Bhon Mo Excellet Retort - From The French Flashcards
Chemical symbol for helium
22 Grammy for best rap album for call me if you get lost
Tyler the creator
Liberty bell moved to this city and why
Prevent from falling to the British
The song “Auld Lang Syne” is a staple at New Year’s Eve (well, actually in the opening minutes of New Year’s Day). The words were written by this Scottish poet
Robbie Burns. The literal translation of “Auld Lang Syne” is “old long since”, but is better translated as “old times”. The sentiment of the song is “for old time’s sake”.
Roman deity who was the speedy messenger to the gods.
Mercury is the smallest of the planets in our solar system, and is the nearest to the Sun. Mercury orbits the sun relatively rapidly compared to the other planets, and this fact may have led to it being given the name “Mercury”,
There was a draper in London in the seventeenth century named this , and he gave his name to the lace fabric that he sold. The fabric in turn gave its name to the ornamental mat that we call the same name
NYU’s sports teams are known as the this ,
Also mascot
Violets - a reference to the violet and white colors that are worn in competition.
Since the 1980s, the school’s mascot has been a bobcat. “Bobcat” had been the familiar name given to NYU’s Bobst Library computerized catalog.
This is a seaport in Yemen that is located on the Gulf of same name by the eastern approach to the Red Sea.
Gulf of Aden
Aden has a long history of British rule, from 1838 until a very messy withdrawal in 1967. A native of Aden is known as an Adeni. Some believe that Cain and Abel are buried in the city.
This is the tissue that lines the inside of the eye, and is the tissue that is light-sensitive.
Also these are the (mainly) two types of cells in the retina that are sensitive to light,
namely rods and cones. Rods are cells that best function in very dim light and only provide black-and-white vision. Cones on the other hand function in brighter light and can perceive color.
She is the youngest daughter of Claire and Phil on the sitcom “Modern Family”. She is played by this talented young actress.
Alex Dunphy
Ariel Winter
This is a dance from central Europe, one that originated in Bohemia in the mid-1800s. It’s thought that “it ” comes from a Czech word meaning “little half”, reflecting the little half-steps included in the basic dance.
This is a chunk of grass and earth that is removed by a golf club immediately after striking the ball. “It” is derived from a Scottish word for a piece of turf or sod used as a roofing material.
This term “” comes from the Late Latin word “missa” meaning “dismissal”.
This word is used at the end of the Latin Mass in “Ite, missa est” which translates literally as “Go, it is the dismissal”.
Another name for carpool lane
In some parts of the country, one sees high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. Out here in California we refer to them as
The 6th century BC peloponnesian league wqs a collation of city states lee by this one big on the military
The Serengeti is a region in Africa located in these counties
The name “Serengeti” comes from the Maasai language and means “Endless Plains”.
northern Tanzania and southwest Kenya.
Les Paul was a guitarist, songwriter and inventor. When he was 33 years old, Paul was involved in a near-fatal car crash that left his right arm and elbow shattered. Surgeons offered him the choice of amputation or a rebuilding of the limb that would leave him unable to bend his elbow. He told them to set his arm at just under 90 degrees so that he could at least hold his guitar and perhaps play it.
was a guitarist, songwriter and inventor. When he was 33 years old, he was involved in a near-fatal car crash that left his right arm and elbow shattered. Surgeons offered him the choice of amputation or a rebuilding of the limb that would leave him unable to bend his elbow. He told them to set his arm at just under 90 degrees so that he could at least hold his guitar and perhaps play it.
Les Paul
The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) was a unit formed in WWI that is most notably associated with the Battle of Gallipoli.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
October birthstone :
Here is the “official” list of birthstones, by month, that we tend to use today:
January: Garnet
February: Amethyst
March: Bloodstone or Aquamarine
April: Diamond
May: Emerald
June: Pearl or Moonstone
July: Ruby
August: Sardonyx or Peridot
September: Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli
October: Opal or Pink Tourmaline
November: Topaz or Citrine
December: Turquoise or Zircon (also now, Tanzanite)
French destination that’s one of UNESCO’s “Great Spa Towns of Europe” :
Vichy is a spa town in the center of France, and people from Vichy are known as Vichyssois. After Paris was occupied by the Germans in WWII, Vichy was chosen as the seat of government for what was called the French State. The Vichy government had theoretical authority even in occupied France, and is remembered for its collaboration with the German authorities. Vichy was chosen as the new seat of government because of its relative proximity to Paris, and simply because the town had the largest hotel room capacity in the “free zone” of the country.
Element of the Vegas strip? :
The Neon Museum in Las Vegas opened in 1996 and features many old signs from the heyday of the Las Vegas Strip. Much of the museum is a “boneyard”, housing about 150 signs on 6 acres of land.
German engineer who designed and built the first practical automobile (1885) :
It is generally accepted that Karl Benz invented the internal combustion engine, although others were doing similar work around the same time. He certainly was awarded the first patent for an automobile, in 1886. His first automobile, the Patent-Motorwagen, couldn’t get up hills unaided so his wife Bertha Benz suggested the introduction of gears. Sure enough, the next model had two gears. Behind every successful man …
Some 1990s GM subcompacts :
Some models that you might remember are the Metro, the Prizm and the Storm
Geos were small vehicles manufactured by General Motors, mainly in the nineties. They were designed to compete head-to-head with the small imports that were gaining market share at the time in the US. Some Geo models that you might remember are the Metro, the Prizm and the Storm. The cars were actually built as joint-ventures with Japanese manufacturers. The Prizm was a GM/Toyota project, the Metro was GM/Suzuki, and the Storm was GM/Isuzu.
the name “” is Afrikaans for “earth pig”
The aardvark is the oddest looking of creatures, a nocturnal burrowing animal that is native to Africa. Even though it is sometimes called the African ant bear, the name “aardvark” is Afrikaans for “earth pig”. Aardvarks are noted, among other things, for their unique teeth. Their teeth have no enamel and wear away quite readily, but continuously regrow. The aardvark feeds mainly on ants and termites.
sits on Ghana’s coast and is a major seaport as well as the country’s capital city. The name “” comes from a local word “Nkran” meaning “this”,
ants - a name chosen because of the large number of anthills found in the area when the city was founded.
is a large gulf that forms part of the Atlantic Ocean on the west coast of Africa. One of the gulf’s claims to fame is that it is home to the intersecting point between zero degrees of latitude and zero degrees of longitude, i.e. where the Equator and Prime Meridian cross.
Gulf of Guinea