Also type of ship that carries coal
What do I do?
War in er
Rabbit keeper
What do I do?
Terps suh core e in
Terp sick er e - one of 9 muses and goddess of dance
Thr 42 foot high statue of Athena in this state capital is the tallest indoor statue in the United States
Big replica of thr Parthenon in Nashville
Pluralize please
9 letters
Passers by
Named for an aerospace engineer it says if something can go wrong it will
Murphy’s law
Pluralize please
10 letters
After winning this Augusta Georgia tournament 4 times he wrote the encyclopedia Britannica entry on it
Arnold Palmer
Powhatan and Virginia governor both gave permission for this pair to marry
Pochantos and John Rolfe
Rahl ffff